▪︎ CHAPTER 4 ▪︎ Buried Alive

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Why had she even proposed to Clay this incensed solution ?!

To every places they could have chosen to go— in everywhere in the whole world, their upcoming adventure had to take them to the place where she had a long time ago, lost everything dear to her heart. This place ? None other than the dangerous and feared Bergen Town where their worst ennemies, huge monster-like creatures still lived in deep sadness to this day, ready to devour them if they got a glimpse of their colorful hair in their old Troll Tree; their only way to ever taste happiness.

As Viva prepared her bag for the long journey ahead, she wondered if this was really for them the only way to feel hapiness... She knew Trolls were joyful creatures, but like any other they had to be allowed to feel sadness as well to know what real joy was like. She remembered how her father, King Peppy, had always wished for his people do be happy everyday and everynight. After the tragic events of the escape, Viva knew this was impossible... some Trolls had turned gray, and the only way they had recover their colors was by feeling the pain, and then slowly heal with the empathy and support of their friends. When understanding this, she had made it clear to everyone that sadness was no longer a taboo under her watch; even if it was harder for some Trolls to accept... perharps one of these trolls had blue skin and green messy hair.

Viva shoved what she couldnˋt fit in her backpack into her hair's safety. She had just finished to pack her things such as snacks, a water bottle, a hair brush and way much more... Now ready, she walked out of the Upside Down Icecream Cone, her cozy home. Was she really leaving this place now ? Her anxiety was a bit calmed down as she saw the troll she had choose to be in charge doing the morning tasks: if Mira had took 15 years she was still an amazing and natural leader. The kind lady had of course accepted to keep the village safe for her, and had rassured her the Putt Putt Trolls would behave under her watch while she was gone.

Because well, Viva had to come back.

There was no other possibility- she had to.

The Trolls needed their Princess.

The pink troll, rassured, walked through the village, taking the same path she had take the night before to meet with her best friend. When back in the village after she had found him last night in the cave, they had got the poor troll actual bandages and a doctor had gave him a sleep tranquillizer to help him get some needed rest without any nightmares... Unfortunately, these could get addictive and the doctor had said it was only for this night since he was in pain after he had bite into his tail and scratched his wrists till blood- they would heal naturally with the bandages around his wrists and tail.

That is... if he would stop scratching.

Even if he had been bleeding, Viva constantly kept an eye on him during the night so he would just stop doing this to himself. She had stayed with him until the melatonin filled his brain and he finally went to sleep. Her step this morning was then in a hurry to reach the admin building as fast as possible.. and it was without surprise that she saw him still trying to scratch the bandages off when she opened the door of his small house.

- 'morning, she said in a soft voice trying to hide her fear of not only him getting hurt, but leaving her home as well.

She advanced slowly to him to make him let go of his wrists;

- Look, I washed your wristbands last night...

She searched in her hair and found the two pieces of white and yellow colored wool, gently taking his hands to put them back where they belonged. Clay was quiet as she gently slipped them on, already knowing she would tell him to stop; on the bed next to him was his bag already ready to leave Hole Nˋ Fun, as if it was the first thing he did when his alarm clock had woke him up at 5 am. Like every single morning it did his job well.

- There, she showed him the clear wristbands, her thumbs caressing the fabric in a loving way, Better, isn't it ?

He didn't give the pink troll any reaction at first as his attention was fixed on the way she held him like a lifeline, as if he had fell in a river and she was keeping him above the water so he could breathe. She had to shake her hand in front of his distant expression to finally get his attention, away from the crazy waves and rapids. The blue and green troll blinked and proceeded to stare up at her like coming out of thick fog-filled nightmare to which only she was the key to leave for a few minutes. He nodded once, swallowing the lump in his throat harshly and raised his arms in front of his face to observe them closely, searching for any proof of his self-sabotaging actions:

- .... They won't see them, Clay commented after a few seconds, to which Viva frowned, T-Thanks Veev, he murmured.

He got up from his bed; Vivaˋs heart squeezed painfully inside of her rib cage with the way his legs were trembling. The effort of carrying an half dead body could have make him collapse any second... She almost ran up to him to offer him her support and wrap her arm under his; but Clay had already lifted his bag on his shoulder, taking in a large cup of oxygen, his tail was still and his paws, relaxed;

- L-Let's go then...

He opened the door, but stopped a few seconds;

- ... Did you bring your braiding kit ?

The pink troll giggled and took out of her hair the pink and yellow case;

- I literally go nowhere without it !

If it was autumn, the mornings were starting to feel like the month of November. The grass was covered in a light bed of tiny drops of ice that hadn't to fear the sun for a few more hours, at least not until the gray clouds painting the sky in watercolor would get out of the way. The two companions stepped out of the admin building, capes around their shoulders to keep them warm. Viva hoped this wouldn't affect their journey; to enter Bergen Town without being spotted, they had a specific plan.

Nettle was not only part of the sad book club; she had a gift with critters. She liked to befriend them as she had always been an amazing critternarian. Her house was carved into the flesh of the giant toad statue: quiet on their feet, Viva and Clay made their way to her location, and they were lucky that Nettle was an early, well, bird.

- Oh ! Well, Sasha can take you there, but I doubt that she will want to fly above this terrying place...

If you hadn't guessed by now, Sasha was a yellow and pink feathered bird with globular big black eyes, as well as a wonderful whistle that would make anyone smile. These type of birds were commonly called "Sunshine Jay" and even if they lived in herds of 3 or 4, they were very friendly creatures toward the Trolls as all they asked for was love and care, which was something trolls were literally build to give. If given the right amount, they would take you anywhere... with certain limits, of course.

Even if at their size, they were quite a predator, toward bergens, they had no defense mecanism except their wings to take them as far as possible from them. There was no guarantee of where Sasha would land and let Clay and Viva to travel by their own ways until they reached their destination. Nettle had no power over the decision of the critter-bird.

- If she can take us in the nearby forest, Clay interrupted, That'll be plenty.

Saddle was installed on the Jay's back with the help of Nettle. Clay was surprisingly in a hurry to leave, attaching his bag on the bird's side, not even securiting it -Viva did a second check for her friend-. When all was ready, Clay helped the princess climb at her seat before she helped him sit right in front of him for two reasons; he would be more safe since his wrists still pained him and second, he would get them to Bergen Town and show the way to Sasha who was whistling her innocence. Within a matter of few seconds after they were both sat down, Viva wrapped her arms around Clay's waist. He gave a little pat on Sasha's large beak and the bird opened her magenta wings in all of their splendour, reflecting the first rays of the sun as she took off the ground with grace. Nettle waved goodbye to both trolls and wished them a safe journey ahead.

▪︎ ▪︎

Bergen Town was not next door; it had took them months to find Hole N' Fun, fifteen years ago when they had no idea of what the outside world looked like. Back in the day they had illustrated maps of the entire forest that were now just becoming useful. Before them all they had ever known was their precious Troll Tree... Clay still remembered vividly the exact moments of the Bergens appearing in their life. It at been in the middle of the spring, long time ago, when there was more than just a Tree... there had been a huge forest around them, with the 5 huge trees forming their towns.

Clay was born in the East Tree, commonly known as the poor part of the Trolls' Trees. There used to live the Trolls who had less opportunities, less respect, less everything. As a child, it had never really been that obvious to him that his family was just pathetic low-class. Only when their parents had disappear so suddenly and Grandma Rosiepuff got custody of the five of them had he realized how much important little gems were to adults. Grandma had almost lost her pod by trying to save them from the child services- and that's when his older brother John Dory started the boyband, BroZone.

At first, it was the most fun activity in the whole world. To his juvenile perspective, singing and dancing with his brothers was, for a few years, what made him the happiest troll in the world. Spruce had been the heartthrob, the one that got everyone's attention on the band. Floyd, the sensitive one, had been a master with words since he learned how to hold a pen; he had wrote the most touching lyrics in their biggest hits along with their leader. Clay ? Like Viva did recognize his yellow banana hair years ago, he was known as the Fun Boy. Clay had in truth, never really be fond of his stage name. John Dory had to opt for it because Trolls would laugh at him, laugh at his choreographies he worked so hard on at night just so his siblings would reach the impossible perfection the oldest would himself never reach... the fans did not laugh with him.

Therefore, the solution that had been BroZone, had quickly turned into a nightmare. As John Dory became blinded by the fame and popularity of his band among the trolls, he was no longer the same: he had lead them to failure, and then left forever.

Clay hadn't understand how, but John Dory wasn't anymore the big brother he had once knew and loved so dearly.

After John and Spruce went away, Clay had stayed in the tree, not ready to travel by himself. He had stayed at the pod of an old friend of his of his previous sad book club, until the Great Escape. This night his left had changed forever, and he had convinced himself to move forward.

Turns out maybe moving one without grief wasn't the solution, right ? Because after all, our main character couldn't even believe he was going back. Keep in mind that he was prepared to see no John there; he mostly hoped to find Grandma Rosiepuff, Floyd... oh his heart squeezed at the thought of hugging his dear baby brother, Branch. And maybe they could go look for King Peppy and Viva's little sister, and find a way to make the Trolls finally escape !...

He had been feeling so sad but these thoughts managed to spark a light of hope inside of his mind. He felt Viva melting into his back- if people thought depression was a straight line, sometimes being with the people you loved could make you feel not necessarily better, but could pause the racing of your mind.

Sasha's feathers were tight into his hold as she suddenly changed her direction and peaked toward the ground like an arrow, sunlight falling in the horizon tracing their silhouettes. Clay let out a quiet gasp at the rush of adrenaline it provided his body, getting him out of his busy thoughts. Behind him, Viva held on into him so she wouldn't fall off their ride with a higher pitched screech. Their tails wrapped around each other.

The sunshine jay let out a few chirps as she ever so slowly opened her magenta wings, gracefully made her way toward the dead grass, tinted with a dull olive color. Her claws came with contact with it and she puffed out her feathers to appear bigger in front of the series of giant tunnel's entrances in front of them.

- ... That's it ? Clay blurted out, That's how far you can get us ? Seriously ?!

- Clayyy, Viva nudged him as she got off the critter's back, Remember what Nettle told us ! Sasha got us the farther she could, I understand your frustration but we can't force her...come on !

She offered her help so he would slid off her back as well to unpack their things. Clay sighed, murmuring an apology and a thank to the kind critter instead before starting to detach everything from her saddle: he discretely took some of Viva's charge so she had less to carry. Once they had everything in their backpacks, they turned toward the tunnels.

Each looked even more horrible than the other: all open wide like huge mouths filled with teeth, ready to eat them alive in one crunch. Sasha stayed at her spot as Viva and Clay took a dozen of careful steps in directions of their not so sure safe way to BergenTown: after all, two small and discret trolls were not as easy to spot compared to a whole village chanting their species' name out loud. They were safe as long as they stayed quiet like the shadows of the trees on the area.

- There's so many of them... Viva whispered to her companion as she stared in the long way to travel underground from the entrance, And none of these seems destroyed... I wonder if one of them could still lead us to Bergen Town ?...

Maybe, if they were lucky ? Of course, they didn't think these could have been the original tunnels that hadn't collapsed as they were hopeful to find back their families back. A bit similar to children hoping to find their wanted dream toys under the decorated tree in the morning of their young, nostalgic Christmas days. Clay blew on the dirt like the flame of the candle, chasing this vision away as his eyes scanned the way in:

- I don't know...

As he pronounced these words, a low but loud grumble was heard from no where in particular, seeming to be coming from everywhere at the same time. Scared, Sasha let out a chirp and, opening her wings, flew away in a cloud of dust.

- No- NO ! SASHA ! Clay yelled out as he attempted to hold her back, but it was too late as she was already far.

Viva joined Clay's side in a protective manner; Trolls weren't build to attack, but to defend themselves. The Trolls DNA had never been programmed to kill. If they were to get in a trap, all they knew how to do was to hold back the enemy until they found shelter with the help of their hair, only shield to the outside world. They searched for a potential threat, their gazes focused on the immobile vegetation; there was no sign of any danger. All clue they had was a voice suddendly coming from the same creature that had compose that grumble and scared their bird off:

- CHOOSE A HOLE WISELY..... ONE LEADS TO- uuhhh... I forgot.

The voiced seemed to trail off as if it had forgot what it was about to say. Clay's tail was angrily wagging as he kept searching for the source of it, keeping Viva close to him in a protective gesture in return, even though well... both were completely capable of defending themselves.

- WHO SAID THAT ?? He yelled back loudly.

He didn't get any answer until something patted his shoulder; both trolls shouted out of fear and turned around quickly, only to come face to face with... a cloud ?

As stupid as it sounded, that was the creature standing in front of them: made of white cotton-like material and blue limbs coming out of his fluff, the strange being was staring at them with a smirk planted on his expression. All he was wearing was a pair of white and orange striped socks, which to Viva had a strange reaction;

- Are those dad's ....?

- Who are you ?? Clay didn't wait any longer to ask the name of such a creature.

The cloud scratched its out-placed teeth, distracted, not even giving a look at both trolls as he knew he had nothing to be afraid of which such a peaceful kind. Clay was getting more and more annoyed by the minute, but yet had no idea how to express this impatience to the stranger. He raised an eyebrow, eventually dropping his arms as he took as a fact that this cloud wasn't there to attack him and his pink companion:

- ... and what do you want ? Viva completed the question for the green haired male, and they finally got an answer.

He looked at them, smiling like an idiot. He reached for one of their paws, shaking them both with energy. Clay had now just remembered reading about these creatures before; they usually lived in the sky, but it happened that some of them got too attached to life close to the ground and got left by their families on the surface. This one must have been one of those abandoned clouds, right ? It seemed logical to Clay as he analyzed the outer appearance of this quite funny looking character;

- Cloud Guy, he presented himself, I heard here you were searching for the way to BergenTown ? He asked.

Viva's tail started wagging in excitement as she jumped on the occasion. She almost ran out of her skin as she nodded with energy, pushing Clay out of her way between herself and the just found out named Cloud Guy.

- OH OH YES ! That's us ! Me and Clay ! We are looking for a way to get to BergenTown in safety ! Right Clay ?

The licensed CPA was staring at the so named "Cloud Guy" with some kind of disgust as his tail trailed on the dead grass, after all, who the fuck wears socks with no shoes ? Since he was not answering and obviously not in the mood for anyone's bullshit, Viva laughed it out and kept the conversation going:

- Uhh... That's unusual... ANYWAY ! YES ! We are searching a way to BergenTown ! She beamed, Do you know which way to go ??

The Cotton-like being seemed to admire Viva's overjoyed energy as he completely ignored Clay's judging gaze on him, he took Viva's paw in his hand, raising both eyebrows in a way that he wanted flirtatious. Clay felt his emotions burst in the bottom of his stomach like a volcano; what was this Cloud's deal ?? He didn't even knew Viva ! He hissed, forcing the cloud to move away from his partner:

- I do ! He raised his arms above his head in a defensive manner, I definitely do... So, you want to go through there ?

He pointed to no tunnels in particular, since he had let go of Viva's soft paw. Clay and her stared back and forth between the cloud and their way to the feared location. Then the male troll, noticing quickly that he was messing with them crossed his arms above his chest, raising an eyebrow:

- Yes, so which tunnel ? He spitted out in a venomous tone.

- ... One of these tunnels ? He completed once again.

Both him and Viva blinked once again. Cloud Guy was giving them the perfect representation of carefree happiness on his nose-less face. For long enough, the two men held gaze in hope—maybe this starting to be annoying cloud would finally lead them to the right tunnel if he just waited a big longer—

- ...Yes— Viva blurted out and made Clay jump slightly at the sudden interruption of dear friend silence.

- ...through that hole ?

- Yes !! The troll opened his arms wide as he yelled the obvious.

His tail was now obviously angrily hitting the air, making Cloud Guy notice the bandage wrapped around Clay's one. He just had to make sure again and—

- ... the one we're standing across fro–

- YES !! GAAH ! CAN WE JUST GO— Clay finally lost it.

He turned around and angrily stomped back toward the tunnels, ready to leave and find the way by his own just to get back to his baby brothers that probably needed him at the moment- surprisingly, the cloud turned into vapor and, following the wind transporting its molecules, reformed in front of the male troll, blocking the passage. The traveller got surprised at first, not expecting to see these needing-braces teeth again so quickly. Frustrated, he moved back again, almost tripping on Viva that had just joined his side once again. He was about to leave in another direction, but had to take a stop as he felt his best friend squeeze his paw, sending a slight pain into his wrist:

- He's the only guide we have !... she whispered to him, C'mon, let's give him a chance ! Trust me !

He knew damn well Viva was speaking facts; there was no one around here except this talking cloud critter. If they wanted to survive the rest of this trip, they would need to get the needed information out of his fluff by one way or another. He took in a deep breathe, releasing the tension in his body and calming down his bpm before he judged he was ready to handle this irritating creature:

- Listen— we aren't here to play, we really have to get through the right tunnel to get to BergenTown... our families are there, he gestured to himself and Viva, my baby brothers need me... please !

For some reason, the purple pearls of the cumulus sparkled like Christmas lights at the word "brothers". He gave an excited squeal:

- Okaaayy okay ! Calm down there mummy tail— he gave a look to his bandages, to which Clay gave a shocked expression, See first of all; these tunnels all mostly leads to a CERTAIN DEATH, DEATH, death... death... SECOND, You are a big brother ?? That's amazing ! I'm a big brother too !

That made Viva squeal so loudly birds flew off the trees. She clapped her hands, jumping on the spot on which she was standing with excitement, sending adrenaline shots in her blood. This time, Clay wasn't alone to get startled in surprise and confusion; what was she doing ? The pink troll noticed the consequences of her joy and she giggled, covering her mouth for a few seconds:

- Oh my gosh, I'm sorry ! It's just- I'm also a big sister ! We have so much in common !!

- In common you say ?...

Cloud Guy wasn't really used to others matching his energy. Caught off guard, he backed away ever so slowly before Viva lunched on him with a hug attack, Clay's blue eyes widened in surprised as she did so. Surprised by how tight the embrace was, the critter let out a complain as he attempted to snuggle out of the princess' tight hold. The cloud gave an awkward smile, patting her shoulder's back as he showed deep embarrassment. Clay had a feeling similar to fire crossing his body, something he never felt before as if he just wanted to squeeze that guy like a balloon to keep him away from the troll with golden hair. Seeing his expression, Cloud Guy used it as a key out of his strange situation;

- Heh...! This guy looks like he wants to kill me !! He gestured to Clay.

- HAHA ! Clay would never hurt anyone ! Viva ironically laughed, I'm pretty sure, in fact... that he would be so happy to be friends with such an adorable cloud !

The troll mentioned jaw's fell all the way down open in shock; seriously, he knew Viva was obviously positive and everything, but be friends with that cloud ?? He knew Viva meant well—At some point he had even gotten mad at a troll because they had told her she was ''too much'' and made her insecure about herself— but he just couldn't even grasp the idea of being friends with the cloud critter.

- WHAT ?! Viva wait—

But she turned quickly toward him and gave him a quick communicating blink; her partner in business immediately shut down. As he stared at the cloud's nervous shifting, he understood that this act was part of her plan, and joined along;

- Oh uh... YEAH ! Clay changed his emotion quickly, We could have a soft tacos later ! With uh... With our siblings ! Right Viva ?

- RIGHT !! She nodded rapidly, How's that Cloud Guy ?? OH ! And we could all have a braiding session ! She added, Your hair could look amazing ! She gestured to his cotton like material.

- Though we would have to add paint in it... OH WE COULD PRANK YOU ! Maybe drop permanent orange on him ? Clay added, nudging his friend's side

- OOH ! OR PERMANENT GREEN ! What an amazing prank !!

The word permanent and prank seemed to do its job well as Cloud Guy looked more and more terrified that the two friends weren't a single bit annoyed by him and instead wanted to be annoying to HIM. He backed away toward the tunnels, giving them more unsure expressions as they purposely followed him:

- HAHA, YEAH ! Cloud Guy joked, SEE, I rethought of this whole best friends things and uh... I don't think this will work between us ! IT'S NOT YOU GUYS ! It's uh- It's me ! I'm such a free spirit ! He gestured to himself.

- You may like to annoy Clay's baby brother then ! He lives in BergenTown ! Remember ?? Viva insisted, her plan was finally working.

- Uhh.... Yeah ! His name is Branch ! Clay completed.

Without knowing he had caused the biggest bully of history to choose his next victim, Clay and Viva had finally got what they wanted as the cloud took a step inside of the tunnel:


And just like that, the critter rushed inside of the tunnels. Knowing he would lead them to wanted destination, the two smiled widely at each other before following the cloud's trail. The darkness buried them alive, luckily they had their hair to light up the way. They had to run to not loose the cloud- a quick turn here and there- it felt like this race would never end ! It was when Clay was starting to wonder if the critter was not messing with them again that he stopped at a tunnel that seemed to lead to the light, staring at the exit.

- Bergen Town is up there, isn't it ? Viva guessed, out of breath.

Cloud Guy looked terrified at the idea of getting out there, which confused Clay; was he scared of the Trolls ? But then why didn't he run away from him and Viva first chance he had got ?

- It is... Cloud Guy clapped his hands together just once, WELL, Good luck out there ! Send me a postcard... IF YOU SURVIVE SURVIVE survive survive...

He disappeared in the shadows of a tunnel, leaving Clay and Viva dumbfounded. What did he meant by survive ?...

- ... Ready ? The girl offered him her hand.

Clay swallowed the lump in his throat and nodded, grabbing her paw and ignoring the pain that shouted through his wrist.

- ...Yeah, this way !

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