Chapter Eleven: Revelations

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Kaylira’s lightsaber was larger than most, but wasn’t a saberstaff. On the bottom it had a slit from which sprang a sharp blade with large teeth, tipped with violet coloring, which he presumed was to latch on to a vertical surface if the user was falling, or to stab somebody. It also had a handle that looked like one from a one-person speeder – it had a brace above it. The rear end looked like it could connect to another one of the same style and make. Luke then spied its mate on the table, its outer shell removed and inner workings exposed.

He then noticed that she hadn’t turned her lightsaber on. She remained in her defensive position, as if trying to scare him away with just the knowledge that she had a lightsaber, and, by the looks of it, knew how to use it.

“You have Jedi reflexes,” he said softly, and decided not to ask about the lightsaber yet. “A normal person wouldn’t have heard me.”

She stared at him, cornered. “I, um, I did have some training.”

“But who from? There are no other Jedi that I know of, save Masters Kenobi and Yoda, now passed.”

“They’re dead? I had no idea!” Then she sighed, having divulged that she knew of the Masters unintentionally. “I think it’s time I told you the truth, Luke Skywalker. I’ll start off with this.”

She put her lightsaber back on the table and took a small gadget out from her pocket. She placed in his hand. “But this… This is the spark plug! You had it all along?” His voice rose in disbelief.

“I’m sorry. It was insurance that you got to Cialone. My Master lives there.”

“Another Jedi, alive? Then why are you here and not with her, training?”

“I wasn’t finished. I wanted you to meet her, but I also wanted you people to get me back to her. I’m here because I’m in exile, and not her padawan any more. I’m not the Jedi I should be. I want more, and I know I shouldn’t, but I don’t want to go down your father’s path.”

Luke suddenly missed his father, but was curious about the reference to him as well. “You know of my father?”

She smiled sadly as if the conversation brought back old memories. “Everything. I might even know more than you do yourself.”


“My Master was the padawan of Anakin Skywalker.”

Kaylira watched as Luke’s eyes widened and as he sat down on the wooden floor. “I never knew,” he said simply.

“I know it’s a lot to take in,” she said. Some insane midichlorian in her brain made her sit down next to him and put a hand on his shoulder. He didn’t seem to mind the contact, but she was quite certain that her cheeks were a few shades rosier than they had been before. “There is more, a lot more, actually, but I think it’s best that we wait until my old Master can tell you about it.”

Luke looked up. “I want you to tell me now.” Speaking of ‘by now’, her cheeks were probably quite red by this point.

“No. I just need to see her again, and she’s the one to tell you about it.” She sighed. “I just wish that I could have finished my training before the will of the Force got your ship shot down onto Uluno.”

“I knew there was something different about you, Kaylira.”

“I prefer Kayl to Kaylira, Master Jedi. And your senses don’t fail you, nor do mine fail me,” she said, jokingly mysterious. He had no idea as to the powers she could tap into at a moment's notice.

“If I call you Kayli–”


“Oh, sorry. It’s just the name of one of my childhood friends from Tatooine.” He looked embarrassed, as if this ‘Kayli’ had been more than a friend. “If I can call you Kayl, then you call me Luke.”

But she only half-heard him. But how does he know my childhood nickname?

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