Chapter Seventeen: The End of the Triangle

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Kaylira snapped back to the present. “She’s your sister?”

“Yes. And you jumped to conclusions about her before I could explain anything about us.”

“I’m sorry, Luke, I… I didn’t know.” She sat down on the wood floor, not caring if it was wet, and laughed softly. “Wow.”


“I just never would have guessed that she was your sister. For the longest time I thought I was competing with someone over you, but it turns out it was never a game with winners.”

He nodded. “Yes. You both have a place in my life. She’s my family, and you’re… you’re something beyond that, Kayli.”

“Again with that nickname, huh?”

He suddenly blushed. “Oh, sorry. It’s…

“It’s okay, Luke. I can by Kayli to you if you want me to,” she said, wrapping her arms around him.

He kissed her gently. “All right…”


Leia walked up the slope, towards Kaylira’s hideout. After Kayl had run away, she had been overwhelmed with the urge to go find her. She still felt bad about earlier, and wanted to make it up to her. To tell her the truth.

Luke and Kaylira were walking down towards her, laughing and talking, surprising her. Then she noticed that they were holding hands. She smiled, and took off running back towards the Falcon.

“It’s official!” she yelled, running into the cockpit. “They were holding hands! I saw them!”

Chewbacca, who had been fixing some loose wires, dropped his tool. He roared something victoriously in Wookiee, and then began a little dance. He was basically running in a very small circle, waving his arms about, and occasionally beating his chest.

“Yeah, I heard her, scruffy! You win the bet, you don’t have to rub it in!” Han snapped, waving a screwdriver before disappearing under the dashboard again.

He said something else, which caused Han to get up so quickly he banged his head, and hard, and he yelped aloud. “YEOW! DAMMIT!” When he emerged he pointed an accusatory finger in the Wookiee’s direction. “We agreed on three credits, and you want five? Over my dead body!”

“Han, cool it!” Leia butted in. He looked down, ashamed. She was glad that after five years of reprimanding him, he hadn’t become immune to her scolding. He shot a dirty look at Chewie, then slunk back under the controls.

“What’s going on?” asked Luke, who came in the room, Kaylira a few steps behind him.

“Oh, nothing much. Just a bet that Han and Chewie were making into a big deal. They’re over it now.” The three of them shared a glance.

“Um, okay… anything we can help with?” Kaylira looked down at Han.

“No, no, ol’ Fuzzy and I got it.” Han made a failed attempt at looking like he had the situation under control.

She crossed her arms, unimpressed. “You know what? You look like you could use an AstroMech at the moment. How about you fix ours? Oh, yeah, that’s what you need me for. You can't fix him. Yeah, the two of you ‘have it’, all right.” Then she smiled and left the room, her golden hair, loose of its usual bun, flowing out behind her.

Well, it’s nice to have someone else going to all the trouble of bugging Han, Leia thought. I actually think I like her.

*Haha Leia the shipper and Han the scoundrel... I like this!* 

*Aaaaannnnd I have officially run out of pre-written chapters. I'll probably end up sticking with posting two or three a week if school chooses to be nice to me in terms of homework. Please comment and tell me what you think!*

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