Chapter 15 A New Family?

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Kate's pov

****Flashback a few hours ago****

"Are you sure your gonna be alright i worry about you." Braden gently places his hand on my cheek and kisses me and pulls away "I can assure you i'll be alright.dont worry ill be back in no time please take care of yourself." He sounds sad now and really worried.

I smile and kiss Braden again wrpaping my arms around his neck and stand up on my tippy toes "I love you." I whisper as a single tear falls and hits his hoodie "Love you too.bye Katie." Braden gives me one last kiss and i watch him leave as i hug myself and entered the house once i saw him drive away.

I locked the door and windows just in case since ill be alone for a few hours since Annie is coming to visit me after school.I began to walk over to the small liary we have as i like to call it and picked a random book so i headed upstairs and turned on the heater since its freezing.I opened the book and began to read while listening to Braden's songs i was listening to his sweet voice and sang along to his new upcoming song called The Distance That Took You Away.

*****End Flashback*****

I yawn and stretch and i just remember that i fell asleep i yawn once again and grab my glasses and place them on "Im so hungry." I say to myself and grabbed my warm socks and place them on my feet and began to walk pass a mirror when i saw something.

I rub my eyes and open them wide so i see better "Is that what i think it is?!" I swear im gonna have a panic attack or something i was wearing one of Braden's shirt and his warm pajama pants and i sloly lifted up my shirt to see better and im surprised by what i saw,its a bump.

"What the hell?" I question myself and i slowly touch it and i couldnt help but smile i still cant believe that im carrying Braden's kid im sure he'll look just like his father wait that doctor told me i should go and check on him whenever i want to seems like he liked me.

I grab my phone and dialed Annie and tell her that im coming to pick her up from school.ten minutes later i arrive and Annie gets in "Kate your still wearing your pajamas." She points out "Yeah i know,im not planning on getting rid of my warm clothes in a weather like this." I say and glance over to mthe right and saw a blonde hair woman.

"Annie dont look to your right." Annie was about to check but i hissed at her "What did i tell you?! Thats my mother." I whisper "Why are you whispering she cant hear us." I growl and hold onto the steerling wheel quite hard.

"I know but just in case." My breathe slowly beats back to normal and without her noticing we arrive on time to the hospital."He's taking forever." Annie whines and presses her ear to the door "Yes he's ith another patient." "I hate hospitlas and clinics so much."

A knock kn the door catches our attention "Who is it?!" Annie yells still on the door "Im the doctor.' "Doctor who?" I shake my head smiling a bit "You make to many references." She steps away from the door and in comes doctor Lee "Hello doctor Lee." I grin.

"Nice seeing you again Kate but just call me Chris." He pushes his glasses up and i can see Annie fangirling.Oh yes i forgot to tell you how he looks like he's i think in his early 30's,he has dark black hair with gray eyes and glasses and you can call him a nice laid back guy who cares for his patients "Hey doctor do you have a girlfriend." I shoot Annie a glare and she grins.

"Apparently i do i have a wife in fact." With that being said Annie fake cried "Okay so we'll check the baby out.hmm it looks like your baby is growing faster than usual." "Is that a good thing?" "Depends on the situation.Alright Kate you'll need some of these pills and i wanted to ask you something else." I look up at him and nod my head.

"I would like you to come to my house and have dinner." Thats weird "Sure i'd love to but what for." "Well i wanna tell you a few things in private first." "Alright." I say a bit unsure "Splended well lets continue." 

*******Later that day*******

Okay this time i did have to get changed if i didnt wanted to but life is rough"Okay this is the place." I look around the neighborhood and knocked on the door "Katherine you made it please do come in." I step inside and the house is relaly neat and a bit fancy.

I hear footsteps once i enyer the kitchen and see a girl with orange/yellow long hair with mittens,Chris here coughs so he gets her attention "Huh?" Her eyes landed on me and she smiled wide "So this is the famous Katherine! Please i just made this baked cookies have some." She wlaks closer and i grab two "Thanks umm?" 

"Oh my names Samantha but just call me Sam or Sarah either one if fine." she stumbled and the cookies almost fell i smile a little she is excited and clumsy "Cant believe i finally met you." She laughs and hugs me tight "Sarah please be careful she's pregant." 

"Pregnant but your so young." She gives me a symphatetic face "Did someone did this to you? i swear ill gonto the boy who did it!" He grits her teeth "No no its alright it was my mistake besides the boy who got me pregnant is my boyfriend."

"How old are you dear?" "Im uh im seventeen mam but im almost eighteen in a day." "Wait so tomorrows you birthday?!" She exclaims and Chris tries to calm her down "Excuse her she can be loud sometimes.she just love kids and cares a lot about them."

"Okay Katherine i called you to come here cause i have news." I look up at them and chew the spagetti they made and i swallow it "Yeah." "Katherine you have realized that i care about you a lot since you first arrived at the hospital and that im willing to help you in anything at all." 

"Yeah i have and it seems a bit-" "Creepy? yeah i thought youd day that." Sarah smiles and glances to her husband "The reason why im nice to you and all is because when you were born i was your doctor and you were so littlw i was afraid you werent going to make it but you did and that makes you special."  

My eyes begins to water my mother never told me that stoys about me "Since you were born your mother unfortunately didnt raise you at all,you had to stay in the hospital for a week and we told her to come in to pick you up but she arrived two weeks later and i stayed up all night to take carenof you cause your father was outnof country so he gave me his permission to take care of you."

"When you got older babysitted you until you were four and that was the last time i saw you and now that i saw your files i was surprised to see you again so i told Sarah cause thanks to you she met me also." Sarah nods her head and continues to listen too.

"What im also saying Katherine is that its been a blessing to see you once again and now a youngg lady and i know its all of the sudden but Sarah and I have been meaning to ask you this." "Alright what is it?" I sit up straight "We would like to adopt you Katherine as our daughter."

What these people have known me since i arrived to this world and they raised me more than my mom didno wonder i feel comfortable whenever im around him. I smile and i cry even more "Yes." i nod my head and they both stand up and i run and hug them tight "Thanks you Katie for also changing my life." We pull away and Sarah rests her hand on my shoulder and i look at Chris "By the way Katherine i have the results to see what your baby will be." he smiles.

(Whoa long chapter!! Btw did you like the idea i made of Kate having a new family i decided that she needed a happy family meanwhile she has her kid so leave a comment or vote for more remember that the end of this story is coming. 

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