Chapter 3 Falling In Love...

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Braden's pov 

 This girl is amazing i swear shes the most perfect girl ive ever laid eyes on,she makes me feel happy and i can feel the butterflies in my stomach as well.her black hair reminds me of the midnight sky and those eyes like crystals and her white pale skin like snow 'Am i really falling for her' i smiled to myself knowing that i do have a crush on the new girl i walked her all the day to her new home i placed my hands inside my pockets and watched her walk up to her front door she opened it and glanced over at me as she flashed me a smile and waved her hand goodbye i did the same and began to make my way towards my house..

 Looks like shes about to start school in two days and i learned that she hates her mother and she could never have friends because of her and when she was thirteen she began to dress differently and everyone bullied her in school and she had one friend way back her name was Chloe and she was just like her but she moved away long time ago,maybe i can find her and reunite them together. I walked all the way to my home and unlocked my door on the front door was my cat whos the only one who greets me home,i went to the kitchen and got him some food and placed it on Snow's little plate.i checked my twitter and no new messages so i decided to tweet something.

Met an amazing person today and hopefully we'll spend more time together I posted it and soon it was filled with comments some saying: Whos the lucky girl? and others saying Who's thats person name is it a girl?! 

 I chuckled to myself and went to my room and grabbed my guitar and notebook and began to write I know im just that boy who writes the loves songs ,but when i sing you make the harmony to go along and i promise ill try my best to keep our love alive. I gave out a sigh and leaned my head on the pillow and felt Snow on my stomach while i scratched his ears,I really havent felt this way since i was seventeen sure a lot of things happened i ran from my parents home and my girlfriend cheated on me a day before i left but with Kate i feel a whole lot different and hopefully she'll come on tour with me soon i spoke with my friends Bryan and Johnnie and i was going to make another video with them and ill tell Kate to come with me but itll be hard since her mother wont let her go anywhere besides school but ill figure something out. 


 Kate's pov 

 "You have your books? backpack,pencils?"mom kept rambling if i had my things ready and she was driving me nuts "Mom!" i finally got her attention "Im all set up so ill be leaving now bye" i was racing towards the door until her voice stopped me "Be back right after school" i just nodded my head and closed the door and grabbed my skateboard from the back of my bag and began to ride it down the sidewalk i saw a few kids also walking to school and i remembered of Braden i havent seen him for two days after school ill definitely pay him a visit. 

"Come on you stupid locker!" i growled at it since no one was in the schools hallway now since school ended and i was trying my best to hurry to Braden's house im not the one to store things in their lockers but today they gave me tons of books "Hey!! emo kid!" i grit my teeth and looked over to my left and saw a girl with fake tan,really short dress that you can clearly see her ass,always with the blonde hair and ton of makeup and the crappy attitude.

"What do you want you poser?!" "The only poser here i see is you emo freak just go back to your corner and kill yourself" i was about to kick her ass until 4 students stepped infront of me "Back off Lindsey dont do this again like you did to us you mess with her you are also messing us up" "Dont make me laugh i just want another one to die now" i furrowed my eyes and glanced up at the four guys "It was your fault that Chase died and we are still planning our revenge" a girl said this time "Oh i remember now that your brother also died right" the pink princess said smirking next thing i know is that the first was attacking the crazy bitch and the counselor came in.....

"HEY!!" everyone stopped and looked at him "Whats going on in here?! and arent you the new girl" i stayed silent and glanced at the other students "It was Lindsey she was about to beat the new kid" another guy said with black hair and green streaks on it. "Detention for all of you including you" What?! thats not fair!! "You all better be here on saturday" the man said leaving without another word spoken "Thanks guys for standing up for me" i smiled at the four guys "Your welcome,so whats your name new kid?" the guy with dark hair spoke while offering his hand to me "My names Kate" "Well nice to meet ya Kate" "So whats that girls problem?" "Oh shes the school whore she loves to take advantage of people and she made two of our past members kill themselves"

 "I-im so so sorry" "Dont worry we still have each other by the way my name is Nate" "Im Sam" the guy with green hair said "And im Annie nice to meet ya,you seem pretty cool also.say guys how about she joins us?!" she asked excited "Oh I dont know...just kidding of course your in!" "Really?awesome" i hugged each of them "Im sorry guys but ill have to see you tomorrow have a really important uh thing to do..see ya!!" i ran as fast as i could to Braden's house. I finally made it i was panting heavily and was about to knock on the door but it opened "Katie?" Braden raised an eyebrow and stared down at me with his cute smile "Hey you i finally arrived like i promised a few days ago" 

"Awesome i thought you forgot about me" he placed his hand on my shoulder leading me inside his house and i tried my best to not make myself look like an idiot "So you just came from school right?" Braden asked me i hummed in response as i followed him around his house "Whoa this house is huge and you live alone?" "Yeah i live by myself im actually planning on selling this place and maybe find a small house next to the woods to be closer to nature since its really expensive here and this place is just to big for me" 

"Aw but its nice here" i said checking around the place and the bedrooms "Hey no peeking" Braden warned me with a smile "So want something to drink coffee maybe?" i nodded my head and watched him go to the kitchen i glanced down at my feet and saw a brown cat "Hi there whats your name" i knelt down and looked at its collar.

 "Snow? thats a nice name" i scratched its ears and it left to find Braden i giggled and made my way to Braden room i think. I looked around and the room was pretty simple and comfy for just a guy i looked at a guitar nearby and a few papers scattered around the floor too,i began to pile them up on a table and sat down on his bed and looked at the window behind me "Its finally snowing then" i muttered and i heard the door open a bit "Looks like you didnt listen about not entering" i blushed and looked down "Couldnt help it" "Knew it,here" Braden handed me a mug and i took a sip of the warm coffee.

"Braden do you write songs?" i spoke making Braden look at me from his spot on his desktop "Yeah i do its actually what makes me keep going in life i feel that the reason im here is to make music" i frowned a little.does he really think hes just here for that? it really breaks my heart that he thinks like that a single tear fell and i think he noticed.

"Are you crying?" Braden came and sat right next to me "No no im just remembering something" i lied and quickly wiped my cheek and smiled at him "Im fine really im just happy that i finally found someone like me i havent had a friend since ages and thanks to you also i have friends now i met in school four kids and their awesome but i kinda have detention on saturday" "What did you even do Kate?" Braden asked laughing i shrugged and told him what happened "Well at least your slacking off" i laughed along with him and we spent an hour just talking and he promised that when i get out of detention he would show me something....

Finally i updated after months of disappearing from wattpad and not updating on any of my stories *sighs* but please vote or comment it would help me a lot to know if you liked this story or if i should continue :)

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