ᴸᵁᴵ ♧ ᴴᴱᴿ ᴬᴮᵁˢᴱ

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Y/n winced as she got out of bed, the fresh set of bruises she'd received the day before causing immense pain while reaching for a set of clothes to change into.

The strong smell of beer and the sound of drunk laughter was strong and could easily be traced back to the living room. No, not again, the female thought to herself.

The consumption of alcohol between her parents had significantly his
ever since she'd started blading, and spending more time practicing than around the house.

She exited her room and was immediantly spotted by her parents. "Hey pumpkin, you mind getting us some more 'special drinks from the refrigerator?" Her father asked as he pointed at the wall and burped loudly and in a vulgar manner.

Y/n tried her best to sound brave. "B-but there's no more in the fridge, and there's no money since I used it to pay for my arm injury."

Her mom stood up and staggered over to her daughter while growling. "Don't lie to us, you brat, you probably wasted it on buying something for that hothead of a friend you have!" She slapped Y/n exteenel hard. Her dad came over and kicked her in the stomach, and soon enough both parents joined in the violent actions.

The female on the ground remained unmotionless, as she was used to the pain. All she did was let tears flow down, silently agreeing she wouldn't take anymore of the pain.

Once they grew tired and nauseous, they retreated to an unknown place.
Y/n staggered to her feet and checked her phone, occasionally wiping the screen from the tears falling onto the screen. There was a message from her friend Lui.

Lui: Hey y/n.

Y/n: Lui..?

Lui: What's wrong?

Y/n: Nothing, what made you say that?

Lui: They did it again, didn't they?

Y/n: No..

Lui: I'm coming over.

Y/n: Okay

She set her phone down and walked outside to park right in front of her home.

And that's when she let it all out.

Y/n let out strangled sobs through shaky breaths as pain and fear washed over her like a tidal wave.

All of a sudden a pair of arms wrapped around her in comfort. "L-Lui?"

"I'm here, y/n. Do you want to talk it out?" He asked in a soothing tone as she ran a hand through her hair.

"It's the same thing over and over, Lui, and it hurts so much!"

The champion stared at the broken female. He'd always know she was a kind and sweet girl, she didn't deserve any of her torn life.

"Don't think about it anymore, you're just torturing yourself. You don't deserve this pain."

Y/n lifted herself up and smiled. She sniffed and wiped her nose, "Thanks Lui."

"You can always count on me, y/n."

Requested: lemonteadrops
A/N: it's kinda bad sry ;-;

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