Chapter Thirty Two

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Going back to school after Christmas break turns out to be more exciting than I anticipated. For some reason I woke up with an extra spring in my step and managed to clock in six hours of sleep leaving me more rejuvenated than I have been in a long time. It's not common for me to sleep more than four hours so I am going to ride this high for as long as I can and hope it lasts a while.

Ruby nips at my heels as we walk downstairs for breakfast. Our morning run this morning was short because I overslept but Ruby doesn't seem to mind. When we get to the kitchen I pour her some water and her food before joining the rest of the family in the dining room.

"Good morning family." I greet excitedly kissing my mom's cheek before settling down next to her.

"Morning darling. You are in a good mood this morning." Mom comments.

"That I am." I reply with a smile as I steal a piece of bacon away from Cairo's plate.

He pouts at me so I respond by sticking my tongue out at him but before he can throw a tantrum I replace it.

"Are you looking forward to your last semester in high school?" Parker asks me.

"Yes I am. I am a little worried about the championships coming up but we have come so far and worked too hard so it's going to be epic." I answer.

"You are going to do great darling and we will be right there cheering you on." Mom encourages.

"Thanks mom."

"Itineraries of the week?" Mom asks and I don't have anything coming up but Parker and Cairo do so all I have to do is sit and listen.

"That reminds me. Oak's birthday is coming up soon. What do you want the theme to be this year?" Mom asks Cairo moments later.

The little man looks lost in thought for a moment as he ponders what he wants his birthday to be about. Last year it was a spider man theme so he might want the same since he is still obsessed with his favorite superhero.

"Transformers." He declares excitedly.

"Wow, did not see that one coming but transformers it is." Mom concurs.

"Yay!" Cairo cheers out loud.

I give him a high five as my mind starts running a thousand miles a minute as I think of how to make Cairo's sixth birthday a day he will never forget. Now that I know what theme he wants then I know what to work with and I have a couple of awesome friends I can recruit into helping me.

"Maybe you can bring Kennedy that day so we can meet her." Mom suggests as we conclude breakfast.

At the mention of my girlfriend my heart warms up and I find myself smiling. "Maybe."

I still haven't told her about my family yet but I will real soon and maybe then extend the invitation.

"Are you protecting her from us or vice versa?" Mom asks.

"Neither, there's just a lot of uncharted territory between us. We are each other's firsts so I don't want us to rush into anything until we are sure." I answer.

"You are already in love with her, what more is there to figure out?" Mom inquires.

"A lot, you have no idea." I say pushing my chair back so I can leave the table before mom asks questions that will force me to lie to her.

We have a very open relationship but there are some things I do not tell her and I want to keep it that way to keep her from worrying too much about me.

"Okay then, I'll let it go for now but I would love to meet this girl soon." Mom decrees.

"Yes ma'am." I nod slugging my bag over my shoulder. "Now if you will all excuse me, I have to get to school."

"Why don't you take your new car? You still haven't driven it out of the compound." Parker suggests.

He is not wrong. I have been scared to drive the car out of our compound. I am a good driver but this is the most expensive thing I own and it's pretty new. I don't want to mess it up. Even on new year's, instead of driving it to Wesley's for the party I took Parkers car.

Mom notices the unsure look on my face so she gets up and puts her hand on my shoulder. "You will have to drive it sometime so why not start now. Our insurance coverage is pretty good and you are a great driver. It will be okay." She assures me.

Her words comfort me a little but I am still skeptical.

"Son, you are going to have to do it some time. You drive my car all the time so this is no different." Parker adds.

"Okay, I'll do it." I relent knowing they will not stop until I give in.

Mom smiles at me with a proud look on her face. "Good, drive safe."

"I will. Thanks mom."

"Anytime darling." She replies kissing my cheek.

I say goodbye to Parker and Cairo as well before I leave the dining room, grabbing my car keys from the lock box in the kitchen before entering the garage. My new wheels are parked in the same spot next to Parkers car.

Before doubt creeps in and I change my mind, I unlock it and slide behind the wheel tossing my backpack in the back seat. I start her and she purrs to life. A smile graces my lips as I put on my seatbelt and unlock the garage. Like I've done many times before with Parkers car I drive out of the garage, through our long driveway and for the first time out of our compound.

I cannot for the life of me stop smiling and I realize that I want to share this moment with my favorite person so instead of taking the usual route to school I find myself driving into the city. It does not take long for me to get to my destination.

I park in front of the historical mansion and retrieve my phone front my pocket. I dial the familiar number and she picks up immediately.

"Morning Berry."

"Hi baby." She chirps happily.

My breath hitches at the pet name. Kennedy has never used one on me before. She always calls me Iz which I don't mind but hearing such a delicate name coming from her makes my heart beat faster.

"Baby you there?" She calls out when I don't reply.

And there it is again.

I nod even though she cannot see me and clear my throat because it feels so clogged up with emotion. "Yes I'm here."

"What's up?"

"Where are you?" I ask her.

I should probably have called her before deciding to surprise her but I am hopeful that she is still at home. She is an early bird but I always manage to get to school before her.

"I'm still at home. Why? What's wrong?" She asks in a panicked tone.

"Nothing, calm down. I just thought I'd give you a ride to school today." I answer.

I hear her sigh in relief and I mentally scold myself for making her panic.

"That's nice but I don't want you going out of your way." She says.

"Too late." I say eyeing their mansion peeking out from the top of their high fence.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm already here." I inform her.

"Here as in my house?" She rushes out and I can tell she is looking through the window even though you cannot see the front gate from the house unless you are on the top floor which I'm sure she is not in.


I hear screaming followed by an excited yelp and the sound of Glynn's voice in the background asking her to be careful.

"I'm coming." She yells and the hangs up.

I laugh and pocket my phone getting out of the car and rounding to the passenger's side leaning on the door as I wait for my girl to come through their majestic gate. She does not waste time and comes rushing through the gates a few minutes later. She looks beautiful in black jeans, knee length boots, a beanie, the hoodie I gifted her and a denim jacket over it because it's still chilly out.

She sees me leaning against the car and makes a beeline for me, wrapping her arms around my neck. I pull her flush against me and kiss her deeply inhaling her intoxicating scent. A few of her unruly curls peek out from under her beanie so I tuck them behind her ear as I kiss her deeper.

"Hi." She rasps out breathlessly when we finally pull apart.

"Hi berry." I reply cupping her cold cheeks with my hands.

She leans into my hand and the contrast of our skin tones fascinates me. She is paler than normal but I know that's only because of the cold.

"This is a nice surprise." She comments.

"I know. Had to show off my new car." I reply.

She looks confused for a moment before she pulls away so she can see the car better.

"You didn't tell me you got a new car." She exclaims.

It's not as extravagant as her Audi but I love it and it's all mine. "I'm still coming to terms myself."

"It's gorgeous. I love the grey and it totally suits you. When did you get it?" She asks me.

"It was one of my Christmas presents from my parents." I answer.

"Awesome. Congratulations on the new car."

"Thank you." I grin at her before turning and opening the passenger side door for me. "Will you do me the honor of being my very first passenger?"

"It will be my pleasure." She replies before sliding into the seat.

I make sure she is comfortable before rounding the car and getting behind the wheel and driving off. Having Kennedy on the passenger seat next to me smiling at me has got to be one of the sexiest sights in existence. She has no idea but from now on, unless otherwise I will be picking her up from school every day and dropping her off at work or at home.

"Thank you for picking me up." She says.

I take her hand that is on her lap, link it with mine and bring it to my lips. "You are welcome."

"Any chance I can talk you into driving me to a Starbucks drive through. In my excitement to get to you, I missed my morning cup of coffee." She requests me.

"We have time so let's do that." I reply.

"Awesome, thank you." She grins happily.

Oh what I would do for the chance to keep that smile on her face for the rest of our lives.

Kennedy has changed my life for the better. With her I smile more, I am happier instead of just floating through the days with fake smiles and lots of pretense. Instead I am looking forward to each day as it comes because she is in it brightening my life.

There is still a nagging feeling the back of my head telling me that all this happiness is temporary but I am working hard to drown that voice out. There is more to my happiness than Kennedy being in my life but she is a huge part of it. It's a new year and I have lots to be happy and grateful for so damn that voice because I reject my past demons haunting me anymore. I am finally truly happy after years of struggling and I am not letting that feeling go.

We get to school in time after making sure that Kennedy is properly caffeinated. I park my car next to Baron's and I spot Wesley's as well meaning they have already arrived. Kennedy and I exit the car and walk inside the school hand in hand making a beeline for our lockers.

"Last first day bitches!!" The unmistakable voice of Wesley cheers behind us right before he slams into us.

Kennedy stumbles forward and I am quick to catch her before she falls. I am ready to tear Wesley a new one but he doesn't give me a chance as he takes Kennedy from my arms and picks her up making her squeal happily.

"I'm sorry for knocking into you princess, I'm just excited about our last semester." He apologizes.

"It's okay, I'm excited too." She replies being ever the understanding soul that she is.

He sets her down and we share our unique handshake just before we are joined by Baron and Kristie.

"Last first day bitches!!" Wesley repeats for the sake of our friends.

"That's what you said last semester." Baron retorts.

Wesley shrugs, his smile only growing wider. "Yes but we all know I'm not the brightest apple in the bunch but this time I am right. It is the last first day."

"Wes what did we say about all that negative talk?" Kennedy scolds.

"You're right princess. I'm sorry." He apologizes.

"It's okay."

Wesley is about to reply but he is interrupted by an announcement asking all students to gather in the indoor gymnasium for our first assembly of the semester.

"I hate sitting through those." Kristie laments.

"So do I." Baron agrees looping his hand around her shoulders and leading her towards the gymnasium.

Kennedy and I follow suit with Wesley right behind us talking my girlfriends ear off. Someone who is not used to Wesley's hyper self might think he is too much, sometimes he is even for me but for some reason Kennedy is always able to keep up. The girl is an angel.

We find empty seats where we can all sit together and unfortunately for us the assembly runs long. Our principal, Mr. Patterson keeps on and on until he is booed off the stage.

"Okay that's it for today. Have a great and productive semester everyone." He decrees and we all sigh in relief and get up to walk away.

"Thank God. Five more minutes and I would have gone crazy." Wesley dramatically proclaims.

"Me too." Kristie concurs.

I see Miss Bea whisper something in the principals ear a moment before he reaches for the microphone again. "Sorry, I forgot. Seniors please stay back." He requests earning him groans from every single senior.

Kennedy and I look at each other and smile.

"This is about your senior class trip discussion." Mr. Patterson expounds.

We all begrudgingly sit back down as we wait for the other classes to clear out.

"Where do you think they are sending us this year?" Baron asks the group.

"I have no idea but it's probably somewhere lame like they do every year. Last year's class went to Texas. No offense and I'm not saying it's not a great state but seriously it's all cow farms, cowboys and hay. What more is there to see?" Wesley retorts.

He is not wrong. Our school has some really lame senior class trips that's why neither of us are excited.

"I'm sure you're wishing you were at Oakland right about now." I whisper to Kennedy.

"Are you kidding? No. Sure the trips are awesome but they do not beat hanging out with you guys even if it means going to Texas." She replies.

"Says the girl who just came back from a weeks' vacation in Switzerland." I retort.

"I don't know why you are complaining when you got more souvenirs than anyone."

"I'm not, believe me." I grin.

Kennedy proves to be more and more amazing at every turn. I would have been pretty bummed if I were her seeing as a school like Oakland flies its students out of the country for their senior class trip but here she is happy as ever even though we will not be leaving the country. She never ceases to amaze me.

Mr. Patterson clears his throat on the microphone and we all fall silent. "Thank you for staying back seniors. I know you are all very excited about this year's trip. I know I am." He chuckles only to be met with silence and blank stares.

"Anyway this year you're all going to ... Chicago!" He announces excitedly but he is the only one as all the students start booing him again led by none other than Wesley.

"Guys it's a great place to visit. We can go to the Navy Pier and the Bean in Millennium Park. For the history and art lovers there's world-class museums such as the Art Institute, Field Museum, or Adler Planetarium." Mr. Patterson defends trying to sell Chicago to us but all that follows is more booing.

It gets to loud and I almost feel sorry for the man but even we can do better than Chicago. All of a sudden I see Kennedy raise her hand. We all turn to her confused and the booing stops as we wonder what she wants to ask.

"Yes Miss Foster." Mr. Patterson calls out to her.

"What if we can fund our own trip?" She asks standing up.

Oh no.

"I don't see how that's possible." Mr. Patterson replies.

"Well what if we can? Can we pick our own place to go like maybe ... Egypt?" She suggests.

"Egypt? Miss Foster that's a whole different continent." Mr. Patterson exclaims.

I look at Kennedy and try pulling her back down but she slaps my hand away.

"True but isn't that what the senior class trip is all about, seeing the world. Some of us are travelling across the country for college, a senior class trip to Chicago pales to that." She declares.

"I would like to see some pyramids." A random student yells.

"Yeah me too." Another one shouts and soon enough everyone is chanting out loud.

"Egypt!! Egypt!! Egypt!! Egypt!! Egypt!!"

"Okay enough!" Mr. Patterson bellows and we all fall silent. "It's a good idea Miss Foster but the school cannot afford to send the whole senior class to Egypt." He reasons.

"That's why I asked what if we can find the funds ourselves." Kennedy repeats.

Mr. Patterson looks frustrated but he makes a good point. Taking a whole class to Egypt will cost a fortune. Nobody other than me knows that Kennedy is an heiress but I know even she can't have enough to fund the whole class. Buying souvenirs for four friends is one thing but taking more than one hundred students to Egypt is a whole other thing.

She is not backing down though and Mr. Patterson can tell that because we all see the fight deflating from him. "Tell you what, if you can come up with money to fund a whole class trip to Egypt, we can go to Egypt."

The whole class cheers happily as if we've been told that we are going to Egypt but they don't even know where the funds are coming from.

"But if not, you're all going to Chicago." Mr. Patterson decrees which leads to more booing.

"That's enough. Class dismissed." He says and leaves the stage with the rest of the staff.

"That was brave princess, we'll go to Egypt one day don't worry." Wesley consoles Kennedy as we exit the gymnasium and head to our first class of the day.

"Yes we are for our senior class trip." Kennedy grins with a gleam in her eye that lets me know she has a plan.

"Didn't you hear him; we need to find our own funding to go to Egypt. That's thousands and thousands of dollars for the whole class. We can't make it happen." Kristie reminds her.

"Not with that attitude we won't." Kennedy grins.

"She's crazy, someone please tell her that she is crazy." Wesley pleads and they all turn to me.

I nod and hold her back as all our friends proceed with their walk to class.

"What are you planning to do?" I ask her.

She smiles and shrugs. "Be everyone's secret Santa."

"Christmas was over weeks ago." I remind her.

"Then the Easter bunny." She corrects her smile getting wider.

"Berry this is not funny." I tell her.

She looks confident but even I know that she is not in good standing with her parents. Astrid can't help her either so I have no idea what she is planning.

"I never said it was. Don't worry Iz, it's all under control." She says and leans up on her tiptoes to kiss my cheek. "Now let's go to class."

I sigh in defeat because it seems that she has made up her mind and there is no talking her out of it.

"Okay but let me know of there is anything I can do to help." I offer.

"I will." She replies.

"Okay then, let's go to class." I relent and take her hand so I can walk her to her first class.

I hope whatever she has planned works because it will be awesome to go to Egypt but at the same time I can't help but worry.

All in all, I hope it all works out.

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