12. The Choice

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we're all going up against the gods and we need all the help we can get, we've even got the Titans and Giants involved, I just need to know we have your support," she stated. I stood there shocked, my jaw hanging a little open. She wants me to betray all of my friends, she's nuts!

"No, I won't betray my friends and I won't betray Earth, I am the protectress of demigods, I will never betray them! I will never do that!" I screamed the last bit.
I stopped dead in my tracks staring at Chaos and the Olympian Gods, eyes wide

Bianca/Angel POV

I quickly ran back to the others, my face was still red from embarrassment.

"Is the daughter of Tartarus puffed?" Leo stated smirking.

"Oh someone finally thought to get you and Castor from the infirmary and no I'm not puffed I'm embarrassed because the Olympians saw my face because I was stupid and didn't knock," I told him, glaring at him.

"Wait all the Olympians saw you?" Luke questioned.

"Yeah, most didn't know who I was until Hades had to speak up," I told him rolling my eyes, "Don't worry, Chaos came up with some story about my rebirth and they all believed her," they all nodded.

"What did Chaos say about the prophecy?" Zoë asked.

"She wants to see us, so get changed and pack a bag I believe we will be going to Earth," they all nodded again and started to walk off. The only people that stayed was Ethan and Castor. I nodded towards my room and walked in, they followed me.

"I'm guessing you two had dreams as well?" I asked.

"Yeah, what are we going to do?" Castor asked.

"I feel like we should support them but at the same time I feel we should support the Gods," Ethan told us. I nodded.

"We have to choose a side because this is what the prophecy meant by defining choice, look I've already chosen, you don't have to choose the same as me," I told them.

"Bianca, we support you, we go where you go," they told me.

"Well go and pack, we're going back to Earth," I told them. They nodded and they left.


Hey guys. I'M ALIVE! Sorry it's taken so long, I've been in a writers slump. Anyway I've changed the story line a bit if you haven't noticed. Bianca, Castor and Ethan are the three closest in the group because they lived together after they were all adopted and I've also changed to prophecy a little because it was quite a terrible prophecy, so here it is.

"Hiding their faces they come,
To help all but one.
Come old and new foes,

From the place of lost hopes.
Two same but opposite shall reunite,
Only to be taken from those with no light.
One with intelligence,

Who has been ignorance,
Will ignore those who wish guidance

And fall to that of the opponent.
Half-bloods remain observant,
For your true enemy was once your equivalent"

Thanks for reading,

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