13. Hiding Their Faces They Come

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"Bianca, we support you, we go where you go," they told me.

"Well go and pack, we're going back to Earth," I told them. They nodded and they left.

Zoë/constellation POV

Once we all finished packing, we head towards Lady Chaos' office.

"I assume you have all guessed that I'm sending you to Earth," Chaos stated. We all nodded. "Well then, let's go," with that said she opened up a portal to Half-Blood Hill. We each put our hoods on as we walked through the portal.

Once we were all through we were face to face with the fourteen Olympians, yes fourteen, because after the giant war they announced Hades and Hestia as Olympians, and Camp Half-Blood.

"Lady Chaos, it's such a pleasure that you are back on Earth but so disappointing that it's under these circumstances," Zeus stated bowing.

"What's the bet Hera wrote him speech cards and he's hiding them," Percy lent over whispering in my ear. I giggled knowing it was true.

"Zeus I'd much prefer it if you didn't use the speech cards your wife so kindly wrote for you, I'd rather hear your own words," Chaos stated. We all laughed as Zeus went red in the face, while Hera face palmed.

"See Flame, That's what we call whipped," Luke stated loud enough for everyone to hear. In the corner of my eye I saw Bianca face palm.

"Yeah, he's as whipped as whipped cream!" Percy laughed along with them. I rolled my eyes I gave up trying to stop him from being stupid. In the crowd I could see Thalia Grace and Bianca's little brother, Nico, was it? Trying and failing not to laugh. Zeus went even redder.

"You should respect people who are more powerful than you are," Zeus stated glaring at Percy. I bit my lip trying to stop myself from laughing.

"I do respect people more powerful than me, you however are not worthy of my respect," Percy stated. The boys bursted out laughing. I just smiled, I saw Bianca shaking her head.

"Can you three try not to disrespect the Gods?" Chaos asked, glaring at the boys but what ruined her glare was the slight smile playing on her lips. "I'm extremely sorry, they don't have manners-"

"Or filters!" Silena shouted.

"Yes that too, but what Omega was saying was correct he -most of the time- respects people more powerful than him unless they give him a reason to do otherwise but you however are not more powerful or as powerful as him as he is a primordial as is Angel so I suggest you give them a little more respect," Chaos stated. The Gods and campers stared at Percy.

"What is he the primordial of?" Hermes asked, looking over him.

"Currents and tides mainly," Percy stated

"What did you say your name was?" Hestia asked.

"Never did say my name actually, Lady Chaos did, but Lady Hestia, my name is Omega," Percy bowed to her. Zeus looked enraged. All I could do was smile at that.

"Who did you say was the other primordial was in this group?" Hades asked.

"I am, I'm Angel the leader of the Chaos Army," Angel stated stepping forward.

"Don't look like much," Ares stated "What are you the primordial of?"

"Death and shadows, Chaos also appointed me as the protectress of demigods," Angel stated.

"And who do you protect us from?" There in all her apparent 'glory' was Annabeth Chase.

"Yourselves normally but right now my parents," Angel stated. Hera narrowed in on that.

"Your parents? Who are your parents?"

"Thought that would be obvious," Bianca stated rolling her eyes. "I'm the daughter of Nyx and Tartarus, you got a problem with that?"

"I should mention right now everyone in my army is a child of a primordial, some of those primordials you won't like but I assure you they are all true and won't betray you," Chaos stated.

"Really, I would like names and parents," Zeus stated.

"Sure, you already know me so Alpha," Bianca turned to look at her boyfriend.

"I'm Alpha, son of Herma," Luke said.

"I'm Dove, daughter of Eros," Silena stated, smiling kindly.

"I'm Flame, son of the best Primordial, Aether!" Leo exclaimed.

"I'm Forge and unfortunately I'm his brother, the son of Aether," Beckendorf stated. Leo looked extremely offended about that.

"I'm Moonlace, daughter of Nesoi," Calypso said softly.

"Moon, daughter of Ourea," Phoebe rolled her eyes

"Constellation, daughter of Chronos, the primordial not the titan," I stated.

"Omega, but you already knew that, son of Pontus and Thalassa," Percy mocked a bow. Zeus glared at my boyfriend, obviously not liking him.

"Arrow and,"


"Sons of Uranus," Lee and Michael stated. That sent off some sort of alarm through the camp. Campers whispered to each other, the Gods studied the two boys but none said anything, it probably had something to do with Chaos glaring at them.

"Revenge, son of Erebus," Ethan stated. More whispering from the campers and more studying from the Gods.

"Vine, son of," Castor stopped talking, taking a deep breath, he knew what his mother did to this camp, he would be seen as the enemy straight away, "Son of Gaia,".

The entire camp went silent, the Gods studied Castor the most. That's of course when protests started all the campers yelling. Most were yelling "We don't want their help!" But it quieted down when Annabeth rose her hand.

"We don't want or need their help," Annabeth stated looking over at Zeus. "We don't want help that could turn on us as quickly as I can click my fingers,"

"You're judging us on who our parents are, not who we are, I might add now that none of us have seen our parents in a really long time and Vine, he never supported his mother's choices but he couldn't stop her either, it's like I had no control of what happened to you in my father's realm and if you think about we are all children, grandchildren, even great grandchildren of the enemies so how do we know to trust you," Bianca stated. Everyone was quiet, thinking about what the primordial of death said. "Now tell me, what do the Gods do with traitors?"

"We hold a council meeting and we have a trial on them and decide on what is the best action," Hera stated.

"We don't even get a trial, we just get killed or made to watch our friends get killed, helping you is treason in my parents eyes, but I will still help you, even if it will get me killed," the campers were quiet, the Gods studied each and everyone of us.

"Right then, I assume everything is settled and my warriors will stay here?" Chaos asked.

"Yes Lady Chaos but where?" Athena asked. Chaos simply clicked her fingers and a cabin as dark as night appeared with all the rest.

"There should do," Chaos stated and she then vanished. We all looked at each other, of course that's when Leo did something stupid.

"Last one to the cabin is planet Zilocks!" Leo shouted and all the boys ran off towards the cabin.

"Flame!" Calypso shouted and ran after her boyfriend to scold him. Annabeth raised her eyebrow at Bianca.

"Maybe you're not as different as I first thought and what the Hades is Zilocks?" Annabeth asked.

"Please don't curse my name!" Hades shouted.

"Zilocks is a dead planet," Bianca explained.

"Omega! That's cheating!"

"Well we best be going, it was a pleasure meeting you, Lady Angel," Zeus stated, bowing slightly. After that all the Gods flashed away.

"Right Campers, back to whatever you were doing," Chiron shouted. All the campers dispersed away. "Miss Angel, may I talk to you in private,"


Sorry about not updating, I have no excuse either. I'm sorry.
Anyway stay fangirling or fanboying,

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