18 - An Arrow and the Moon

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"Okay lets test this theory before we act on it or tell anyone about it?" Thalia stated, looking over at me. I nodded my head. Maybe Angel is Nico's sister...

"How are we going to test it?" Nico asked looking over at his girlfriend.

"We simply say things and see how they react," Thalia shrugged.

"Like what?" I asked. What have I gotten myself into?

"Say something that you know will have an affect on the person you believe it is," Thalia explained.


Phoebe/Moon POV

I stared at Bianca. No way did she do that. She lied to the rebels of the camp to get their trust?

"You lied to them to gain their trust?" I voiced my question.

"When you say it that way.." The black haired girl trailed off, looking down.

"You also gave them an indication of who we are!" Percy exclaimed.

"So?" Silena asked, "Why do you care if the rebels know who we are? They are you're supporters and they get treated badly because of it," 

"Silena, you won't understand," Percy grumbled sitting down next to Zoe who gave him a look of concern. I know what you are thinking; Zoe Nightshade, the former daughter of Atlas, former lieutenant of Artemis, the daughter of the primordial God Chronos, not to mention a once man hater, has a look of concern for a boy. Percy Jackson brings out a side of Zoe I have never seen until they started dating.

"Well I hope you don't mind but I have already told Clarisse who I am, I didn't know about your plan Bianca but she will know more than the others," Silena stated.

"Wait! You didn't tell her about all of us?" Luke questioned the daughter of Eros.

"No, but with the information Angel told them, it won't take a child of Athena to figure it out and Clarisse is smart," Silena stated rolling her eyes as her image started to morph into one I've never seen on her. She started pulling at her now honey colored hair tying it into a ponytail. "I forgot how hot a New York summer was," She grumbled as she headed toward the door.

"Where are you going?" Calypso questioned. 

"For a walk," Silena called over her shoulder. You could basically hear her hazel eyes rolling as she said that. "I'll see y'all at lunch," She waved at us as she left.

"Did she just walked out of here without her hood?" Lee appeared next to me, throwing an arm around my shoulders.

"Yes and where were you?" I questioned him. Shrugging his arm off, I turn to glare at him.

"I was in the bathroom, do you need to know what I was doing in there Princess?" Lee gave me a smirk that I could only describe as an Apollo smirk. I blushed.

"No. But it be helpful you to do your private business when we are not in a meeting," I glared at him. I can't stand the two former Apollo boys. They drive me insane. 

"When you gotta go you gotta go," I groaned, huffing I turned around.

"You're lucky Silena isn't here because she would say to just kiss already," Ethan laughed. I glared at Erebus' son as he continued to laugh.

"Shut up you idiot boy," I glared at him. He just took one look at me and started to laugh again. I groaned, grabbing my hood I headed toward the door. "Come on Lee, I need to shoot something," I grumbled. 


"Come on Lee I need to shoot something," Phoebe grumbled walking out the door. My eyes widened, I looked over to my brother.

"I don't think she meant you, go!" Michael told me. (A/N I will love anyone who will get this reference) I nodded my head and ran after the somewhat angry former hunter of Artemis.

"Why not get Constellation or Angel to come with you?" I questioned when I finally caught up with her.

"I've learned to read when they want to be with their boyfriends and when they want to be with friends and they want to be with their boyfriends," She sighed as we arrived at the archery range.

"Just to be clear I'm not going to become a target right?" I joked.

"Hmm, I don't know, let's see how much you piss me off first," She laughed. I really don't know if she was joking or not so I just laughed awkwardly with her. "Relax, I'm joking," I sighed in relief, "Maybe," At that said she walked over to a target.

"What have I gotten myself into," I whispered to myself.

"With her or coming to help us?" Someone questioned behind me. I turned to see a boy with shaggy blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

"A little bit of both," I joked.

"I'm not sure if I should be offended or not?" He laughed, "I'm Will by the way," My eyes widened. This is Will! No way this is my little brother who's best friend was a medical book.

"Arrow," I smiled.

"The son of Uranus?" He questioned 

"Yep! The one and not so only," I joked. "That's Moon, she's pissed and she hates guys so don't go and bother her," I advised.

"So like the Hunters?" 

"Exactly like the Hunters," I told him,

"Why are you hanging out with her then? If I'm not mistaken, you're a guy,"

"Because the other two girls who like archery are busy with their boyfriends," I explained

"Arrow!" I winced at her yell.

"I'm getting summoned, all I hope is that I don't end up becoming the target," I told my baby brother even though he has no clue that he is my brother.

"Good luck and don't worry, I've done archery the some of the big three kids, the sad thing is that they don't even aim for you," He laughed.

"Sounds like Omega-"

"Arrow! For Chaos' sake hurry up!" Phoebe yelled.

"I'm coming!" I called back, "I'll see you around," I told Will.

"Defiantly," Will agree before I turned around to face the angry girl, who seemed to calm down after shooting the target a couple of times.

"What took you so long?" She questioned as she took aim at the target, each arrow went straight through the one that was already in the center.

"I was talking to a son of Apollo," I told her, taking aim at my own target before letting the arrow loose, I watched as it hit the bullseye. In the corner of my eye I saw her eyebrow raise in question before concentrating on destroying another arrow.

"Really? Did you know him?"

"Yeah, he was really young the last time I saw him, I didn't recognize him until he told me his name," I sighed.

"That's the price of immortality," Phoebe sighed lowering her bow. I looked over at her, lowering mine as well.

"What'd ya mean?" I asked frowning slightly.

"I had a family you know, before being a hunter and all, I was immortal for well over four hundred years, I only ever saw one member of my family after I joined the hunt, it was fifty years later, you barely notice how fast time goes when you don't age, I saw my baby cousin she was five when I left, I saw her again, I didn't recognize her but she recognized me, I almost didn't believe her when she told me who she was," Phoebe looked down. "When you're immortal you learn not to get attached to things that aren't. The gods know this, that's why they don't pay attention to the children," Phoebe noticed my confused face and sighed "Think about it this way, every month on chaos is a year here, right?" I nodded my head, "Four years on chaos is forty-eight years here, there's a reason time goes slow on chaos and it's because that's how fast time is for immortals, we have no concept of time because it doesn't stop us. That's something every immortal learns over time," Phoebe explained. My head hurt, I think it might explode. She was right though. I didn't even realize how much time had gone by since I died. That's when the horn sounded for lunch.

"Food," I yelled before turning around and running toward the dinning pavilion.

"Really?!" Phoebe yelled after me. 


Yes this is really late and I'm sorry about that, I didn't realize how much work school would give you on the first week back at school. Anyway I hope it enjoyed this chapter.

LilydaughterofHecate Signing out

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