19- Brothers United

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"I had a family you know, before being a hunter and all, I was immortal for well over four hundred years, I only ever saw one member of my family after I joined the hunt, it was fifty years later, you barely notice how fast time goes when you don't age, I saw my baby cousin she was five when I left, I saw her again, I didn't recognize her but she recognized me, I almost didn't believe her when she told me who she was," Phoebe looked down. "When you're immortal you learn not to get attached to things that aren't. The gods know this, that's why they don't pay attention to the children," Phoebe noticed my confused face and sighed "Think about it this way, every month on chaos is a year here, right?" I nodded my head, "Four years on chaos is forty-eight years here, there's a reason time goes slow on chaos and it's because that's how fast time is for immortals, we have no concept of time because it doesn't stop us. That's something every immortal learns over time," Phoebe explained. My head hurt, I think it might explode. She was right though. I didn't even realize how much time had gone by since I died. That's when the horn sounded for lunch.

"Food," I yelled before turning around and running toward the dinning pavilion.

"Really?!" Phoebe yelled after me. 


At lunch I noticed a strange thing the 'rebels' sat at the Hades table together not with their half siblings. It was quite confusing, especially when Chiron didn't care whatsoever.

"May I ask why you're seating arrangement is allowed?" I heard Percy ask. He was leaning back talking to one of the rebels, a girl. I didn't recognize her so I'm assuming she was came after I died and the fact that she obviously knew Percy meaning she came before he left. Her brown hair was choppy with feathers braided into it. Her kaleidoscopic eyes held a mischievous look in them, I'm assuming she is a daughter of Hermes.

"Well you see when we stated that we were on Percy's side, everyone in the camp hated us, most of us were once head councilors but after that we were demoted in our cabins, Thalia over there got kicked out of the hunt for it. Anyway when we sat at the tables it could turn violent, so we all sat here with Nico at the Hades table, Chiron didn't mind much, he didn't need more deaths I guess," The girl explained.

"I'm sorry but we never got you're name," Silena cut in.

"I'm Piper, daughter of Aphrodite. May I asked why you're the only one without a hood on?" Piper asked looking over a Silena curiously . I looked at her slightly shocked, I did not she that coming.

"As a child of love I can change my appearance so I have no use for a out of fashion hood to hide my face," Silena explained.

"You're Dove right, Eros' daughter?" Piper asked Silena nodded. Piper opened her mouth to say more but Thalia got cut off.

"Great thanks Clarisse, now I have to go and change my damn t-shirt," Thalia groaned. I saw that Clarisse had poured her drink down Thalia's Hoover Dam T-shirt. That's when I hard laughing I looked over at Grover who was laughing so hard he fell off his seat. I glance over at Percy who seemed to be choking as Zoe shook her head at her boyfriend.

"See Omega this is what happens when you inhale your food you Choke," Zoe laughed.

"I didn't Omega could choke on his food, I thought he had grown an intolerance to it," Alpha joked.

"Shut up all of you," Omega groaned. I knew was trying not to laugh with Grover at what Thalia said. Even though it wasn't that funny. I glanced over at Thalia, who was looking at the exchange between Percy and Zoe. That's when our eyes locked. I gave her a smile and waved my hand, her shirt dried. I gave her a nod before turning back to the group that were apparently immortal warriors.

"Is Pollex skipping a meal again?" Nico spoke up. That caught my ears but I didn't let it show.

"He hasn't eaten in three days again, Piper will you charmspeak him into eating again? He's actually going to kill himself this time?" Will questioned

"Who's Pollex?" I yawned. I wanted to know what was wrong with my brother.

"Dionysus' son, he is depressed and has been since the battle of the labyrinth when his twin brother died," Will told him.

"Oh, maybe I could help? I've had some depression in the past?" Will looked at me disbelievingly.

"Immortals can get depression?" Will questioned.

"Yeah, the amount of time we've had to stop Vine jumping into the Styx would give some nightmares, right Angel?" Ethan asked looking over at Bianca. I took her awhile to realize someone was talking to her.

"What?" She asked as she looked up from her plate.

"Vine jumping into the Styx?" Ethan asked.

"He never actually got as far as the bay," Angel rolled her eyes looking back down.

"Well we're not going to hear anything from Angel in this lovely conversation," Ethan rolled his eyes. "If we're talking about moody and depressed immortals, Angel will be your best example," Angel looked over at him and glared.

"I heard that," she hissed. Alpha also glared at him.

"I'm just going to shut up," Ethan stated and started eating faster.

"Anyway," Will drew the attention back to him, "Why should we trust you?"

"Look I'm just trying to find your trust, I know what my mother did to you guys and I'm sorry but I'm not my mother and you guy are going to have to realize that,"

"Look thanks for your offer-"

"Here its Pollex's food, this is your chance," Nico smirked handing over a plate of food. Will looked slightly annoyed. I nodded my head. I stood up and exited the pavilion heading toward my old cabin a smile on my face. I'm going to see my brother.


I stared at cabin 12, the vines growing up the walls obviously hadn't been getting much care at all. I walked up the to the door knocking on it.

"Go away Will!" Was what I heard from inside. I sighed and opened the door.

"Good thing I'm not Will," I stated pulling my hood off in the process. Pollex looked up from his pillow.

"Castor?" He asked.

"Hey brother," I smiled.

"But how?"

"Its a long story? You want to hear it?" my brother nodded his head.


Will POV

As Piper and I headed toward Cabin 12 we heard laughter. I looked over at Piper, who looked as shocked as I did. We ran to the door and knocked. a 'Come in' was heard and we walked in.

"I'm not sure which one of you are in idiots, weather it be Flame for coming up with the idea or you for agreeing?" Pollex laughed.

"I think we're both idiots for that one, Flame more than me, we spent the entire time in the infirmary that day," Vine laughed along with him.

"What's going on here?" Piper asked.

"Oh hey guys! Vine was just telling me about his time on Chaos," Pollex explained smiling the entire time.

"Okay, cool," I smiled. I looked over at Piper who shrugged.

"Anyway I better get going," Vine smiled standing up, "See you at dinner Pollex," I looked over at the son of Dionysus shocked.

"What? Aren't I allowed to be friends with him?" Pollex asked.

"No, its just. I'm happy for you man," I smiled at him.

"I'm going to have a shower then going to get some training done," Pollex stated going to his bathroom, leaving Piper and I standing in his cabin dumbfounded.

"Come on lets go," Piper stated dragging me out of the cabin.

Pollex POV

I heard the cabin door shut as I turned the water on. I looked down at my hands. I'm glad no one noticed what I took from Castor. I looked down at the knife. I stepped into the shower fully clothed and held the knife above my heart. I took a deep breathe before I plunged it into my chest. I fell to the shower floor. I'm going to be with Castor again. I don't care if I have to be a child of Gaia to do it.

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