20 - The New Warrior

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I heard the cabin door shut as I turned the water on. I looked down at my hands. I'm glad no one noticed what I took from Castor. I looked down at the knife. I stepped into the shower fully clothed and held the knife above my heart. I took a deep breathe before I plunged it into my chest. I fell to the shower floor. I'm going to be with Castor again. I don't care if I have to be a child of Gaia to do it.  

Pollux POV

I stared at the woman in front of me. Her mud brown hair was rolling down her back, her  green dress was long, touching the floor where she stood. She had an amused look on her face, even though her eyes were closed.

"So you're Castor's twin? You look older, I can make you the same age as him again if you'd like?" I looked at her shocked, "I'm only doing this as a favour to my son, I promised him that if you every die by any means, I  will adopt you and I am keeping my promise and I will not hold you here and force you to be on my side as you will betray us," I swallowed. "Well do accept my adoption?"

"I do," I said weakly. That's when I felt an intense pain throughout my entire body. "What is happening?" I groaned as I fell to the floor, I could no longer hold my own weight with my legs.

"I'm burning your mortal side off you and changing your DNA from Dionysus to mine," The goddess of the earth stated. Shortly after the pain subsided. 

"Am I done now?" Gaia looked at me. She looked impressed. 

"You didn't faint or throw up and yes you are done, I suggest you back you way to see Chaos, please tell her that you are already Immortal," with that said my mother disappeared.

"How in Hades name do I get to Chaos?" I groaned.

"You don't need to curse on gods to get to me , that's for sure," I eyes widened as I jumped from surprised.

"You're already Immortal I see," The woman behind me stated. I nodded numbly. The woman was beautiful, she was paled skinned, her eyes shined with so many different colors they looked like galaxies. Her black hair had bright blue,white, yellow and red dots through it, I'm assuming that it represented the stars of the galaxy. She was wearing a black T-shirt that had the catch phrase 'I made Pluto as a planet, not a dwarf planet!' and a pair of white jeans.

"You're Chaos?" I asked, staring at the young women who looked that she couldn't be any older than twenty-five.

"Yes and you are Pollux, Castor is going to have mix emotions about this arrangement," I looked down, "Well best get you equipped, you're name will be Nevi, which is an anagram for Vine, do you like it?"

"Yeah," I agreed.

"Good, now we need a cover story for why you didn't come with the rest, I think we should say you were on a solo mission to planet Zilocks, trying to get regrowth in the planet," I nodded my head mutely.

"Right now quiz time, What's your name?"

"Nevi," I answered with no hesitation at all.

"Good, Why didn't you come with the rest Nevi?" 

"I was on a solo mission until just recently,"

"Really? What was your mission about?"

"I'm not supposed to say," I stated. Chaos smirked.

"Please you can tell me, what was you mission?"

"I'm not allowed to say, it is private, Chaos warriors only,"

"I'm impressed, I like how you refused to tell me what your mission was about, but tell me what was your mission?" Chaos smiled.

"I was on planet Zilocks trying to get regrowth," Chaos nodded.

"Good, lets go to the Chaos cabin at camp," And then we were in a cabin I've never seen before. I saw Castor crying into Ethan Nakamura's shoulder.

"Its all my fault! I should have made sure I had everything before I left! Why would he do that?" Castor cried. I'm guessing someone found my body.

"I don't know man, I really don't know," Ethan sighed. "Maybe he was trying to get adopted by Gaia to be with you, I highly doubt that she'd adopt him at the moment,"

"He should have asked me!"

"Hey Vine, there's a son of a..." I looked over to see a guy with a hood on, he was staring at me. "... Bitch!"

"Now that is no way to speak to your great grandmother Alpha," Chaos scolded. Both Ethan and Castor turned to looked at me.

"Pollux!" Castor exclaimed jumping up from the couch he was sitting on and tackling me in a hug.

"I'm sorry for my language Lady Chaos, I was calling Pollux that word not you," The guy explained quickly.

"I know Luke,"

"What's with all the shouting," A girl came down the stairs. She came to halt when she saw me. "Another boy? Really?" 

"Phoebe, I expect you to behave nicer to your teammates," Chaos glared. Phoebe rolled her eyes.

"Whatever, I'm starting to feel like us girls are becoming out numbered," She groaned.

"Oh come Phoebs, I know you love us," A blonde haired guy stated appearing behind her, he threw his arm around her shoulders.

"Touch me again and you will become the new target for the hunters and me," Phoebe glared at him.

"Lee?" I asked as my brother got off me.

"Yeah, good to have you here man," Lee smirked. Then I heard the door open and close. 

"Luke what the Tartarus is taking so long?!" I heard a yell from the hallway.

"We've got a new recruit!" Luke called back.

"I know, I felt it when Chaos accepted him," The girl appeared around the corner. This girl was a literal replica of Nico but in girl form and maybe slightly more tanner.

"Welcome to the warriors Pollux, I'm Bianca Di Angelo," The girl smiled. Of course Nico's sister. "And Castor, Will wants to speak with you,"  Castor nodded, walking to the door.

"Well that's all, Pollux here will explain his code name and backstory to you guys, oh and here," Chaos clicked her fingers and a hooded cloak appeared, she gave me the cloak before vanishing.

"Well, what is your code name?"

"I'm Nevi, the son of Gaia," I smiled.


Hey guys! I need some advise. I'm thinking about making Castor gay  and I don't know who he should crush on, I'm thinking Ethan but I also want to him to like Michael. Also what do you think about LeexPhoebe. I'm also wondering if I should break up Luke and Bianca and have Ethan and Bianca to date. So it is your choice:

Castor x Ethan

Castor x Michael

Castor x Luke

Bianca x Ethan

Lee x Phoebe

Michael x Phoebe

Pollux x Phoebe

Phoebe by herself

Please vote!

LilydaughterofHecate signing out!

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