21 - Two Same but Opposite Shall Reunite

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  "I'm Nevi, the son of Gaia," I smiled.  


I stared at the Chaos cabin from the veranda of my own.

"A drachma for your thoughts?" Thalia asked appearing next to me.

"Pollux never made it to the underworld," I mumbled. Thalia sighed, looking at me with sad eyes.

"Well Nico, he's dead, so where is his spirit?" She asked. I continued to stare at the cabin as two of the Warriors exited. It was Vine and Nevi.

"I don't know, but I have an idea," I stated nodding toward the apparent twins of Gaia. Thalia's eyebrows furrowed in concentration.

"It makes sense I guess and it was Vine who was suddenly worried about Pollux when you mentioned him, I guess Vine could very well be Castor and Pollux killed himself in hoping to be with his brother again," Thalia thought aloud.

"Did you realize how much you sound like an Athena kid just then?" I laughed. Thalia shook her head in amusement.

"I was best friends with one," she rolled her eyes, "Anyway, I've got to go and train a bit, we are at the start of another war, plus I'm going to train with Constellation, Moon and Angel," Thalia kissed me on the cheek before running toward the archery range. 

I took a deep breath, letting it out slowly as I thought. If Vine is Castor and Nevi is Pollux, who are the rest? Constellation and Moon could be hunters. I have a feeling the two Aether boys were Hephaestus' kids once, but who Flame and Forge. Leo Valdez, the fire user, called himself flaming Valdez on multiple occasions. Flame and Leo have the same energy. There was something off with Leo's death. Maybe just maybe that Flame could really be Leo but what about Forge? There were only two sons of Hephaestus that died in the pass wars, on our side anyway, but I know Beckendorf went to Elysium to see his daughter of Aphrodite girlfriend Silena. Aphrodite!  Eros' daughter could change her appearance, just like I heard Silena could do, maybe Dove and Forge are Silena and Beckendorf. 

Let me get this straight, Castor and Pollux are Vine and Nevi. Silena and Beckendorf are Dove and Forge. Leo is Flame and Leo had fell in love with a girl before he 'died' and that was Calypso, whom coincidentally grew Moonlace on her island. So Moonlace is most likely the titan Calypso.

"You alright there?" I was broken out of my chain of thought to see Angel looking at me with what I assumed could be a curious glint in her eyes (I can't see her eyes due to her hood covering most of her face.

"What?" I asked, looking over at her. Then there's Angel, if everyone in the army was once a demigod, who is she?

"I asked if you were alright, you looked like you were contemplating life," She stated, her voice held a curious tone.

"I wasn't contemplating mine," I sighed, looking towards the Dionysus cabin.

"The Dionysus boy? Pollux right?" She questioned. "He was depressed right, he must be happier now that he is with his brother, I know I'd be," She whispered the last part.

"You have a brother?" I questioned, she looked over at me a small smile on her face. 

"Had," She corrected, "I had a brother, I left him when he needed me most, I put my own selfish needs before his and I regret that everyday,"

"What happened?" I questioned. I kinda wanted to know what could kill a primordial.

"We were partially immortal once, our father, he was scared that the two of us would try to over take him, kinda like Zeus, when our mother finally granted us immortality, he got angry, he wasn't happy that we were conversing with Revenge, Vine and Nevi. In the end, just to spite us and to prove that he was more powerful than the four of us, he took my brother, I don't know what happened to him, I'm not sure if he's dead or not, I wish he was here, he'd be leading the army not me," Angel looked down. It took Nico a few moments to realize she was crying.

"What was his name?"

"Devil," She smiled sadly, "He was Devil and I was Angel, Revenge always said that we we're named wrong that he was the Angel and I was the Devil," She laughed, "Sometimes those times seem simpler,"

"Is it alright if I ask you some questions?" I asked, "Also aren't you supposed to be with Constellation and Moon?"

"Styx, I forgot about that, oh well, I don't feel like archery anyway, they will assume that I ditched them to spend time with Alpha anyway," She looked over me, a small smile on her face. "What were your questions?"

"We might want to go inside," I suggested. She nodded and we walked into the Hades cabin. 

Sitting on my bed, I looked over at the leader of the Chaos Army. "The way you guys act, you haven't been working together of long, some longer than others?" Angel sighed.

"I was hoping no one would notice that, but alas you're right, the army was only formed once all our parents agreed, some took longer than others, we were all kinda split into groups I guess, like I said, Revenge, Nevi, Vine and I were all friends, I was also quite close with Constellation and Moon. Then there was Dove, Flame, Forge and Moonlace, those four were close. The Uranus boys and Alpha were friends as well, I don't know how but somewhere along the line Moon was somewhat interacting with the Uranus boys as well," She smirked, "I hadn't met Alpha until we were made to form the army,"

"What about Omega?" I questioned, maybe he didn't know any of them. After all the guy was raised underwater. Angel laughed.

"He was just friends with everyone, he didn't really have a "group" to say, it's not like any of us could stay underwater for too long, but when ever he did come up he tried to see everyone," She smiled. I looked over at her.

"You can tell me the truth, I know you're stretching the truth," I don't know what came over me. I don't know why I said that, I basically told I suspect that I know who they are.

"What are you talking about Nico?" I froze, I've never heard angel say my name. I did notice she an accent, but when she said my name, I could hear the Italian accent in her voice. "Nico? You okay?"

"Bianca?" I asked looking at her, completely and utterly shocked. The girl in front of me looked like a deer caught in headlight. She took a deep breath and rose her hands to remove her hood but got cut off when everything went black.



I was laughing at what Moon said about the Uranus boys being airheads. When another warrior came running up to us.

"Alpha? What are you doing here?" Constellation asked, frowning at her teammate.

"I'm looking for Angel, you guys don't know where she is, do you?" he asked, he sounded worried. I noticed both girls instantly went ridged.

"We thought she was with you!" Moon exclaimed, "She was supposed to meet us but never showed up, we just assumed that she ditched us for you," she then explained her outburst.

"Are you guys talking about that leader chick?" Will asked, looking at Alpha.

"Yeah, have you seen her?" Alpha asked.

"Yeah, bout an hour ago, she was talking to Nico at the Hades cabin before going outside, I think she was crying," Will told him. I frowned, Nico wasn't exactly a people person and felt uncomfortable when if came to showing emotions. Why would he be comforting Angel?

"What would he have said to make Angel cry?" Moon wondered out loud. 

"It  probably had something to do with you know what," Alpha  stated. Constellation and Moon instantly knew what he was talking about. Me on the other hand, I felt like I was on page eleven and they are all on page one hundred.

"If Nico accidentally said something to make someone feel upset, he'd make it his duty to make that person feel better," I jumped in. They looked at me like they forgot I was here, which they probably did.

"Do you think you can check out the Hades cabin for us Thalia?" Alpha asked, looking at me. His voice held hopefulness but also worry. I nodded and lead the three Immortals to the Hades Cabin.


"They're not in there," I told the three as I walked back out my cabin. I don't know how but I knew that they all shared the same expressions of worry. "Don't worry, its not like she's left the camp, her and Nico probably went else where," I tried to calm them but it didn't work.

"Thalia, have you heard the prophesy?" Constellation asked. I shook my head.

"Only councilors get to know it," I explained, "Why?"

"Hiding their faces they come,
To help all but one.
Come old and new foes,

From the place of lost hopes.

Two same but opposite shall reunite,
Only to be taken from those with no light.

One with intelligence,
Who has been ignorance,
Will ignore those who wish guidance
And fall to that of the opponent.
Half-bloods remain observant,

For your true enemy was once your equivalent," Moon recited. 

"Okay, that sounded a bunch of mumbo jumbo." I stated.

"The forth and fifth lines, 'Two same but opposite shall reunite, Only to be taken from those without light. The two are Nico and Angel, They are similar but also opposite.  Haven't you noticed that none of us had left Angel's side, we even took shifts when she slept without her knowing," Alpha stated. I nodded slowly, a terrible feeling coming over me.

"You're saying that both Nico and Angel were taken by Tartarus? And what does the prophecy mean by reunite? When have they met before?" I asked, looking at the three warriors.

"Those last two questions are hard to answer the first is even harder. We don't know, like you said, they could have left the cabin, but there is a possibility, a large possibility that they have been taken," Constellation stated placing a hand on my shoulder. It took me awhile to process her words, once I did I nodded very slowly. I felt like I couldn't breath. I couldn't feel my feet or my hands. My head was so heavy my neck couldn't hold it. I felt like I was going to faint.

Alpha groaned and walked towards me. Placing his hands on my shoulders forcing me to look at him. "Thalia, there was absolutely nothing you could have done to prevent this, nothing could have changed it, you need to stop having a panic attack and think about why they would take them? What does the enemy want to do without them here? What could they have stopped that the opponent did want? It most likely means that there is going to be an attack, an attack that can deplete our numbers because Angel and Nico aren't here, we need to focus on seeing if they are still here and we're worrying for nothing or if we need to prepare the camp for a battle," I stared wide eyed at the boy in front of me.

"Luke?" I asked softly. I don't know how but somehow I knew it was him. He looked absolutely shocked.

"Yeah," he sighed, letting go my shoulders he looked down. I frowned confused why he looked ashamed of himself when I realized that he thought that I never forgave him. I pulled him into a hug. He tensed up before relaxing and returning the hug.

"Right, we better search the camp to look for Angel and Nico," Moon broke in. Letting go of Luke, I nodded in agreement.

"We'll get the army on it so we don't start any suspicion," Luke stated before heading towards the Chaos Cabin.


"We've search the whole forest, they're nowhere to be found," Vine stated as he and Nevi walked into the Hades Cabin where the rest of the Army and Outcasts were. It was really crowded.

"Right that means we need to start planing for the worst," Omega spoke up. He looked really nervous.

"Omega," Constellation stated cautiously. 

"I don't like to lead," He explained to us.

"Neither did Angel," Alpha stepped in. Looking over at the new leader of the Chaos Army. "But we need to think strategically, what could Angel and Nico destroy that the rest of us can't?" Constellation looked over and Omega, the two seemed to have a silent conversation.

"Dragon tooth skeleton warriors," I stated. Everyone turned to look at me. "When I went on that quest to save Artemis, Atlas sent those things after us, the only person who could kill them was Bianca Di Angelo, Nico's older sister, I'm assuming Nico can too and I have a good guess that so can Angel."

"So Camp is about to be destroyed by something that no one can fight?" Travis asked. "How fun! Can you guys stop them?" Travis looked over at the army. Who looked over at the Gaia boys and Revenge. To that all three shrugged.

"Shrugging doesn't answer the question," Piper pointed out.

"We don't know, seen them before in Tartarus but we tried to avoid them," Vine stated. "But if we stay in the borders we should be safe right?" 

Omega shook his head, "No they should be able to get through the border as they aren't technically monsters," Omega stated.

"So we're all doomed," Connor dead planned.

"Not exactly, but we are going to need a few hell hounds," Omega jumped in. "I'm sure they'd love a few chew toys,"

"Are you forgetting that it was Angel who could control monsters and we don't know how many skeletal warriors they will be," Forge pointed out.

"Now you guys know who the positive brother is," Flame cut in.

"Flame stop joking around! If you can invent something that can stop these guys please tell us," Forge told his brother off.

"Actually, I think I've got an idea but it might be hard," Flame stated a massive grin on his face, "How is your relationship with the Romans?"

"You've met Jason?" Piper asked, Flame nodded his head. "That's the only Roman that this camp is on good terms with,"

"I didn't ask about the Camp's relationship with the Romans but I asked about you, the Outcasts of Camp Half-Blood, how is your guys relationship with the Romans?"

Piper frowned. "We haven't spoken since Percy's disappearance, as far as I know they all think we hate Percy,"

"Why don't you give them a call then, we are going to need their help and if they agree, I'm sure Forge and I can whip something up that is big enough for them but fast enough to get them here in time,"

"Sounds like a plan," Omega sighed, "Not a great one but the only one we've got,"

"I'll Iris message Hazel and hope to the gods that she doesn't end the message before I can say anything like she has for the pass three years,"

"Don't stop trying, if you need more drachma I'll give you some," Omega stated, "I better let Chiron know what's going on," 

Soon everyone left the cabin and I was sitting on Nico's bed alone. I took a deep breath. 'I will get Nico back, no matter what,'  With that final thought I feel asleep.

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