26. To Help All But One

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"Well? Is everything going as planned?" The shadows seem to ask the figure.

"The Romans will be here in two days time, just like you want," The figure answered.

"And the Angels?"

"No one expects a thing,"

"The Olympians deserve this. The disgusting campers deserve this."

"Go. Before they expect you,"

Leo/Flame POV

I stood in front of the crowd with the other warriors as we waited for the Romans and Piper. They left right after the party that celebrated the return of Angel and Nico. Speaking of Angel, both her and Nico gave no details on how they escaped, where they were or who captured them. In fact they barely spoke to anyone other than each other and Percy. They barely even spoke to Luke and Thalia. I broke out of my thoughts as the wind picked up. A small helicopter that look like it could hold the pilot and one passenger landed in front of the crowd.

Slowly teens in purple shirts disembarked off it. It kind of looked like a clown car. You see Beck and I used expandable metal that is only found on Voltron. A planet named after a magic robot that could split into five lions. It also apparently saved the whole universe. I know right! What a myth? And I believe that there is no such things as myths. (A/N: Yes I'm a Voltron fangirl. Who else is there??)

When everyone got off Reyna looked over the crowd to  people. Why do I have a feeling this is not going to go well? Piper smiled over at me and gave me a thumbs up. So far, so good. Reyna noticed Piper's actions and finally met my eye.

"Flame? Right?" Reyna asked. "You built that?"

"With my brother, yes." Leo explained.


"Long, very hard story to explain. Anyway you should be talking to Omega, not me. He's the one who came up with this marvelous plan  to bring the camps back together."

"Flame." I heard Percy warn. I was against bring the Romans here because of two reasons... One; it will cause fights between the two camps. Two; it leaves their camp less armed. "Sorry about Flame. He's a little worried about the Romans being here. He believes its going to cause another war, separate from the one we are already fighting.

"He's not the only one." Reyna states, eyeing the Greek demigods watching them.

"Anyway, we thank you for your wiliness to help. I assume Piper filled you in on the way here?" Percy asked.

Reyna nodded, "She did to the best of her ability." Percy nodded. It was quite obvious that he was out of things to say, so Reyna stepped in, "She mentioned that Nico came back two nights ago as did Angel."

"Yes," Percy stated quite loudly. He seemed to be in a state of panic, the boy had been all morning. "They escaped Nyx's hold quite quickly. It is making us believe she is sloppy in her work and she believes she can overpower all of us easily." 

"Where are they, because no offence but Piper told me that Angel is the leader of your army not you and I trust Nico more than I do any of you." Reyna questions.

"They are still recovering," Percy smiled. "Anyway we promised everyone that once you all got here we'd show you our faces." I groaned. I know Piper is going to beat the living crap out of me and now so will Hazel and Frank. I'm not sure what Jason would do considering he hates me at the moment because I'm is part of the army and I hate him because of what he did to Percy.

"Not happy with this plan either?" Reyna asked him.

"Yes and no. I'm just hoping something bad won't happen."

"Like what getting attacked without the tacky hood?" Piper joked.

"Very much so." I replied without the joking tone.

"And Flame, thanks to your enthusiasm, you get to go first." Percy chirped.

"Have I ever mentioned that I hate you?" I asked.

"Well Flame, maybe you should remember karma is a bitch," Percy winked. I should have known he wasn't done his payback from that last prank. I knew there was no use arguing with him so I turned to face Piper. Knowing everyone was watching me, I took off my hood.

Piper stood there staring at me, so did Hazel and Frank. In fact everyone who knew me stood frozen. Finally someone said something,

"Leo?" Jason asked his voice wavering. I was shocked it was him. I swallowed hard.

"Hey Jason." I stated. Jason started walking towards me and before I knew it he went to hug me. I quickly side stepped the hug. "Jason." I warned

"What the hell was that for?" Jason asked turning towards me.

"Percy. It was for Percy. You no good -" Leo would have said more but Percy pulled him away.

"That's not your battle Valdez." Percy stated.

"And who are you then? Some other dead person?"

"Yes," Percy answered. "Inside at least."

"Who are you?" Jason deadpanned.

Percy slowly took his hood off. Sky blue met sea green. Blonde met raven. Sky met water. Healer met destroyer.

"Percy?" Jason asked in complete shock. The blonde boy couldn't function. But before anymore could be said an arrow, a pitch black arrow landed into Percy's stomach. Before anyone could react, Percy ripped the arrow out and turn to face whoever shoot him.

I turned around to see, Bianca holding a bow in her hand glaring at Percy.

"JACKSON!" She screamed. "YOU NO GOOD, LITTLE TRAITOR!" Percy's eyes widened before a smirk settled on his face. What in actual Hades is going on right now? Wasn't Bianca in our cabin, not entering camp?

"Hello Angel. So glad you can make it. Where's little brother?" I looked over to Percy. His eyes were darker than I had ever seen him. He wasn't the guy I knew. He wasn't on our side.

"YOU GOT HIM KILLED! THAT'S WHERE HE IS!" Bianca had tears running down her face.  

"Pity." Percy smirked. "Looks like the secrets out and for those who haven't figured it out I'm not on the God's side." He gave a small mocking bow, he disappeared.

"What the actual fuck?" I asked in complete shock.

"Leo language!" Caly stated hitting my arm. I looked over at Bianca. Luke had his arms wrapped around her, trying to get her to tell him what's going on.

"Ahem," I looked to see Piper, Hazel, Frank and Reyna looking at me with wide eyes. "What's going on?" Piper asked.

"Angel and Nico didn't come back two nights ago. Percy is evil and Angel is now back and hell bent on killing Percy and -" I stopped there. I looked over at Hazel. She hadn't seen her brother in three years and from what he understood of what just happened, never will.

"And what Leo?" Frank asked. "Where's Nico? Who's her brother?"

"Her brother is Nico. Her name is Bianca. Bianca Di Angelo," Leo sighed staring Hazel in the eye. "Hazel, I'm so sorry." Hazel couldn't react before Tahlia came up to the group.

"Hazel?" She sighed, placing a hand on her shoulder. Tears leaking out of both girls eyes.

I bit my lip not sure what to do. Tahlia is supposed to be the tough girl that never cries and Hazel,  she's that kind girl you'd never see cry outside her bedroom. What the Hades are we supposed to do?

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