Chapter 5- Training

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"Anyway, why don't you show Percy to the boarding house and start training, and training, not what you were doing earlier" Chaos told us. We all laughed and walked out Percy following us.

Luke/Alpha POV

We walked into the training room, Leo was explaining how training and everything worked.

"Ok guys, start training and Flame can you start training Percy" Bianca instructed, then I thought of something I walked up to Bianca.

"Ok everyone, stop for a minute and Dove this is because of you" I stated, then lent down and kissed Bianca. At first Bianca was shocked but soon kissed back. In the background I could faintly hear everyone cheering but I didn't care, all that mattered now was Bianca. I slowly put my hands on Bianca's hips, while she put her hands in my hair. We soon had to pull apart for air and I whispered,

"How was that for a first kiss, Angel"

"Perfect" she whispered back.

"Yes!" Selina screamed.

"You finally managed to grow some balls, hey Alpha" Ethan said smirking.

"You're gonna have to face her brother next, mate" Leo shouted but got hit by Calypso.

"You guys forgot that was a bet" Bianca said laughing,

"Yeah, we don't even like each other" I said laughing, Selina sighed and slumped her shoulders.

"Well it was good while it lasted, plus I got some photos to send to Nyx and Herma" she said smiling a sad smile.

"Don't you dare, our mothers will freak" Bianca and I said at the same time.

"Uh, does this normally happen during training?" Percy asked.

"Unfortunately no" Dove said walking away.

"Back to training guys and Alpha a word" Bianca nodded toward the door, I nodded and walked out with her, we closed the door and walked down the hallway so no one could listen in.

"That kiss it was part of the bet and that's all right?" She asked

"Yeah, totally, it's not like I like you, that would ridiculous, I mean, I barely even know you, we've only known each other a week and all but I'd really like to get to know you better, uh, not so we can date, so we can, uh, become better friends and-" I would have kept rambling on and on if Bianca hadn't cut me off by kissing me.

"Good to know you like me Luke, but this doesn't mean we're dating" she whispered and walked away.

"I never..." I trailed off because she was already in the training room. I laughed nervously and walked back in and over to the guys.

"So what happened between you two" Leo asked.

"Nothing, she just told me never to instruct you guys to stop training again when she's here" I said.

"Dude, you're whipped" Leo said smirking.

"So are you and tell me, when has being whipped ever been bad?" I asked him.

"Damn, I'm gonna need to get a girl" Castor sighed.

"Well, Constance did kiss you" I told him.

"But that was a bet" Castor complained.

"Hey at least you've got some action" Lee stated.

"But at least one of them has their eyes on you, my brother" Michael said shrugging.

"You two are brothers?" Percy questioned.

"Yeah we are" Lee said smirking.

"When can I learn your real names?" Percy asked.

"You'll figure it out and I bet I'll end up being one of the single guys, no girl wants a guy with only one eye" Ethan said.

"What do you mean 'one eye'" Percy asked.

"I lost it fighting a monster" Ethan answered.

"Ok, and I'll be single with you, I'm not dating ever again" Percy said.

"Really, I thought you and Constance would be good together" Michael said smirking, remembering how much it pained him when she died.

"Or Angel, she already has her eye on you" I stated, shrugging.

"Nope, no girls for me" he said shrugging.

"Good, now get ugly because I don't want Moonlace falling for you" Leo said and we all laughed.

"I'm assuming, you and Moonlace are dating?" Percy asked, smirking.

"Yep, now wave the magic wand and become ugly" Leo answered.

"Got it, now where's the wand" Percy said sarcastically. That's when we heard the girls laughing.

"Get back to training idiots or no lunch" Bianca shouted.

"Yes Angel" we chorused.

"Can she do that?" Percy asked.

"She's the commander, so yes, yes she can" Beckendorf said and walked away to the sword fighting area , Leo and Percy trailing behind him. We laughed and Michael, Lee and I walked over to the archery range where all the ex-hunters were, Ethan and Castor went to the sword area as well. I stood at the target next to Bianca and she missed the bullseye by a centimetre.

"Ooh, missed" I said.

"Shut up" she said and shot another arrow which got bullseye. I got my bow and arrow and aimed and shot but of course I got in the second outer ring.

"Good job getting that bullseye there Alpha, I thought you were going to beat me" she said sarcastically.

"Very funny, I'm just a little rusty" I stated.

"No, you just have no talent" she said, smirking, I glared at her and aimed and shot again but getting further from the bullseye and Bianca laughed and walked away toward the knife area. I groaned and dropped the bow by the stand and went over to the sword area.

"Damn dude you sucked" Leo stated.

"Lunch everyone" Bianca shouted.

"Yes!" Leo cheered and ran out of the room.

"How the Hades is he my brother?" Beckendorf asked.

"No clue dude, no clue" I said clapping him on the shoulder. I looked over at Percy who was thinking, most likely trying to figure out who we are.

Once we got our lunch and sat down we all started speaking about everything.

"So Percy, how are you liking the Chaos life?" Zoë asked.

"It's pretty good" he answered smirking "I also think I've figured out who some of you are" he said, smiling.

"Please enlighten us" Bianca said smiling.

"Well, I'm pretty sure Moonlace is Calypso and since the last guy who went her island promised to get her off I'm assuming she's dating him meaning Flame is Leo and he is also the only one that be that hyper and since he and Forge are Brothers so I'm guessing Beckendorf is Forge and Beckendorf wouldn't date anyone other than Selina so Dove is Selina" Percy paused to see if he was right, which he was and those four took their hoods off.

"Is that all" Michael asked.

"Nope, I know at least two of you are ex-hunters because of your code Names Constellation and Moon, I also know that only one hunter got turned into a constellation so Zoë is Constellation and I'm guessing Phoebe is Moon" Percy said smirking as both girls took off their hoods.

"Anyone else?" Lee asked.

"No" Percy said.

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