Chapter 9- The Prophecy

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"Welcome to Chaos, Omega,"

Three Months Later

Percy/Omega POV

"Leo Valtez, I'm going to kill you!" I heard Angel scream chasing Flame with twin hunting daggers in her hands. It's been three months since I came here and Leo has seem to taken up the Stolls job of pranking. What did he do? I don't know we were sitting at breakfast when we heard a scream and Bianca storming into the dinning room soaking wet screaming bloody murder. Right now the two of them were running around the table. That's when Leo fell over behind Luke.

"Dude, what happened to bros before hoes!" Leo exclaimed, then Bianca jumped on top of Leo.

"What did you just call me, Valtez?" Bianca asked slowly and very venomously. She was straddling his chest with both daggers pointing at his neck.

"No-nothing," Leo stuttered under Bianca's glare.

"Who helped you and don't say you did it by yourself because I know you're not strong enough?" She spat at him, he swallowed hard.

"Castor, please don't hurt me," Leo begged.

"Ok I won't hurt you...." She stated, I was shocked, she's not going to hurt him, "I'll kill you!" There it is she brought down the hilt of her dagger, knocking him out. She got up and turned to look at Castor who sat there frozen. To him it must have looked like she actually killed Leo, he must have forgotten that they are immortal. She glared at him and he fell to the ground clutching his head and then fell unconscious. Everything was silent and the tension in the room was up to the roof.

"What did they do?" I ask trying to lighten the mood.

"What time did you get out of bed this morning Percy?" She questioned completely changing the subject.

"Around six and I got to the training room around six-thirsty, why?" I answered/asked her.

"Go check your room," she stated. With that statement I ran to my room and when I got there I saw it was more of a mess than it was before. My water bed was broken and water was everywhere. I put the clues together. I looked across the hall and into Bianca's room which was almost as messy as my mine. I heard someone come up behind me.

"They knocked me out, dragged me into you're room and put a trigger on the bed so when I moved the bladder would break and I'd fall in," Bianca told me.

"I'm going to hurt them so bad they are going to wish they could die," I stated absolutely furious.

"I'll help but you're going have to wait till they wake up, so right now I'm going to shower get changed and train," she stated walking into her room and closing the door I sighed and walked to the rec room to find Zoë. We started dating last month and she is way better than Annabeth, actually Drew is probably better than Annabeth.


It was midnight when I heard the screaming coming from Bianca's room. I ran out of my room to see everyone coming out of their rooms other than Leo and Castor who were still in the infirmary after Bianca and I beat them up. Luke and I burst through the door weapons ready only to see Bianca sleeping with tears streaming down her face. We slowly walked towards her. Her screams turned into whimpers. We were standing beside her when she sat up. We jumped back from shock.

"No! I'd never do that!" She screamed, then she look towards us. Luke quickly wrapped his arms around her and she broke down crying. I quickly walked out the room knowing I was intruding on their moment.

"Is Bianca ok?" Zoë asked.

"I think she just had a bad nightmare," I told her wrapping my arms around her. Luke and Bianca came out of the room.

"There's another Great Prophecy and I'm pretty sure we're involved," she stated and we all groaned.

"How did it go?" Zoë asked.

"Hiding their faces they come,

To help all but one.

Come old and new foes,

From the place of lost hopes.

Two same but opposite shall reunite,

Only to be taken from those with no light.

One with intelligence,

Who has ignorance,

Will ignore those who wish guidance

And fall to that of the opponent.

Half-bloods remain observant,

For your true enemy was once was your equivalent." Bianca recited the prophecy.

"Well we better go tell Chaos," I stated.

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