5 ˎˊ˗

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Aight. Today was the day.

She couldn't help but feel happy. Her mother was getting married and this time, for real, she was officially getting a sister! The cars pulled up to the building and the girl, clad in a sleek tuxedo, got out. A warm and giddy feeling bubbled up inside of her and she couldn't help but smile. Today was the day. She rarely smiled so genuinely like that.

(her brothers would probably think she was crazy or something)

(who was she kidding she already is lmao)

When the brothers (plus Natsu and Ema) arrived at the wedding venue, The ebony-haired girl left the thirteen others to explore on her own. Ema had also left to explore as well. After a few twists and turns in and out of the buildings (and maybe she might've gotten lost along the way), Natsu came to a stop at a large white door, which had a sign that read, 'BRIDE'S ROOM, RESERVED FOR FAMILY MEMBERS.' Hmm, she must've been at the right place, then. She knocked on the door, and when a "come in!"' was heard, the girl opened the large door to find Miwa. The blonde woman was dressed in a beautiful strapless gown, which seemed to be made from silk or satin, one of the two. White flowers were sewn along the hem of the skirt and the neckline. A white sash hung across Miwa's waist.

"Honey! Look at you, how dashing. I haven't seen you in forever!" Miwa engulfed Natsu in a hug. Natsu watched her step, careful not to step on the skirt of the dress.

"I've missed you too, mom," Natsu smiled, brushing off the invisible dust off her blazer once Miwa had let go. "Thanks for the tux, by the way. It's really nice."

The blonde put her index finger to her chin, looking Natsu up and down. "You look so handsome!" she gushed, "Though I wish I could see my beautiful daughter in a dress. . ."

"Oh, mom. . ." Natsu adverted her eyes, refusing to make eye contact for any longer. She decided to change the subject. "I love your dress, who designed it?"

"Yuzuha Hitachiin, a friend of mine. She and her two sons should be here," Miwa answered. "Anyway, go ahead and explore around more. I don't want to coop you up in here."

"Alright then..." Natsu waved Miwa goodbye and started off. Once she was outside, the girl paused, lost in thought. Hitachiin, huh? The name seemed familiar to her. It gave her a strong sense of deja vu. She tried the name out on her tongue, not too sure what to make of it. The girl wasn't sure where, but she had definitely heard this surname before. If only she could remember...

After walking around aimlessly for a while, Natsu arrived at two large oak doors. Next to them sat vases, filled to the brim with pink roses. She recognized these doors as the place she and her brothers would meet up in half an hour. Natsu didn't know why she was early, but she was glad that she was there to catch two ginger-haired boys attempting to peek inside. They were about to open the door to the cathedral when Natsu stopped them. "Hey, you can't go in there, the cathedral is reserved for family members until 12:30—"

"—Wait, what?" She stood there dumbfounded, recognizing the two twins to be Hitachiin Hikaru and Kaoru, from the karaoke incident a couple of weeks ago. If she remembered correctly, Hikaru (or was it Kaoru??) seemed to harbor a dislike for her right off the bat.

The two turned around to face Natsu. If the widening of their eyes was any indication, Natsu could tell that they recognized her as well. "Well, if I'll be," Natsu mumbled, eyeing the twins up and down. They had worn identical tuxedos, the only difference being their ties. One twin had an orange while the other had a blue one. "Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin. I knew the surname was familiar, somehow." 

The brothers leaned on each other, arms slung over each other's shoulders. "Well, our mother is a close friend of yours—" Hikaru, the one with the blue tie starts (Or maybe it was Kaoru??). 

"—Yeah, she even designed the dress," Kaoru informed, smirking (or maybe it was Hikaru???). Before she could blink, Kaoru appeared right in front of her, holding his hand out to shake. "Asahina Natsu, correct?" The girl took it hesitantly, not to be impolite. 

"Um, it's a pleasure to meet you— again," she stammered, sending the younger twin an unsure smile. The girl rubbed her neck tentatively, a sign of her anxiousness.

"Pleasure is ours," Kaoru smirked, sending the girl a smile. Natsu wasn't sure what to make of it. Behind the two, Hikaru stood, rolling his eyes.

"Are you done?" he asked, crossing his arms together and tapping his foot impatiently on the tiled floor. 

"Excuse us for a moment, Natsu," Kaoru airily laughed, letting go of Natsu's hands and turning to his older brother. Kaoru proceeds to grab Hikaru's hand, leading both of them far away from Natsu so that she was out of earshot.

"Stay right there!" Kaoru directed from a long distance away. The twins were literally on one side of the corridor, Natsu on the other. "Hikaru and I just need to have a little talk!"

"Um, okay!" Natsu had to yell to ensure that the twins could hear her. The girl scratched the nape of her neck, utterly confused. What was going on? Did she say something wrong?

(Meanwhile, on the other side of the corridor:)

Kaoru had them both huddle, like a coach would have his football players to discuss the game plan before a big game. "Listen. Why do you have an attitude towards Natsu? He's a decent guy. It's his mother's wedding day! Can't you be a little bit nice?" he whispered, making sure Natsu couldn't hear them. Wow, he sure sounded like the older twin today.

Hikaru crossed his arms, diverting his eyes away. "I don't know, doesn't it all seem sketchy? Like, he literally met Haruhi on the street, then suddenly appears at the same karaoke joint and he's here?"

"Big deal, Hikaru," Kaoru shook his head, sighing, "It's just a coincidence! It's his mother's wedding! We don't want another repeat of Arai, do we?" Hikaru stayed silent. "I'm guessing that's a no," Kaoru continued, "Just be a little nicer to him. Just a little, please."

"Fine, Kaoru— "

"Is everything okay over there?" Natsu asked (more like yelled) from across the hallway, cutting off Hikaru mid-sentence. The worry that the twins didn't like her was clawing at her. 

"Just peachy!" the twins answered simultaneously, sending her a thumbs up. Seriously, how did they keep in sync? Did they have like a cue or something? Eh, must've been a twin thing. But, Tsubaki and Azusa couldn't do that (not that she knew of), so how? Whatever. The more she thought about it, the more her head hurt. After five minutes (but felt like a freaking eternity) of the twins suspiciously whispering back and forth, and glancing back at Natsu to make sure she wasn't eavesdropping or anything, they eventually made their way back to her.

(The thought of not knowing what they were talking about was driving her crazy.)

The twins both simultaneously apologized, the older twin (Hikaru) doing so rather half-heartedly. Of course, Natsu brushed it off, waving her hands dismissively. "No sweat," she nodded, quite uncertain, "There's no need to apologize, you guys."

"By the way," one twin started (maybe it was Hikaru), letting the other finish—

"—you know your way around this venue, right?"

Of course she did. She visited the venue several times and everything, how could she not? She smiled, glad to be of help. "Yeah, I do! Why?"

"Mind leading us to the buffet?" Kaoru asked, placing his elbow on the girl's shoulder.

"—yeah, we're terribly hungry, and we heard appetizers are being served," Hikaru finished.

The girl pointed to the metal gazebo, centered right in the middle of the courtyard. "Okay then. Take a left to the north of this gazebo, and go back inside toward the bride's room. Once you see it, take two rights and one left."

"Thanks," the twins waved, their backs facing her. "See you around, Natsu-kun." And with that, they left to do who knows what.

Natsu watched their retreating figure, a wistful smile adorning her features. They had something she didn't. To have such a close bond with your sibling to the point where you're in sync with them ... she wanted something like that.

Natsu quickly diverted her attention from the twins to her watch. Looking at it, she almost screamed. sHIT, 11:58! She and her brothers had all agreed to meet up at the cathedral at 12:00. They had all planned to 'officially' greet Ema, and she was going to be late!

—So Natsu ran like hell to the cathedral, making a mad dash for the large oak doors. Other guests could've sworn that there were skid marks in her wake. When she got there, the girl was panting like a dog, sweat coating her skin. She quickly, with much agility, writhed her way in between Fuuto and Ukyo, claiming her spot (much to her brothers' annoyance).

"Yoohoo!" Tsubaki called, catching Natsume and Ema's attention. Like magic, the the brothers (and sister) appeared magically behind Ema. How did they even—

It's called fanfiction, folks, fanfiction~

"You're looking extra cute today," Tsubaki complimented, with a wink.

"Yes, very fetching indeed," Azusa agreed.

Natsu had to stop herself from gagging.

The brothers drowned Ema with compliments and all that cheesy shit, while Yusuke and Natsu stuck with a regular, non-incest, age gap greeting. Subaru just shut his mouth for everyone's best intrest. He'd done everyone a favor by doing so.

"Yo. Whaddit do?" Yusuke nodded, nonchalantly.

"Sis, you look like a fairy tail princess!" Wataru exclaimed, a grin o his face.

Natsu dabbed. "'Sup, homeslice!"

Fuuto kicked her leg. 

"YO WHAT THE FU—" Ukyo quickly slapped a hand over Natsu's mouth before she could finish her sentence.

"Natsu. Language. Wataru. Is. Right.There," Ukyo spat between gritted teeth. The girl shot a menacing glare towards Fuuto, who feigned innocence, his eyes darting away.

Natsu's mouth hung open. "What— Did you not see—" Under Ukyo's death stare, she immediately shut up. Yes of course, do go ahead and blame it on her.

"Hey!" Natsume called, frowning.

"Oh look, Natsume showed up after all," Tsubaki stated, a smug look on his face.

"You jerks did this on purpose, didn't you?" Natsume frowned.

"Guilty as charged," Azusa admitted.

"The first impression's ruined," Natsume growled, "Thank you so much."

"Don't mention it," Natsu chirped. Natsume sent a stern glare towards her way, although he stayed quiet.

"Uh, can someone explain? I'm lost," Ema asked, sweatdropping.

Tsubaki slung his arm over Natsume's shoulder, earning a pointed look from the younger triplet. "This is Natsume,"Tsubaki explained. "Me and Azusa's lil' brother."

"Actually, it's Azusa and I—" Natsu corrected, only to be cut off by the black-haired voice actor.

"Whatever. Technically, we're triplets," Azusa added on. 

"Triplets?" Ema asked. Oh Ema. Sweet, dense, slow Ema. Come on, get with the program—

"Yup! Azzie and I here are identical twins. Natsume here came from a different, less cool, egg." Natsu stared at Tsubaki with disgust. That was a hell of a weird explanation.

"That's all fourteen, now you've met all of us!" Masaomi chirped in. 

"The Asahina brothers are back together again!" Wataru shouted.

. . .

After that whole ordeal, Natsume stopped Natsu at the cathedral. "Hey, kiddo, how's Subaru? How's he doing?"

Remembering the whole cookie incident, Natsu shuddered. "We've been. . . okay, but why are you asking me? We're not really all that close, y'know? I mean, there's Iori, Yusuke you could ask too."

"I heard he's not doing well. Got dropped as a starter, having trouble focusing on his game. You've been around him longer than I have. I just felt like you could relate to him, I suppose?" Natsume stated, his tone unsure at the end. "You have attended his games back then to cheer him on. What happened?"

The girl brushed it off, playing it cool. This was the last thing she wanted to talk about. She had to change the subject. "The real question here is," she crossed her arms together, "what happened between you two?"

Natsume frowned. "You know well what happened—" Just then, his phone rang. "Ah, it's work. Gotta go."

"Bye." Natsu waved at him as he walked away. As he did, she let out a sigh of relief. That was really uncomfortable, to say the least. She left her spot to mindlessly walk around the venue. It's not like she had other things to do.

Fast forward a couple hours of mindless chatter and you could see an ebony-haired 'boy' sitting at the Hitachiin Twins' table, happily chattering and laughing about whatever happened to cross their minds. Nearby guests chuckled at their friendship and antics. A stranger could've guessed that they were lifelong friends when reality was that they literally just met properly that very day.

Natsu was surprised. With all the dirty looks Hikaru was giving her earlier that day, she was certain that the older twin had a bone to pick with her. It seemed that as the day progressed, he had become more friendly to her, from a casual smile to the placing of his elbow on her shoulder. Maybe it didn't mean much to him, but Natsu could rest happy knowing he wasn't out for her.

Hikaru himself was probably the most surprised. He never expected to get along with Natsu so well. Right off the bat, he had his suspicions about 'him', of course. Natsu reminded him of Arai. Every time his mind wanders to Arai, he couldn't help but clench his fists and furrow his eyebrows together. Maybe he was being irrational.

But as Hikaru got to know Natsu better, there was this quality about 'him' that he just couldn't ignore.

"—Do I really need to do this?" Natsu rolled her eyes, a smile on her face nevertheless. "I don't see what's so special about your game. Sounds dumb to me."

"We'll see who's the dumb one when you pick," the twins chimed. They had brought some army green news caps to hide their bangs. The girl had no idea where they pulled the shouts out of. They even hid their ties! "C'mon, play the 'Which One is Hikaru Game!'"

"Em, well—" She then spotted Ema, wandering around, fiddling with the camera in her hands. "Oh! Ema, c'mere!" Natsu waved the brunette over, a bright smile adorning her features. Ah, an excuse to not play the dumb game!

Ema walked to the trio, timidly. "M-me?"

"Who else?" Natsu turned to the twins, "Guys, this is my stepsister, Ema," Natsu introduced."

"Ema, these are the Hitachiin twins." She stopped to point to the twin on the right, "This is Hikaru," she then moved her finger to point to the one on the left, "and this is Kaoru. Don't beat yourself up if you can't tell them apart."

"Oh! Wrong!" the twins chimed in unison, their arms crossed in the formation of an 'X'. Of course, yet another person who couldn't tell them apart. The two slightly deflated, unbeknownst to the girl right in front of them.

"I'm Hikaru—"

"and I'm Kaoru."

Natsu clicked her tongue. "Anyway, this is Ema Hinata."

"Oh, nice to meet you—" Ema smiled, before gettng interrupted by the twins. Each twin had took one of her hands and kissed it.

"Such a pretty girl—" 

"—Natsu, you didn't tell us you had such a beautiful sister," Kaoru complimented, leaving Ema at a loss for words.

"Yo, get off her," Natsu deadpanned, prying their hands off Ema, "You aren't in the host club. She's off limits."

The twins snickered. "Why so protective?"

They suddenly gasped, feigning realization and mortification. "Could it be? Natsu, we didn't know you had a thing for your siblings. What a sicko!" they smirked, talking in unison. Each had an over-exaggerated, mortified expression on their faces, gaping at Natsu like she was a monstrosity.

"Wait— No— I didn't mean—!" Natsu stammered, stuttering incoherent words, "That's disgusting! Why would you—" The girl felt like tearing her hair out.

Ema chuckled at the two twins teasing Natsu and decided to take a picture. Looking down at the screen, she smiled. Natsu was settled in between the twins, looking highly uncomfortable. Both Hikaru and Kaoru adorned smirks, and each twin slung an arm around Natsu's shoulders. She couldn't deny, they looked so cute. Wow, that's a keeper for sure, Ema giggled.

. . .

Finally prying herself away from the twins, Natsu excused herself to get more food when Subaru approached her. "Look, man, can we talk?"

"Uh, sure," Natsu nodded, feeling stiff and uncomfortable. The girl followed Subaru under the metal gazebo in the courtyard, where she leaned on one of the metal columns. 




"About my birthday—"

Natsu interrupted Subaru before he could speak. "Look, Suba-bro, I forgive you. I forgave you a long time ago. What I did was also out of line."


"It's fine, Subaru. Let's leave it at that," Natsu dismissed. "I'm sorry for the way I acted, maybe it's just because I felt insecure about you eating them that I. . . I dunno, just blew up?"

"Why are. . . Why are you apologizing when I should be the one saying sorry?" Subaru asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I'm trying to right a wrong," Natsu stated, crossing her arms, closing her eyes. "Please, just accept this."

"I really am sorry," Subaru said, "I didn't mean any of what I said. You gotta believe me—"

"And I do. I fully forgive you." Natsu smiled. She held out her hand for him, "Shake on it?" Subaru didn't say anything, but he did reach out to take her hand. Much to his surprise, Natsu's hands were soft. They were small and ladylike, nimble and dainty, might he add. They were like those of a girl's. They were cold, however, to a frightening degree.

"'Okay, see ya' later," Subaru waved, leaving the area quickly. Natsu stared at his retreating figure, before examining her own hand.

Subaru's hands were calloused and firm, yet soft at the same time. But they were warm. They were so warm, it startled her. She didn't even realize her hands were so cold until she felt his warmth. The warmth in her hand left just as quickly as Subaru did.

A commotion of loud female voices caught Natsu's attention, signaling that the bride was going to throw the bouquet. So the girl rejoined Ema, who was standing near the group. 

"Over here!" A girl called, jumping up and down as if she were high on sugar.

"I want it..."

"That bouquet is as good as mine!"

"They're throwing the bouquet now, huh?" Natsu inquired, staring at Miwa who was standing on the balcony. Rintarou stood right next to her, the pair smiling warmly.

"Yes," Ema confirmed. "I wonder who's gonna catch it..."

"Get ready, ladies!" Miwa shouted, before turning around. The bouquet went flying over every girl's head, a few trying to jump up and snatch the flowers. Natsu stared down the bouquet as it flew through the air. Oh hey! That bouquet is getting pretty big— wAIT OH SHIT 


A startled cry from the back of the crowd turned everyone's attention to Natsu. In one hand, she was holding the bouquet while the other hand was rubbing her forehead.

A round of applause and laughter resonated through the venue as guests chuckled at Natsu in her... injured form. Looking up at the balcony, Natsu stared in disbelief as Miwa gave her a not-so-subtle wink.

"Congratulations, bride boy!" Tsubaki laughed. "Now we know who the next bride-to-be is! I'll be there at the wedding." Natsu growled and tightened her grip on the flowers, ready to throw the damn thing. 

"Pump the brakes, Tsubaki. A little too far," Azusa cautioned. The girl rolled her eyes. She could defend herself, thank you very much!

Masaomi coughed, gathering the brothers' and Ema's attention. "Ahem, let's make it official, gentlemen!"

"Though the setting might not be that appropriate," Ukyo muttered.

"I think this setting is perfect," Hikaru (Asahina) smirked.

Ema cocked her head to the side, obviously confused. "What? I don't understand."

"Come on guys, let's keep this on track," Yusuke reminded.

Iori chuckled, "Shall we share how we feel?"

"Duh, what're we waiting for?" Natsu rolled her eyes.

"Ready, Set!"

"Welcome to the Asahina family, sister!"

After that ordeal, Natsu returned to the twins with bouquet in hand (she tried to give it away but Miwa insisted she keep it). They sat at a table off to the side, away from the other guests. Two slices of vanilla cake sat in front of them, each at different stages of completion. To her delight, it seems as though they saved her a slice.

"Hey," she smiled, sitting down. She set her bouquet to the side and picked up a fork.

"Hey yourself, bride boy," the twins smirked, eyeing the bouquet of lavenders and lillies. They were tied with a purple lace ribbon. "Where you been?"

"Ha ha," the girl rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. "I had to get food, and something came up."

"You mean your older brother, the one with that dopey look on his face—?"

"—and the one who always looks like he's constipated?"

Natsu almost choked on her cake.

"You saw?" Natsu asked, reaching for a glass of water. She smiled from their ridiculous description of Subaru. "Yeah, that was him. Plays basketball."

"We play basketball too—"

"—but it was for a movie—"

"—and we were basketball players stuck in our own world. We only had and cared for each other."

The girl deadpanned. "You're kidding." Damn rich people. Flaunting their popularity and fame.

"No, we're not," both twins insisted, claiming that it was true.

Though judging by Natsu's deadpan look, she sure thought otherwise.

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