Chapter 3

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A/N: Hey my marvelous stars! It's Mixie!
So I hope you are all liking this book so far, just a disclaimer, this chapter had a hit of self harm. Just so you guys are aware in case that will trigger you.


My sister stayed quiet throughout the rest of dinner, something that she never does. “You okay?” I asked as she picked at her food.

“Ya.” She wispered quilckly as she shrugged. “I just have a headache. Can I be excused?” She asked my father. I looked at my brothers, we all exchange glances that says somethings not right. All four of us look at my father, we could tell he knew it too. He just gave a little head nod and Cassie went upstairs. I heard the bathroom door shut as we all stared at each other. Cassie was normally so positive and happy all the time. Though we shrugged it off and went back to our meals.

After dinner is over, I walk upstairs and head towards my room. A have a big test tomorrow and I really need to study. Though as soon as I put my hand on my bedroom door knob, I freeze. Im sure my sister is okay, but what is she isn't? What if she wants to talk to someone. I turned around and pierce at the door across the hall from me. I see the light under the door and I can hear the faint sounds if music. Maybe my sister did need someone to talk to, or maybe she wanted to be left alone. Or Cassie could be fine. I told myself to go check on her. I told myself something didn't feel right. But before I knew it I turned around and walked into my room. Not only shutting the door behind me, but my sister as well.

Beep Beep

Beep Beep

I was up till 1:00 A.M. studying for my stupid Spanish test I have today. I'm running on 5 1/2 hours of sleep and I all I could think about is how much I don't want to leave the warmth of the bed. I hit the snooze button on my alarm clock and close my eyes for what I would hope to be ten minutes. Not even a minute later the horrid sounds of my three little brothers awoken me. It was useless to try to go back to sleep. I groaned as I literally rolled out of bed. I love all three of my brothers, but there's no denying that they suck in the morning. They seemed to get my dad's morning energy, whilst Cassie and I got my mom's night owl gene.

As the thought of my sister crossed my mind, my stomach dropped. I forgotten all about last night's dinner incident. Oh how I hope she's okay. I quickly got dressed, well as quickly as you could when you're half-asleep, and headed downstairs to see my sister making breakfast like always.

She loved to cook, so it was a natural and refreshing sight to see. Only something was off. My sister always made sure she looked her best for school. Hair done all nice, cute skirt and blouse, full face of makeup along with some adorable shoes. That's just how Cassie was. The biggest fashionista you'll meet, alone but being the world's number one tomboy. So my jaw dropped when I saw her chestnut hair pulled up into a ponytail, and her wearing loose jeans and a red flannel. “Morning.” She said cheerfully as she flipped the pancakes.

“Um, good morning.” I said, not knowing what else to say. I'm in complete shock. Cassie never wears flannels, I didn't even think she owned one.

Soon my little brother Dean, who is only a year younger than me, comes running down the stairs. “Morning Evie, Cas.” He greets us as he takes a piece of bacon off the plate. “Something's different about you.” He said as he analyzes Cassie. “New hair. Ya, that's it.” He takes a bite out of his bacon in satisfaction.

“Boys.” I mumble to myself. “They never notice anything.” If either of them heard me they chose to ignore, because I got no response. “So, going a bit more casual today, huh Cassie?” I asked her a bit louder. I didn't mean to but somehow my tone came off a little bit suspicious.

“I'm just trying out a new look, do you like it?” She asked as she plopped a plate of pancakes in front of my face.

“Um, well.” I don't have how to tell her that I hate it. It looks like she just got out of bed and didn't bother to try all. I like her old style much better and hope that she'll go back to it tomorrow. “It's not the best.” I said in the nicest way possible without lying. “Though, you kinda look like a boy.”

I started eating my pancakes but I could have sworn I saw her smile from the corner of my eye.

Before I had much time to think on the matter my other two little brothers came and rushing down the stairs and the chaos of the morning began.

There was something going up with my sister, I just can't place my finger on it.

Just as all five of us sat down to eat our breakfast, my father comes downstairs ready for work. “Good morning.” He said as he straightened out his tie.

“Good morning.” My sister said back to him as she handed him his coffee.

I saw my father freeze. Though what was going through his mind, I have no idea. At first he looked shocked, then confused, and then maybe a little bit mad. “What are you wearing?” His voice when suddenly cold and deep.

“What do you mean?” I could tell my sister was annoyed, maybe even a little bit hurt at his comment.

“You can't wear that to school, go change.” My father ordered harshly.

“Why? It's not against the dress code. And tons of people wear clothes like this.” My sister rolls her eyes, getting so fed up with my father and his stupid one minded attitude.

“Yes lots of boys, wear clothes like that. In case you didn't look in the mirror this morning, you're not a boy. Now go change before your late to school."

We all stared at them, not knowing what to say or how to react. I felt as if I should stand up for Cassie, tell my father she can wear whatever she wants. But I just stood there as she stormed upstairs. We all flinched as we heard the door slam shut. My father sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose and looked at us. “Come on boys I'll walk you guys out to the bus.”

Jack and Sam grab their backpacks and hurried out the door with my father. Dean grab his bag as well but before he went out the door he came over to me and whispered. “Make sure she's okay, there's something going on with her and I'm worried.”

Not knowing what to say to Dean I just nod my head and he leaves for the bus.

Because I'm now in high school with my sister, she drives me to school every morning. Though when I look at the clock and it reads 7:37 I know I can't wait for her any longer. I go upstairs and check her bedroom, but she's not there. I See the light underneath the bathroom door and I knock on it three times. “Cassie, we're running late are you ready?” I asked her.

She open the door, dressed in a flower skirt and a white blouse with a overgrown gray sweater, covering both her hands. Her face was covered in makeup but I can still see the redness around her eyes. I want to hug her, tell her it's okay, ask her what's wrong. But I don't. She just nods her head and I let her walk right past me.

I stand there for a few moments, not knowing what to do. Though I decided to let the matter go once more, I go into the bathroom to shut the light off that Cassie left on. Only something caught my eye. There are small red smears on the edge of the sink. I run my finger over it and it was still wet, for a second it looked like blood, for a second it smelt like blood, for a second I thought it was blood from my sister's wrists. Everything happened in the second, and for that second I was terrified. Though the moment was gone as soon as it came, I just dismissed it, not knowing truly what it was, nor wanting to know. I quickly rinsed my fingers under the water and shut off the light. I close the bathroom door as I closed the only clue what was going on in my sister's life.

I walked downstairs and hopped in my sister's car, I talked to her like everything was normal, I pretended it was. For some reason I couldn't handle if something was wrong with my sister. I just wanted that part of my life to be normal, to be perfect. My sister has always been there for me, so why couldn't I be there for her? Why do I push away the gut instinct that's telling me something's not right. Why do I dismiss every clue that comes to me? Why do I ignore the red stains I see on her sleeve as she pulls her hands out of them to drive?

Why can't I see what's right in front of my face? Why can't I help my sister?

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