Chapter 12 Inside Out

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(Hello everyone and finally i had the chance to update a chapter im so happy! anyway this chapter has to be one of my favorites ive done so far and i hope you like it too :) please comment of vote for more of this story and ill see you all later!)

Mikasa's pov 

I looked over to my right to see outside as it was raining with thunder a few kids flinched and some were saying at hopefully the lights will go off so we wont have class.we were having english and after this it would be lunch i was deeply concentrated by outside my hands wandered to the back of the note book where i hid the photo i found a few days earlier. "Ahh were gonna die!" a girl said which was my rival as the lights went out thank goodness "No one gonna die and lets just stay calm lunch is in 2 minutes so we will have to stay here and eat then." professor Hanji said as she lit up a candle as she told us she was gonna be back with her lunch.

"Mikasa how about we met up after school?" Kris asked me i only nodded and began to look for my food and realized that i left it at home when mom was telling me to get dressed quick. i sighed and was about to open my book to continue my reading until i heard someone tap my shoulder "H-hey Mikasa i wanted to know i m-mean wanna share my lunch with me?" i stared at Rin's green eyes as i nodded as i saw him with a faint pink blush "Look im sorry for what she did the other d-day." i looked over at him.

"Its okay you didnt do anything did ya?" i chuckled as he smiled "Im happy that you decided to open up to me." open up? then i better be careful i dont really wanna open up to anyone since i hurt people when i do. "Yeah." i whispered looking down at my lap "Mikasa just so you know you can count on me in anything ill always be here when you need me." he spoke quickly as i stared at him wide eyed why would he say that? im not even close to him does he consider me as a friend?

We both talked as the other kids and Kris joined us and she for some reason began to joke about how Rin is cute and how he looks and finds a way to talk to me.did i mention that my birthday is coming up? well im looking forward if my parents or at least uncle Hiro can take me to at least the movie theater.Kris and i talked as professor Hanji was talking and talking non stop to our french teacher who looked like he was going to explode of anger,Kris nudged my shoulder as i saw to my right and saw Rin crying i walked over to him slowly as i stopped infront of him.

"Rin,are you crying?" i asked as he shook his head and wiped away his tears "Im okay its just that i just figured out that im moving out of town and i really dont want to" he says looking up at me as i raised an eyebrow "Really? why dont you." "W-well because ill really miss someone from here." he says standing up as i stopped him by placing a hand on his shoulder "Eveeything will be alright Rin just try to tell that person that youll miss them then and then youll be able to move forward." Rin smiled and was about to say something when we heard another thunder as i flinched.

We heard the bell today i was actually looking forward to go home since mom and dad are going to finally take me out! i said goodbye to Rin and Kris as they stayed together to talk for a while as i walked home by myself."Hey Granny Cass,Hiro,Mom,Dad im home!!" i shouted as i opened the café door i looked up and saw mom frowning as she stood up and walked up to me with dad following her trail "Mikasa your mom and i have something to tell you and dont be mad." dad said as i looked at his brown eyes and nodded my head.

"Mikasa remember that we were supposed to go out together as a family." "Yeah" i whispered as i clinged onto my backpack tight "Well we had to cancel it." "What?" i whispered again as i looked down and began to cry as i grabbed my glasses and cleaned them placing them into my pocket "ITS NOT FAIR YOU GUYS ALWAYS DO THIS TO ME! EVEN WHEN I NEED YOU THE MOST I HATE YOU TWO! YOU TWO WERENT MEANT TO BE PARENTS ANYWAY!" i shouted as mom looked sad at what i said and dad,i stepped back as i ran to my room as dad called out to me angry i ran faster to my room and locked it as i laid down on my bed crying.

I can feel so many emotions right now but the one that im feeling the most is rage and sadness i will never be able to have a fun day with both of my parents.maybe they were just too young to become parents well it was their fault anyway that they decided to have me! i sniffed onto my sleeve i breathed in then out and i looked around as i saw the rain getting stronger and it quickly turned to dark i looked around my room and made a decision.i grabbed my backpack and emptied everything book that was inside i filled it with some clothes and just a cookie and apple i had here with some juice i grabbed money that i earned from bot-fighting and grabbed a red scarf i found here.

I grabbed a dark purple hoodie and opened the window i placed my leg outside as i took on last glance at my room and the family pictures i furrowed my brows and shook my head as i made my way outside i carefully tried to walk down "Ahh" i began to fall as i grabbed onto another open window and i glanced at Hiro from the inside as he played on a game and Baymax saw eyes widened and i quickly let go as i fell on a bush as i felt the rain hit me.i grabbed my hood and placed it on my head so i wont get sick or wetter and i glanced up at the house and began to run down the empty lonely streets of san fransokyo.

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