Chapter 18 Lost Without You

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Finally!!! I updated you have no idea its been a pain in my butt for a while since my ipad broke down and i dont have stupid internet to update so here is another chapter hope you all enjoy kt and please comment and vote for more telling me if you liked the chapter or not :)

James pov 

 Oh Maya i wish your alright youve been out here in the cold and youre probably sick by now not to mention Mikasa she must be worse i must find you two."Say Tadashi you think everythings okay" i say trying to make a conversation but he just shrugs his shoulders making me even angrier on the inside "Hey whats your problem Dashi" i say using his nickname "My problem right now is you James" I grit my teeth as i hide my hands in my pocket coat.

 "Yeah? well your also my problem right now Tadashi your supposed to be the one to protect Maya and Mikasa and not making neither of them sad remember that your not a teenager anymore your a father so stop with your childish acts i dont know what my sister saw in you cause the man im seeing right now wont conquer his own fears, i know that your lives are not my concern but you should fix whatever you broke my sister is out there trying to find your daughter too and it seems that you only tagged along to mock me" "And what would you know?! like you said its non of your concern James" he stopped in his tracks as he both glared at each other but Hiro spoke "Guys stop fighting for just a second Baymax says that Maya is nearby but he cant scan Mikasa" 

"What only my sister why?" "Beats me but we better find Maya quick lets go" Hiro says leading the way walking close to Baymax who is radiating heat "Man i shouldve brought our suits" i listen to him mutter making me raise my eyebrows. "What? no!!' Hiro yells looking up ahead i follow his gaze and see that a frozen river is up ahead 'Oh great' i walk over to Hiro and lean closer to his ear.

"Say Hiro why is your brother so..annoying all of the sudden" i ask him "Beats me but i guess its work" he rubs the back of his neck while telling me which has been a bad habit he got from his brother "Work? i dont think so Hiro there mist be something else he hasnt been acting himself at all cause i feel like hes the biggest jerk in the world around right now"

 "Maybe its cause his inventions arent quite successful right now and a lady has been stalking him i feel like shes familiar though" Hiro says thinking "You do realize that i can hear everything you two are saying" Tadashi next which makes us both look at each other and gulp i suddenly remembered something i smirked and fixed my glasses.

"Well theres no way out so all thats left is skating" "Yeah i guess your right" Hiro says lucky us he found a pair of skates for each of us we began to skate and looked back at Tadashi with his arms crossed "Haha Tadashi i cant believe you cant skate oh man hes a hero and he fears of skating?" Hiro couldnt stop laughing as i pinched the bridge of my nose now this will take forever. 

 Mikasa's pov 

 I stared at outside by the window the snow falling down i bit my lip remembering what i said to mom and dad but i am right in a way i guess aunt Ryuko would be a better parent "Mikasa i made some cookies and they are super sweet" she laughs but soon opens her eyes and stares at me "Hey whats the m-matter?" she asks. 

I just shook my head and get up "Its nothing just have a small headache thats all" i lie making my way towards the door until she places a hand on my shoulder making me look up at her "I know its tough but you gotta let things go and your friends" i look down at my feet and try not to cry i just give aunt Ryuko a small nod.

"Alrighty now lets to and eat!" she grabs my arm and starts dragging me to the kitchen or sorta this place is like a small cabin and a fire place is in the middle of the living room "Here have these im sure youll love them" she grins making me raise my brows i let out a sigh and grab the plate filled with cookies. I take a bite and my eyes widen and i try not to puke "Well how are they?" "T-there delicious" i try to say while munching a piece and trying to swallow it 

"If you mind aunt Ryuko ill eat my cookies upstairs while drawing" i lie once again as i grab the plate and head to my room locking the door shuf. "Ugh these cookies are gross" i open the window and began to throw the cookies randomly its something ive always done when i dont like food i open the window and throw them,mom has said that its a bad habit. I shivered and closed the door quick tucking myself in bed all wrapped up in the bed sheets as i began to get sleepy.

 Maya's pov 

I opened my eyes and felt warm blankets on me while i saw laying beside the fireplace i furrowed my brows confused to where i was.

"Where the hell am i?" i looked around but didnt recognize this place i suddenly heard footsteps coming and i quickly looked at the door opening and i remembered who was the last person i saw, i tried to get up but stumbled on the couch making me fall on the ground "Whoa after all these years your still clumsy as ever" a voice chuckled i looked up at the man glaring at him "Who the hell are you and why have you been stalking me for my entire life.Ive seen you every where i go since i was little why is it?!" i stared at him angry but his eyes seem to soften "I knew you wouldnt remember me Maya 

"h-how does he know my name i never told him. "Who are you? and how do you know my name and why did your bring me here?" i tried my best not to yell,i swear id this man doesnt respond ill have to use my karate skills on him.He walked closer and stopped in front of me offering his hand "Its nice to see you again Maya i cant believe my baby girl is all grown up" i stood up and stared at him with my eyes wide 'baby girl?' "W-what i dont u-understand" he just smiled as tears fell down his eyes "Im your father Maya" was all he said

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