The Mob, the Bear, the Kyuubi

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   My name is Naruto Uzumaki. It was when I was 5 that discovered the predicament I was in, the danger and curse that was the Kyuubi. The fourth Hokage sealed it within me, condemning me because there was no one else to do it. Nobody else convenient.

I've been living like this since I was 2. By this, I mean in rags running from murderous mobs of civilians living in the place I called home, barely enough food to keep me from dying. Usually when I explain this, people tell me that I need to stop whining. That I'm being over dramatic. I haven't showed them the scars on my chest, from the people carving their anger unto me, a catalyst for their rage.

And yes, people do do this, sick as it is. I know because I've experienced it first hand many times. I want you to estimate my age.



Hi, I'm Naruto. Turning 7 in 2 weeks. Nice to meet ya.

Naruto was running from one of many recurring threats, a mob. This always happened on his birthday... and there was no way to escape this time. They had chased him to the wall of the village... but there was a hole in the wall.

Naruto huffed. He had been running for... at least 20 minutes now, and he was pretty sure he had finally lost them. By them, he means the villagers, the ones who had hurt him time and time again. Finally, he thought, resting against a tree.

It's not safe here, rung a voice in his head. Shrugging it off, Naruto still sat on the root of the tree.

He looked down, wondering what to do. He couldn't go home, that was for sure. He would be killed and hung before he knew it. He just had to stay here for now... he heard a sickening crack, and he swore he could see an angry yellow orb glaring at him.

There was a bear. A huge bear. Big-ass bear. Whatever you want to call it, it was colossal. Its shaggy brown fur shook as it walked, its claws clicking against the cold dirt. It sniffed the boy, who was silently cowering beneath the tree.

"...meat," It grumbled, its voice low as a bass. It's eyes appeared to glow brighter as it slowly moved to bite the blonde.

A thick, fire coat of warm chakra climbing around the the boy, a ghastly form slowly emerging. He could almost see an eye and a mouth. Actually, he could. He realized this was the chakra of the fox, the thing that had made him hated, but it was protecting him this time. He knew as the bear growled softly in fear that he had a new friend.

The beast, once so hideously infuriated, now cowered before the mighty fox before it, and as a last resort, ran.

"Kit. I am Kurama."

The newly known Kurama sat next to Naruto, it's tails curling around the small boy's body. One of the tails brushed the seal, and it began to glow with an eerie light. Naruto looked down in surprise at the seal.

Blue, exotic fur sprung from his scalp, highlighting his new, beautiful yellow eyes. He now had a fairly accentuated nose, fangs poked out from his lips, and there, in front of Kurama,  stood his dead son... Yudai Ao.

   Kurama wasn't one for emotion, other than hatred. But as he saw the blue creature in front of him, he knew that the connection between jinchuriki and Bijuu, now father and son, had tightened considerably. Naruto was, without a doubt, his kit... his kit forever.

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