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Chapter one
Diplomatic Missions
Cressida's POV:
I sighed as I received a holocall telling me I needed to go to Coruscant. I was quick to roll my eyes. "Are we going to Coruscant?" Claudia asked me. I nodded and said "yes, we are. They need me to go there for a meeting." "Can I see Tags while we're there?" I nodded again. Claudia smiled really big and started to pack some things. "This way, your majesty." One of my handmaidens said. Claudia and I boarded the ship on its way to Coruscant. As we arrived, I was greeted by a jedi. "Hello. I am Kelleren Beq." "And meesa Jar Jar Binks!" The Gungan standing next to him said. "We're to take you to the meeting. Will your sister be joining you?" Kelleren said. I shook my head and said "no. Is she able to visit Tags Drayson?" "Yes. Zalee here can take her." A young girl with long black hair approached us. "Come on. Tags is training but we can always see him after." Claudia nodded and gave me a smile before leaving. I then followed the Jedi and the Gungan. "Like Coruscant?" Jar Jar said. "Yes. I've been here a couple of times. It seems to amaze me each time I return." "Good. Good." Kelleren cleared his throat and said "they're waiting for you inside." Jar Jar opened the door for me and I saw a group of people sitting at a table. One of them just happened to be Senator Sarai Loras. "Sarai." I greeted. She nodded to me and said "hello, Cressida. It's been some time, hasn't it?" "Yes, it has. Mace Windu sat with another woman I wasn't familiar with. "Cressida!" Tags said. A smile spread across my face as he ran over, hugging me. I hugged him and said "Tags, how are you?" "I'm good. I'm so glad you're here. Claudia is here too?" "She went with Zalee." Kelleren said. Tags looked at his master who nodded and Tags left with Kelleren. Jar Jar nodded to the group and closed the door. "Queen Thanas. Please." Mace gestured to the table. Sarai's aide stood behind her, eyeing everyone in the room. "I'm Arwen Proxima. I'm a senator here." She stood up and I went to shake her hand. Her strawberry blonde hair was pulled up into a bun and she looked very stoic. I sat down and said "I'm not sure why I was called to Coruscant." "You're in danger, Queen Thanas." Mace said. I furrowed my eyebrows and said "how?" "We're not exactly sure what the threat is. But, there is someone that is trying to kill you. Padmé Amidala had an assassin attempt to kill her. We got word that you were the next target." I shook my head and said "why is this happening?" "You're alliance with us, ma'am. It's as simple as that." Mace said. Arwen sighed and said "we cannot have you being executed. You're a great ally to Coruscant and a marvelous queen. But, we need to keep you and the senator safe. Mostly you. Sarai also has to be kept safe from whatever is happening. She has alliances elsewhere." Mace looked at Arwen and then back at me. "The Jedi Council has decided to put you and your sister under Jedi protection. It's the best option. There's no doubt you'd be safe with Jedi." I nodded and said "ok. When is protection starting?" "Tomorrow. The Jedi we picked are out on a mission. They'll be back in the morning to greet you. For now, you can stay here in an apartment. We've got it all ready for you. Sarai will be in the one next to you. It'll be the two of you along with any guests you have. Arwen will take you there now. As for me, I have Jedi business to attend to." Mace nodded to us and then left the room. Arwen stood up and said "if you both would come with me." Sarai and I followed Arwen as she led us to an elevator. The older woman was silent as she looked out towards the city. Once we got to the floor, she led us down the hall to two apartment doors. "Here's your apartments. If you need anything, me and my daughter are down the hall. And Cressida, the Jedi Temple is there." She pointed to a building and I nodded. "Your sister and her friends should be there. If you ever need help getting there, you can always ask me or my daughter. And anyone is welcome to visit the temple." "Thank you, Arwen." Arwen nodded and then left to go to her apartment. "I guess I'll see you later, Sarai." "You as well." The both of us then went into our respective apartments.


"Tags, I can't believe you train here!" Claudia said. Tags chuckled and said "Coruscant can be amazing. But, I do miss Raxus." "I know. I miss you being home with me. It's so weird." "Yeah. It's just something we have to get used to." I took a step away from them as I went to the window. I wasn't exactly sure how long this Jedi protection detail would have to go on. And we wouldn't be seeing them till the following day. "Is something troubling you?" Arwen asked me. I nodded and said "this whole thing. I'm just not sure how long I can be away from my planet. I have duties there." "But, the Jedi need to keep you alive. It's the safest way." Arwen was right. I'd be much safer under Jedi protection. I needed to protect my sister from whatever dangers lurk in the galaxy. "Wanna see my saber?" Claudia nodded at Tags who ignited the weapon. Claudia gasped at the green light that glowed. She reached out to touch it and Tags moved the saber, a sound emitting as it moved. "It'll cut your fingers off." Claudia slowly pulled her hand away and Tags disengaged it. "Mom, who are our guests?" A girl with curly blonde hair said. Tags smiled and said "hi, Jadonna." "This is my daughter, Jadonna." Arwen said. I nodded to her and she said "you're a queen aren't you?" "I am." I replied. Jadonna smiled really big and said "what planet are you from? My mom and I are originally from Naboo. I miss it so much. But, Coruscant can be fun." "It's so cool!" Claudia commented. "My sister and I are from Raxus. Apparently there's a killer on the loose that thinks me and my sister should be wiped out." Jadonna gasped softly and said "that's awful. Well, I hope your stay here on Coruscant is delightful." I half smiled and said "me too." "Tags, come with me." Mace said as he entered the apartment. Tags sighed and said "bye, Claudia." Claudia hugged him before he went to leave with his master. "Cressida, if you would go into Sarai's apartment and sit with her in her living room, the Jedi that have been assigned to you will be arriving soon." Mace said to me. I nodded and then went to Sarai's apartment. "Hello, Sarai." I greeted. Claudia stood behind me while Sarai's aide stood behind Sarai. "I guess we're going to meet our Jedi protector's now." I said. Sarai half smiled and said "I guess we are."

This chapter is slow and boring I know! It's honestly one of those chapters that just feeds you information. The next chapter should be entertaining because Anakin and Obi Wan will be appearing. And if you read my last Anakin book, no you didn't because it was trash! Hopefully this one is a lot better.

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