Bly Belladonna (Earth-823)

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VA: Alejandro Saab (ENG), Koki Uchiyama (JAP)

Alias: The

Species: Faunus

Nationality: Remanntian

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Height: 5'11

Weight: 60 lb

Eye Color: Gold

Hair Color: Black

Relatives: Ghira Belladonna (father), Kali Belladonna (mother), Blake Belladonna (sister, disowned)

Occupation: Huntsman, (member of Team RWBY), White Fang member (formerly)

Alignment: Chaotic Good/Neutral Good


Much like his sister, Bly is a stoic, serious, and rather silent person with a dry witted and sarcastic side. He has his father's good-natured and strong will while having his mother's kindness.

While he has a strong sense of justice like his parents and sister, Bly is more cool-headed in helping others, unlike his sister who is obsessed. While Bly doesn't believe violence will help bring equality, he is willing to fight and even kill if necessary, something that cause him to have conflict with his sister. Not to mention unlike his sister, Bly is outwardly proud of being a Faunus, and calls his sister a hypocrite for trying to hide her ears.

When it comes to the White Fang, Bly tries to distance himself from them, especially after his argument with Blake and his fight with Adam who went rogue that left him almost dead has made him bitter toward the organization.

After meeting Whitley, Ruby, and Yang, and befriending them, Bly begins to soften up a bit. He soon learns to open up more and trust his teammates, and became more fun loving while hanging out with his friends. He even learns how to relax as well, going clubbing with Yang for his date with her. Speaking of Yang, Bly develops a feeling for her and opens up to her.

His Faunus traits, much like Blake, gives him aspects of a cat. However, in this case Bly has some traits of a panther, such as tending to stalk silently around certain people. Unlike his sister, he likes meat.


Bly was born to Ghira and Kali Belladonna, and a younger brother to Blake Belladonna. They were both born outside of the Four Kingdoms, in the island of Menagerie. Bly is a black panther Faunus with claws that he inherited from his father.

From early in his life, Bly, much like Blake, was involved in the organization's protests against the unfair and discriminatory treatment of Faunus. While he supported equal rights for Faunus, he became concerned at how Blake continued as an active supporter of the organization despite its turn to militancy after their father stepped down as the high leader before replaced by Sienna Khan, who was also Bly's mentor. While Bly was initially happy that Sienna as became the High Leader, he became worried at how Sienna used unnecessary violence toward humans. Ironically, it was during his time with White Fang that caused him to become a fighter, which he learned that he was a naturally gifted in combat. He also learned to develop his Semblance for stealth purposes.

Later, he met and befriended Ilia Amitola, a chameleon Faunus, who he pitied for her, and Adam Taurus, a bull Faunus who was a former worker at SDC mines. While Bly pitied Adam, he became worried at Adam's.

At some point, Bly and Blake's relationship became strained after their parents left the White Fang. While Bly respected their decision as he was aware of his father's peaceful method of bringing equality to Faunus, Blake was angry and said harsh things to her parents. This led to an argument in which that resulted in a fight, that ended with Blake accidentally hurting Ghira. Angered, Bly attacked Blake and told her to leave, causing Blake to run away.

Living alone with his parents, Bly stayed with his parents. Although Ghira and Kali did not blamed Blake and forgave them, Bly admitted to them that he was unable to forgive Blake, causing his parents to worry. The incident also caused Bly to leave the White Fang, greatly saddening Sienna.

At some point later, Bly later discovered that Blake defected from White Fang, and Adam has made a deal with a woman named Cinder Fall. Seeing how Adam has went rogue, Bly tried to stop him. The duel between the two left each other heavily damaged, as Adam retreated while Bly barely survived.

He was later found by Raven Branwen, a rogue Huntress and a former member of Team STRQ who was leader of the Branwen Tribe. Raven offered Bly to become a bandit, but Bly refused seeing what kind of people Branwen Tribe were, before leaving, not before killing some of the bandits when they tried to beat him up.

Later, he was found by Qrow Branwen, Raven's brother who was a Huntsman. Discovering that he was connected to the Belladonnas, Qrow offered him to talk with Ozpin, which he accepted. Ozpin, along with Glynda Goodwitch and General James Ironwood, had him become a Huntsman in exchange for giving them information regarding the White Fang, in which he did. 

Later, he met Whitley Schnee, Jacques Schnee's son who also ran away to Vale so that he could make himself a Huntsman. While Bly sensed Whitley's lack of experience as a fighter and was at first irritated at him, he could tell he was determined and different from his father. The two then became friends, with Bly later teaching Whitley how to fight and later unlocking his Semblance for him.

Bly and Whitley later entered the Beacon Academy's initiation, in which this one was privately held by both Ozpin and Ironwood. The two passed and became new students.

The two met their sisters, Blake and Weiss. Much like Whitley was with Weiss, Bly was stoic and cold toward Blake, as he simply brushed her off and refusing to talk with her. It is also at this time Bly opens up to Yang, and the two begin to date as a couple.

The tension between Bly and Blake worsen after Earth's merge with Remnant, where they became introduced to heroes of Earth-823, especially Vanguardians.

After meeting the Vanguardians, Bly became inspired their heroics, while also feeling sympathetic toward them for their time in the war and their tragic backgrounds. He and Whitley, along with Ruby and Yang, train under the Vanguardians in order to . This also causes further conflict between him and Blake as well, who despise the Vanguardians and their brutal tactics.

Eventually, after Blake and Weiss' insubordination and conflict with Vanguardians, especially after their battle chasing Roman Torchwick that ended up many casualties after Blake led the experimental Paladin Torchwick was piloting onto a freeway full of many people, Bly and Whitley replaces their sisters as the new Team RWBY. Blake begs Bly to not let them hurt that Faunus, but Bly coldly rejects her sister and kicks her on the ground, leaving her.

After reuniting with his parents, Bly tells them of Blake's crimes, horrifying her parents. Later on, Bly, along with new Team RWBY, Team JNPR, Team CFVY, and Team SSSN, joins Vanguardians and other heroes in taking down Salem.


Aura: Much like many of the inhabitants of Remnant, Bly possesses Aura. His Aura color is black.

Faunus Physiology: Bly is a black panther Faunus, much like his father. Due to this he possesses incredible reflexes, agility, night vision, and superhuman hearing. He also possesses superhuman smell as well, able to detect scent of anyone or anything from far away.

Superhuman Strength: Like his father, Bly is incredibly strong.

Retractable Claws: Like his father, Bly naturally possesses razor sharp retractable claws on all five of his fingers, as his Faunus trait. His claws are sharper and stronger than his father's, as he can easily tear through any material.

Fangs: Bly can turn his teeth into razor sharp fangs that he can bite his enemies with. He is strong enough to tear out people's flesh off and even crunch through bones.

Regenerative Healing Factor: What makes Bly unique from other Faunus is that he naturally possesses a healing factor that allows him to heal from fatal wounds or immune to any virus or toxin. It also prevents him from feeling any form of pain nor get intoxicated. It is said that with his healing factor he can easily fight without an Aura.

Semblance - Darkness: Bly's Semblance allows him to control darkness, which appears in a form of black smoke-like substance. Bly can turn himself intangible by transforming his body into darkness itself in order to phase through physical matter, or absorb things to himself much like a black hole.


Night Sting - A dual weapon that can transform into a revolver and a dagger. Much like Myrtenaster it can fire different rounds of Dust.

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