Caleb Petrelli / Dystopian (Earth-777)

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Name: Caleb Petrelli

VA: Sam Riegel (English), Kaito Ishikawa (Japanese)

Alias: Dystopian, Wildcard, The Puppet Master

Nationality: Italian-American

Species: Evohuman

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Eye color: Cyan

Hair color: Blond

Height: 5'9

Weight: 121 lb

Birthdate: 1/23

Relatives: George Petrelli (father, deceased), Angela Petrelli (mother, deceased)

Affiliation: Malus, Chaosbringers (formerly), The Light Coalition (formerly)

Occupation: Supervillain (currently), Terrorist, Malus Leader, Superhero (formerly)


Caleb was born on January 23rd, 1999, in Trenton, New Jersey, to George and Angela Petrelli.

While Caleb came from a normal and ordinary family with well-meaning and loving parents and grew up in a good home, he suffered from a severe case of antisocial personality disorder and sociopathic tendencies. He was suspected to have killed others who made him angry or irritated. He once murdered a girl who he tried to force himself upon after he was love in her, and when he killed her, he felt fear, but he also felt ecstatic joy in committing his first murder.

In college, where he studied chemistry, business administration, and electrical engineering, after graduating he founded a multinational chemical and industrial company Chimera Corporation and establishes himself as CEO and President only at a young age. While his business is successful, Caleb continued to indulge in homicidal tendencies in secret.

During his life as the CEO, he was approached by a man named Patrick Cormac, who was a supervillain and the first person to use the name of Dystopian. Using his powers to look closely at the youth and sensing his dark inner nature, Cormac decided to act on his words and recruited him as his protégé. After going through training as a villain, finally satisfied with the results, Cormac decided to give portions of his powers to Caleb, turning him into an Evohuman. Cormac encourages Caleb to use his powers for his own personal gain, since he envisions to create a world where everyone can use their powers for personal merits without consequences.

After Cormac introduces him into the underworld of crime, Caleb finally sees much more thrill in criminal activities. As so, he secretly becomes benefactor to Dystopian and other supervillains as well. To hide his criminal activities, Caleb maintains a positive public image, being a booster for many superheroes and government-based organizations, and making large donations to the superheroes' charitable events.

While he is satisfied at his own indulgence and admiring Cormac for his ideological vision, Caleb was never fully content with being Dystopian's subordinate. Secretly tipping off the superhero Braveheart, Dystopian's arch enemy, he had Cormac killed by Braveheart in an epic battle. While Cormac survived, and Caleb pretended to secretly saving him, he uses his powers to hypnotize Cormac into relinquishing all of his powers, before killing him.

After Cormac's death, now having all his powers, Caleb decides become Dystopian himself, before taking his costume become a villain. He then enacted upon himself with Cormac's own plan for himself. Later, learning Cormac's connection to a secret terrorist organization known as Malus, Caleb becomes the new leader of Malus himself.

At some point later becoming Dystopian himself, he founded his own villain team, the Chaosbringers. The members included Uvos the Usurper, a galactic warlord and supreme leader of the Skarnites, Qliphoth, an ancient satanic witch, Killcode, a rogue military artificial intelligence that was bent on destroying humanity, and Revelation, a member of evolved human race from parallel future called Ascendants. The five of them brought fear to many superheroes, and slaughtering them without remorse.

To bring down the superheroes, he infiltrated the Light Coalition by killing a superhero called Wildcard, before taking the hero's name, appearance, and mannerisms. While masquerading as Wildcard, Caleb becomes a mentor the Vanguardians, the top teenage superhero team. He is surprised to learn that Bravestorm, the leader of the team, is Ethan Kalder, the son of Elias Kalder/Atmocide. Caleb manages to gain full trust of the Vanguardians.

Soon, he began his plan by manipulating Vincent Wright, a.k.a. Dominion, who was jealous of Ethan. He manipulates Vincent into torturing and killing his father. Later, after while Braveheart investigates this, he reveals his true color and kills Braveheart. Later to distract Vanguardians, he kills Naomi Mizuhara, Ethan's girlfriend and fiancé, along with their unborn baby.

After revealing himself as Dystopian, he and the Chaosbringers raise an army of supervillains by recruiting many of the superpowered criminals, before declaring war on the world.

At some point throughout the war, Dystopian and the Chaosbringers managed to tame some of the most powerful cosmic horrors, including some of the Outer Gods of Lovecraftian mythos. However, all of them fell victim to the Vanguardians' powers.

At near the end of the war, Caleb was confronted by Vanguardians. However, Vanguardians, already powerful in their own might now combined with their mercilessness, brutally overpowered Caleb. At death's door, Caleb begged them to be spared, but Ethan gruesomely disfigured his face with lightning bolts before scarring the right side of his face, permanently blinding his right eye. He then punched Caleb repeatedly to the point he bashed his head in.

However, Caleb was somehow resurrected and sent to Earth-823, but retaining the scars and injuries he still received at the end of his life due to Ethan's Null Force affecting him. He somehow discovered the existence of Malus and became its member and eventually the leader.


To others, Caleb displays an altruistic, charismatic, and good-natured persona. However, this is a façade he puts up to be presentable toward everyone and hide his true face.

In reality, Caleb is an arrogant, selfish, apathetic, uncaring, cold, hypocritical, and above all ruthless and sociopathic narcissist. As Dystopian, his personality becomes much more insane, becoming more homicidal, sadistic, psychopathic and dangerous.

Although he has reportedly saved many lives with his influence as a CEO of Chimera Corporation, he is a corrupt businessman who abuses his authority and influence to hide his criminal misbehaviors, such as destroying the evidences or witnesses to his crimes. He is also known for being extremely lecherous, as he spared some of the female supervillains working for him who failed in their mission, in exchange for having sexual intercourse with him.

After being somehow revived and sent to Earth-823, Caleb is still a narcissistic psychopath, but the experience of his death made him more matured a bit, where he is much more serious, and now stops underestimating his opponents and even respecting others for their strengths, though he tends to amuse himself in others' suffering. Because he is also heavily scarred and disfigured due to the attacks he received at his death, he holds a strong grudge against the Vanguardians, especially Ethan.


Evohuman Physiology: Originally, Caleb was a normal human until he received his powers from Cormac, the first Dystopian. Through his power, Caleb's body became accustomed to various powers.

Power Absorption: Stolen from Patrick Cormac, the original Dystopian, Caleb's Evohuman power allows him to steal a variety of different superhuman powers through physical contact. Additionally, Caleb is also able to transfer some of his powers to others and can also wield multiple powers simultaneously.

Psychokinesis: Caleb received his first power, which was powers of vast telepathic and telekinetic capabilities.

Telepathy: Caleb's telepathy enabled him to read the minds of others, enter their minds and control their thoughts and actions, see through illusions, cause physical paralysis, and stun individuals into unconsciousness with "mental bolts". Caleb could also create extremely powerful psionic shields within his own mind for the purpose of shielding his thoughts from others and to protect it from telepathic assault. These shields were too powerful for most telepaths to overcome.

Telekinesis: Caleb is a powerful telekinetic capable of moving and manipulating objects, even extremely large and heavy ones, through concentration. His telekinesis is so powerful that he is capable of moving the entire planet with his own mind alone. He was also capable of generating telekinetic fields around individuals to keep them from moving, telekinetic forcefields to shield himself from damage, and offensive blasts of telekinetic energy.

Energy Manipulation: Caleb has the ability to manipulate, control, and absorb vast amounts of energy as he sees fit. He can project radiation along the electromagnetic spectrum and even manipulate some exotic variants such as mana. He can also absorb vast amounts of any types of energy and channel them into various effects, such as increasing his strength or project them into different effects like generating them into powerful energy blasts or solidify them into shapes like weapons or force-fields. His energy projection typically appears as a form of heat vision by generating concentrated beam of heat energy from his eyes. It also allows him to no longer require food, water, sleep, or rest. He can even survive in space and the harshest of conditions. Additionally, it allows him to manipulate magic as well, by controlling the Mana, the magical energy.

Physical Augmentation: Caleb has the ability to drastically enhance his physical abilities to beyond superhuman levels.

Time Acceleration: Caleb can accelerate the flow of time dramatically. Once he speeds up time, Caleb himself possesses extraordinary speed and reaction time, and effortlessly outspeed any of his opponents.

DNA Manipulation: Caleb is capable of manipulating the DNA of others and break them down into molecular level. Once he does, he is also capable of copying them and using it for various uses, including to creating a body for someone or allowing himself to access the full spectrum of his Evohuman functions within his genome.

Pyrokinesis: Caleb can generate and manipulate fire.

Magnetism Manipulation: Caleb has comprehensive control over all forms of magnetism and utilizes that control to manipulate any metal and achieve a variety of effects. Caleb can also manipulate an entire planet's electromagnetic field and through it he can manipulate metal at sub-atomic level, and even can physically shape metals and can even manipulate iron within people's blood.

Shapeshifting: Caleb is capable of flawlessly transform into someone else. He can even replicate their voice as well.

Fear Manipulation: Caleb has the ability to induce limitless fear into his enemies. His presence alone can induce this power, as it is enough to inspire a deep-seated fear towards Caleb, causing victims to doubt everything, lose control of all rational thought, and see visions of their deepest fears. While this would typically result in instantaneous death due to a person's heart being unable to bear such intense shock, an individual's experience and willpower can be used to resist this fear to an extent, though Caleb is confident all would succumb to it eventually.

Regenerative Healing Factor: Caleb can regenerate from any wounds or recover from any illnesses or viruses.


Expert Combatant

Genius Intellect

Master Tactician

Expert Deceiver

Master Manipulator




(His costume is a fusion of black Lord Drakkon and Red Keeper.)

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