Homelander (Earth-823)

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VA: Antony Starr (ENG), Toshiyuki Morikawa (JAP)

Alias: John (real name), The World's Greatest Superhero, America's Number One Hero, Homefucker, The Fraud Hero, Bad Product, Malignant Narcissistic Man-Child

Species: Supe/Evohuman

Nationality: American

Age: 42

Gender: Male

Eye color: Blue

Hair color: Blond

Height: 5'11

Weight: 165 lb

Birthdate: 7/22

Relatives: Ben/Soldier Boy (father), Unnamed mother (deceased)

Occupation: Superhero, Vought International CEO, Supervillain

Affiliations: Vought International, The Seven, Malus 

Alignment: Chaotic Evil, Lawful Good (façade)


On the surface, Homelander presents himself as a charismatic superhero, who is warm, encouraging, altruistic and revolted by any form of injustice. He often encourages his allies by telling them "that they are the real heroes". This only serves as a façade for when he wishes to be presentable however, and is quick to show his true side when necessary even towards those he has vowed to protect.

In reality, however, he is actually the exact opposite; being an apathetic, selfish, uncaring, immature, manipulative, merciless, sadistic, psychopathic, troubled, cold, vile, hypocritical, arrogant, and above all ruthless and horrid narcissist. Because of his immense power, he believes that he is superior to the whole of humanity; that is how he does not hesitate to crash a plane, letting dozens of people die or use his power to get what he wants and satiate his bloodlust.

Likely as a result of being raised to be Vought's premier superhero and lack of proper childhood, Homelander has an extreme sense of narcissism; and, while cruel and uncaring towards civilians behind-the-scenes, longs for their love and attention as further validation for himself. He is prideful about his status as the world's best superhero and is incredibly hostile to anyone who would challenge his popularity, such as the Vanguardians. Furthermore, like his fellow superheroes, he is good at playing the system and tricking the world into thinking that their actions are justified. He does so while doing anything possible to cover up the crimes that even their most loyal followers will despise them for if they ever find out.

However, once he is faced against someone who is powerful than he is and should he be overpowered, Homelander reveals a cowardly and pathetic side, begging for his life to be spared.

These traits are the reason why he becomes one of Bravestorm's greatest enemies, but personally, Ethan hates him the most because he reminds him of Caleb/Wildcard/Kerberos.

After being revived and gaining new powers, Homelander is now more unhinged and does not care for the people's love since he is already a villain and had his crimes exposed. However, he does retain his fear toward Ethan due to experiencing PTSD from his initial death.


Homelander was born sometime in the spring of 1981 from the semen of Soldier Boy, America's first and greatest superhero, and an unknown egg donor. Born with unbelievable powers, he was raised in a lab, and was surrounded by doctors like Jonah Vogelbaum, who named him John.

In his youth, John was a sweet child in his early days between age 5 or 6 who'd cuddled up to him and loved hearing stories about Davy Crockett, Teddy Roosevelt and loved the idea of the woods manifesting destiny. However, needing John to become the strongest man in the world came at the cost of him turning "violent, aggressive, wrathful and downright hateful".

Throughout his childhood, John was put through painful and traumatic physical experiments and surgeries to test the true limits of his abilities. Some of these tests included having his hand forced into a furnace, being boiled alive, and being forced to fight strength-enhanced Vought guards. He was also put under long, strict and tedious mental conditioning and was forced to spend hours sitting in front of a projector that displayed images that were chosen to mold his personality by using as the American flag, Jesus Christ, and a baseball game into becoming patriotic, all-american and turn him into a symbol of the nation itself.

As a child, Homelander had accidentally killed countless female tutors, the most notable incident of which being on March of 1994, when he hugged a woman using far too much strength, breaking her spine and instantly killing her. While these behaviors were usually motivated by indignation, this time it was by isolation-induced depression, which also caused him to develop a sociopathic alternate personality to cope with the pain of experiments.

Years later, he would become the leader of The Seven, Vought's main superhero team composed of Black Noir, Queen Maeve, Mister Marathon, The Deep, Translucent, and Lamplighter. During his time, he quickly befriended Black Noir. At some point Queen Maeve retired mainly due to "unknown altercations" that is heavily implied to be sexual abuse, along with The Deep being kicked out for misbehavior and Mister Marathon dying from unknown reasons. The three were quickly replaced with A-Train as the speedster, Tek-Knight, and Stormfront, who at first had rivalry but became lovers.

During his time as a superhero, he gained the ire of other heroes like Guardians of the Globe. At some point he had some rivalry between Omni-Man, who thought Homelander was a joke.

There was also an incident where Homelander encountered the Exotic squad, a group of Nikkes who were ex-convicts and tried to blow up Vought Tower. Crow, Viper, and Jackal nearly survived the encounter, and never tried to assault The Seven again.

Homelander, wanting to control Vought, decided to blackmail Victoria Neuman, the vice president of United States who was also the adoptive daughter of Vought's CEO Stan Edgar to have him removed from his position which he would take.

After being the CEO of Vought, Homelander had Tek-Knight oversee operations at Godolkin University where they secretly experimented on the students. He also ignored Cecil Stedman's call to rescuing people after Omni-Man's betrayal and attack.

Homelander's life would change when superheroes from another dimension, the Vanguardians, arrived.

As the Vanguardians adjusted with other heroes, they became enemies of Supes at Vought, where he became bitter enemy with the Vanguardians' leader, Ethan Kalder a.k.a. Bravestorm. As the Vanguardians were working with The Seven, they slowly discovered the crimes committed by The Seven and most of the Supes at Vought, which caused things to become more and more tense.

Eventually, things came to a boiling point when they learned of Homelander attempted to kill this Earth's Naomi, who is revealed to have been reincarnated upon her death and was reborn on Earth-823.

Homelander, somehow being tipped off by an unknown assailant, tried to attack her out of revenge toward Bravestorm. However, Bravestorm was able to save her in time. After this, with help from Cecil and Andersen, they were finally authorized to bring down Vought once and for all.

The members of The Seven were swiftly defeated and killed by Vanguardians, with Homelander confronted by Bravestorm himself. Bravestorm confronts Homelander at Vought Tower, where he decides to kill him for his crimes. After engaging in a battle, Bravestorm manages to easily overpower him. As they fight, he revealed that he just leaked the entire crimes committed by Vought, while also secretly live streaming the entire fight where Homelander exposed himself and confessed to all his crimes.

Out of anger, Homelander charged blindly at Bravestorm. As they fought, before being brutally and violently beaten to near death state by Bravestorm. "You were dead the moment you decided to come after my wife...!" Ethan shouted, before breaking his back and paralyzing him down to his neck. Unsatisfied, he repeatedly punched him until his entire face is caved in.


After a lengthy beatdown, Homelander was finally dead.

With Vought's crimes exposed, every other Supes created by Vought were arrested, while the Vought Tower now became Vanguardians' new headquarters. Every single merchandises and products made by Vought were taken off the shelves and were banned completely, while their stocks went down and eventually, they went bankrupt. Using what's left of Vought's money, Vanguardians decided to give most of them to charities while using some of them to fund their operations.

However, what they did not knew was that Homelander's body was secretly taken by the organization known as Malus.

Within Malus, the leader, Kerberos, who was revealed to be the unknown assailant that tipped off Homelander about Naomi, experimented and reanimated Homelander to become their weapon.

It looks like the world hasn't seen the last of Homelander... for now.


Evohuman/Supe Physiology: As a clone of Soldier Boy, the original Supe and being injected with much dose of Compound V as a baby, Homelander's genetics were mutated where he was granted with powerful abilities. However, he is considered as Level 6 Evohuman in this case despite being a powerful Supe. After being experimented and reanimated by Malus, he has now become Level 8.5 Evohuman.

Superhuman Strength: One of Homelander's primary abilities is his tremendous superhuman strength. His total strength states that he is strong enough to lift about 480 tons, however he is unable to use his full strength in flight, requiring a solid surface to take full advantage of his power. Nevertheless, he is physically strong enough to kill people with simple strike, but not against those who are physically stronger or durable.

Nigh-Invulnerability: Homelander possesses extraordinary superhuman durability and is the most durable of the Seven, if not of all Supes. He is not only completely bulletproof, but also highly resistant against explosions and even nuclear ones, and can even survive in space. However, he still can be hurt by those who are physically stronger than him.

Superhuman Speed: Homelander can move at very fast speeds. While Homelander can fly at extremely fast speeds, enough to keep up with an airplane so he could destroy it and move faster than the human eyes can see while making little to no noises.

Flight: Homelander is able to levitate and propel himself at supersonic speeds, allowing him to cover vast distances in a matter of minutes. He reached a hijacked flight before F-16 fighter jets; top speeds of the F-16 jets are just under 1,500 mph/Mach 2.

Heat Vision: One of Homelander's most used powers, he is capable of projecting highly concentrated beams of energy from his eyes. These blasts of energy are so powerful that they can cut through almost anything, such as airplanes. He is able to control the intensity of the beams.

X-Ray Vision: Homelander can see through any solid object or surface, with the exception of objects and surfaces that are lined with zinc, implying that he only has low energy photon x-ray vision.

Superhuman Senses: Homelander possesses extraordinary sense of scent and hearing, able to hear and smell things from miles away.

Regenerative Healing Factor: Homelander possesses a powerful healing factor, but this is limited.

Energy Absorption: After being experimented and reanimated by Malus, Homelander gained the ability to absorb any forms of energy and redirect it through projection. He uses this power to empower his heat vision.

Soundwave Generation: After being experimented and reanimated by Malus, Homelander gained the ability to generate destructive soundwaves through punch, kick, clap, or a stomp. This additionally grants him destructive sonic scream through his enhanced vocal cords.

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