Nick Gibbons (Earth-909)

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VA: Zeno Robinson (ENG), Taito Ban (JAP)

Alias: The Unbeaten, Nicky, Mr. Plot Armor

Species: Evohuman

Nationality: African-American (Samoan descent)

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Eye color: Dark

Hair color: Black

Height: 5'10

Weight: 165 lb

Birthdate: 9/27

Relatives: Jackson Gibbons (father), Layla Gibbons (mother, deceased)

Occupation: Mechanic, SCP Foundation Security Officer (Level 5)

Alignment: Neutral Good


Despite having an intimidating appearance and look, Nick is actually someone who is caring, friendly, and helpful person.

Nick is a good-natured and the most serious which makes him the big brother figure and the most mature one amongst his friends, but he is also extremely friendly and many people likes him. However, he is also capable of losing his cool, such as should his friends or family get insulted. This, combined with his incredible physical abilities along with his powers make him a rather dangerous opponent in combat.

He deeply cares and loves his father who is still struggling with the recent death of his mother. However, despite his powers make him completely invulnerable to virtually anything, Nick still has a fear of dangers of fighting due to possibility that something might happen to his father when he is gone and might lose both his parents.

Nick has deep passion for automobiles, especially muscle and sports cars.


Nick was born to Jackson and Layla Gibbons, being half-Black and half-Arabic. His father was a mechanic while his mother worked at a soup kitchen. As a child, Nick showed a rather strong physical abilities while also enjoying watching cars. He would sneak out as a kid to watch street racing at night, and surprisingly he was never caught.

When Nick was 16, his Evohuman powers kicked in after he and his mother were driving home from school after his first day in his sophomore year, where they had an accident. Although he survived due to his powers and came out unharmed, his mother did not. This led his father to spiral down to depression and becoming reclusive, barely talking to his son and always drinking, though he did not laid hands on his son nor blamed him for the tragedy. After Nick discovered the true nature of his powers, he vowed to protect his father.

He started to use his powers for good in secret after that, while started to work at the same soup kitchen his mother worked, where he met Mark Grayson, Amber Bennett, William Clockwell, and Samantha Eve Wilkins before befriending them. Later, he learned that the "accident" that left his mother dead was in fact caused by Stormfront, one of the members of The Seven who was secretly a Nazi, who was "chasing a criminal" and mistook his mother's car for the criminals, but in reality she did it out of her racist spite. The further investigation revealed not only Stormfront was evil, but the rest of the Vought International she worked for. This made him vow vengeance against the Nazi. "When I find that Nazi bitch... Imma tear her apart."

At some point later, he met Taeho Yeun, Creed Morrow, Philip Peverell, Olivia Ziegner, and Irene Valentine, who became friends quickly. He then became part of SCP Foundation, where he worked as a security officer while granted level 5 clearance due to his powers allowed him to contain some of the SCPs that breached containments. He earned the ire of SCP-682 due to him finding his powers "annoying" but also because he was able to match him in terms of strength and durability.

He was also involved in containing SCP-096, who was only able to defeat him while holding him in choke hold until he passed out and Nick had to drag him into his containment unit. The O-5 council then put Nick in charge of dealing with 682 and 096 should they breach containment once more.

At some point on, he was sent to the government division called Ark, which were in charge of overseeing operations involving Nikkes, female cyborg soldiers who specialize in taking down cybernetic or extraterrestrial threats. He became acquainted with Big Three, though he befriended Ingrid and Mustang, CEOs of Elysion and Tetra Line, he looked down on Syuen due to her attitude toward other Nikkes.

During his mission to take down a Nikke called Chatterbox, he also came contact with Nihilister, a Heretic-type Nikke who is empowered with Rapture technology.

Nihilister "Booba Mecha Fire Dragon"

When first saw her, the first thing Nick could think was,"...Why the fuck are they so big...? Doesn't she have back problems or something?"

But shaking that thoughts aside, Nick fought and won against the Heretic. As Nihilister was on the ground, she growled at Nick.

"Gaah... just finish me off already... damn human...!"

But for some reason, Nick chose not to, and decided to take her with him. Which for Nihilister, might have been humiliation to be captured by human, but she was ready to learn that it was not.

Nick spent time with Nihilister and they spent time together, hopefully to use her powers against their enemies. As Nihilister was with Nick, she couldn't help but feel her heart beating. "Wha... what is this?" She said, as for some reason wanting to be close with the human. As for Nick, he couldn't help but think the same, and in his honest opinion, he thought she was "cool".

As time passed, eventually they became a couple. Nihilister finally decided to stay with Nick, already accepting her feelings. As for Nick, while he was kinda happy that he finally got himself a girlfriend, he couldn't help but think about what would his dad say, like, "Hey dad, I got an alien dragon cyborg as my girlfriend."

But then again, Taeho, Creed, Olivia, and Philip have girlfriends/boyfriend with crazy powers, so it wasn't that bad for him.


Evohuman Physiology: Nick is a natural-born Evohuman, a human who developed superhuman powers through genetic mutations. Nick is classified as a Divine-Class Evohuman (Same level as Omega-Level Mutant), who are known for having most powerful genetic potential of their powers.

Absolute Unbeatability: Nick's Evohuman power initially was believed to be invulnerability, it is revealed that his true power allows him to possess the ability to always win and cannot be defeated, no matter what. This additionally allows him to become virtually invulnerable toward anything, including types of powers or physical attacks. Taeho jokingly described this power as "plot armor". Due to Nick's skill in hand-to-hand combat, this gives him much advantage in fight where he is able to completely overpower and defeat his opponents either singlehandedly or in a lengthy beatdown.

Strength Absorption: Nick's secondary mutation allows him to possess the power to absorb other people's physical strength and use it as his own. His presence alone is able to drain others' strength, and thus he can freely absorb and use them as he pleases. The power's effectiveness is dependent on his target's strengths, the stronger they are, the more he is able to absorb and use.

Luck Enhancement: His unbeatability additionally gives him good luck in anything, and even enhancing other people's luck.

Superhuman Strength: Nick additionally possesses seemingly limitless superhuman strength, which allows him to effortlessly beat up his opponents to a bloody pulp and defeat them. He is strong enough to leave a giant crater on the continent, can break through a special glass that can contain hundred nuclear explosions, and punch and cleave through people's bodies with significant ease, or simply just completely obliterate their bodies.

Power Negation Immunity: Nick is immune toward any types of power suppressant or neutralization, and thus his powers cannot be shut off.

Magic Immunity: Nick is invulnerable to any types of magical or supernatural abilities.


1970 Dodge Charger Tantrum: Originally owned by his father, Nick modified the car, now having about 1700 horsepower, being bullet/fireproof, and having Nitrous Oxide afterburner.

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