Olivia Ziegner (Earth-909)

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VA: Kira Buckland (ENG), Hitomi Nabatame (JAP)

Alias: Pythia (codename), Liv, Colonel Ziegner, The Prophet Queen

Species: Evohuman

Nationality: German-American

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Eye color: Dark purple

Hair color: Black

Height: 5'8

Weight: 83 lb

Birthdate: 2/12

Relatives: Shinichiro Ziegner (father, deceased), Heidi Ziegner (mother), Cynthia Fritz-Ziegner (younger sister, deceased)

Occupation: U.S. Army Colonel, SCP Foundation O-5 Council member

Alignment: Neutral Good


Olivia was born to German and Japanese family. Growing up, she was fond of nature, always looking at mountains and oceans.

Aside from that, she had an upbringing where she succeeded in anything and everything that she did, ranging from exams in her high school and university and sports competition where she was classified as Olympic level. It was at that point her Evohuman powers kicked in and gained an incredible ability to see the entire future. With this, Olivia felt like she was at the apex of food chain, and felt like she could do anything.

However, one thing she was frustrated with was her younger sister, Cynthia. Despite having zero talent whatsoever, she had her kindness and strong sense of righteousness. Cynthia urged Olivia to do good with her powers, something she would scoff at. Cynthia looked down on her and called her weak. Despite this, Cynthia would always smile and would say:

"I know. I'm sorry, sis. But I still love you."

Olivia  would always be frustrated at, believing she was dense. Huffing in annoyance, she would walk away. Even though she somewhat cared for her sister, she still saw her as a failure and would try to retain her grace, but felt frustrated how her mother liked both of them, even though she was clearly superior.

But eventually, Olivia would come to regret it.

While at school, Olivia's mother would call about an urgent news. Cynthia was shot by a petty thief who was trying to steal from a mother and a young boy. She saved them, but she was hurt. Hearing this, Olivia ran and ran. For some reason, she didn't understand. She hated her sister, right? Why is she panicking? Why was she running like bat out of hell for her?

As she arrived at the hospital, she found her sister. Her mother, with tears in her eyes, told her that she was gone. Shocked to her core, Olivia ran outside. As rain began to fell, emotions bubbled up inside her, swirling like a whirlpool. Tears flowed down like a bursting dam, mixing with the rain falling. She screamed out in anguish, grief, and sadness.

"Cynthia... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...!!" She cried out, sobbing uncontrollably in the rain.

After that day, learning how Cynthia died selflessly saving others, Olivia promised to herself that she would just be like her: Using her powers to help others in need. Looking down at her grave, Olivia, kissed the gravestone.

"I'm sorry, sis. I love you too." She said. With now new resolve, and promise she has made.

When she grew up, she enlisted in the army. With her incredible powers, she decided to enlist in the army. She was praised by others due to her powers, but this time, she was much more humble and dignified, as she used her powers for selfless reasons. However, the training she has received and more powerful she used her powers, she became ruthless in combat, though this only applied to her enemies.

At some point during her military career, she was sent to work with Vought International, especially with the top superhero team, The Seven. Stormfront, the second-in-command of the team and secretly a Nazi, saw her German blood and tried to convince her to join her movement in making Aryan race superior, but Olivia shot her down and it ended with her brutally beating her up, and threatens her that should she try to make her a Nazi, she will kill her.

She would later then meet and befriend Taeho Yeun, Irene Valentine, Creed Morrow, Philip Peverell, and Nick Wright. They were first to be NOT intimidated by her powers, especially Taeho, who Olivia learned that he was stronger than her and worst of all, he would constantly try to troll him, much to her irritation. Sometime later, she was recruited into SCP Foundation and became O-5 council member.

Later on, while investigating Cursed Spirit activity in Japan with Taeho, along with his close friend Satoru Gojo, they met and captured Suguru Geto, who were planning to unleash thousands of Cursed Spirits with help from his fellow Curse Users.

Suguru Geto "Monkey Hater"

Luckily, Taeho, Gojo, and Olivia were able to put a stop to that. Olivia personally beat Geto by herself, before arresting him.

"Let's just say... I'm a different breed of monkey, Mr. Geto." She would say, grabbing him by his collar.

But what they both didn't know was that this would lead to them getting together. Geto, for some reason, couldn't help but feel something toward this woman. He was shocked that he was actually falling for this woman.

"Me? Falling for a monkey...?" Geto thought, as he was captured and sent to the SCP Foundation where Taeho and Olivia's friends were as well. Turns out that Gojo made a deal with them where the Foundation would try to interrogate him all the while him lying to the Jujutsu higher ups that he was killed (though unbeknownst to other sorcerers Taeho already massacred them out of annoyance).

While spending time in the foundation, Olivia, who was supervising Suguru, also became aware of her... affection toward Geto. The more time spent together, the more they opened up to each other. Eventually, this was a step toward Geto to finally overcoming his hatred and starting a new life for himself.

Also both Taeho and Gojo wouldn't stop endlessly teasing them. "Olivia & Suguru, sitting on a tree~! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" They sang while laughing, all the while the two were red-faced. It was hilarious.


To describe Olivia, she is someone who is a serious, graceful and dignified woman displaying both politeness and strength at the same time. Due to her upbringing, she is a bit narcissistic, having strong belief in proving herself superior to others and doing whatever it takes to ensure that people either revere or fear her, relishing in the difference between hers and their strengths. However, her arrogant and sadistic side is actually a coping mechanism to hide her own regrets about having a complex and jealousy toward her little sister since childhood, and unable to tell her that she loved her nor apologizing to her about her envy when she passed away.

Despite her her refined looks, Olivia favored using brute force and fear, as she tends to approach her enemies with rather brutal tactics, ruthlessly using physical force and nearly killing her enemies. This is taken to the point she can be very reckless and stubborn.

However, despite this, Olivia is actually a deeply caring and kind-hearted person. Her strong belief in proving herself the strongest often clouds this side and makes everyone around her easily intimidated. While she can be very sadistic toward her enemies, she possesses a strong sense of justice, ensuring that innocent lives would live happy and peaceful lives. She also rather have a strong bond with Irene, acting as her big sister figure, mostly due to missing her own sister.

Another thing is her rather... odd friendship with Taeho. Having a like-hate relationship, she is irritated by the fact that he is stronger than her due to his powerful ability to bend reality to his will and the fact that her powers doesn't work on him. Furthermore, every time Taeho makes fun of her or having her stuck in humiliating situations gets her extremely embarrassed, flustered, and frustrated all at once. But as time passes, she finds Taeho's antics and shenanigans funny and even enjoys some of them.


Evohuman Physiology: Olivia is a natural-born Evohuman, a human who developed superhuman powers through genetic mutations. She is classified as a Divine-Class Evohuman (Same level as Omega-Level Mutant), who are known for having most powerful genetic potential of their powers.

Omni-Precognition: Olivia's main Evohuman ability is to see everything in the future. Whenever she sees the future, Olivia doesn't see a single future, but all possible futures at the same time, even the possible timelines that might not happen, and can thus act accordingly using the knowledge she has gained to anticipate and counter her enemies. Every time she uses her power, her sclera turn completely black, while her irises turn pale red and her pupils turn into six pointed star shape.

Future Acausality: Olivia's greatest power with her ability is to alter the future into whatever outcome she desires, something that makes her stand out from others with precognition-based abilities. She uses this power by setting up traps where she knows her opponents will be and pre-emptively attacking them before they realize. She can also outmaneuver any defense and countermeasure they use to protect themselves in order to facilitate her attacks. She is even able to rewrite her own death as well by altering the event of her deaths in various ways.

Temporal Paradox Negation: Olivia is able to negate any paradoxes or changes in the timelines whenever she alters the future, and thus able to keep the timeline from breaking apart while using her powers to her full potential.

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