Philip Peverell (Earth-909)

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VA: Kellen Goff (ENG), Kengo Kawanishi (JAP)

Alias: Phil

Species: Evohuman

Nationality: American

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Eye color: Stormy gray

Hair color: Gray

Height: 5'9

Weight: 130 lb

Birthdate: 6/2

Relatives: Ms. Peverell (adoptive grandmother, deceased), Unnamed mother (deceased)

Occupation: BSAA operative (briefly), Godolkin University student (formerly), SCP Foundation Operative (currently)

Alignment: Neutral Good


Philip is generally an air-headed yet quiet and kind boy, often displaying little to no emotion and sporting a blank, dispassionate expression regardless of his circumstances. While he isn't really a loner, he tend to distance himself from others time to time, but after meeting Taeho, Irene, Creed, and Nick, he became more and more close to people.

However, if he sees someone hurting his family or friends, he gets incredibly angry. He will become more cold and menacing, to the point he isn't afraid to brutally beat or even fatally injure someone. Much like his friends, this side only comes out toward those who are affiliated with Vought International, due to witnessing some of his old friends being experimented in the Woods.

While he is blunt, Philip is open to finding a peaceful solution to conflict. He doesn't particular find fighting stronger opponents very exciting despite his incredible strength; he wishes he could simply live his life without worry and just go home.

Philip is also a big football/soccer fan, always trying to play with his friends and aspires to be one someday. A running gag is that he is still confused why football is called soccer in certain countries, especially in USA.


Philip was born to unknown parents in Manchester, United Kingdom. Philip comes from a poor family, where his mother was a drug addict and his father unknown. When his Evohuman powers kicked in, Philip accidentally erased their house and causing his mother to abandon him.

Philip was on the streets, surviving by eating garbage and leftover foods thrown away by others, until he was adopted by Mrs. Peverell, who was a sweet old woman who despite his destructive powers loved him like her own grandchild. During this, Mrs. Peverell would take Philip to see football games, which led him to enjoy playing football. While he was nervous about his powers, his grandmother convinced him to use his powers for good to find his own happiness. At some point his grandmother passed away, and even though Philip was saddened, he made sure try to be happy like his grandmother told him.

After his grandmother's passing, Philip became enrolled in Godolkin University, where he became a top student for his rather powerful ability. Although he was a top freshman, Philip was kind of a loner and kept his distance from people, but he did befriended Luke Riordan, nicknamed Golden Boy, another top student at the school.

During his sophomore year his growing powers led him to be kidnapped by Vought and taken into the Woods, a secret facility where they experimented on students with great powers but those who were also mentally ill. Philip broke out and learned that Luke was also experimented as well along with his brother Sam, who was supposedly killed during the experiment.

Although most of the other experimented students were killed, Philip was able to save Luke and rescued him in time. Knowing how Vought had everything under control over their secrets, Philip had no choice but to leave.

"Take care of yourself and be good, alright?" That was Philip's last words to Luke before he left. While he regretted leaving Luke at the school, Luke was able to hide his secret and lied to others that he and Philip were kidnapped by villains and he seemingly died while he escaped, in ordered to ensure Vought would never go after Philip.

At some point, Philip was enlisted in the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance, or BSAA for short for unknown reasons, mostly because he "needed money for food and roof over his head". He became acquainted with Chris Redfield, who at first distrusted him but gained his respect later on, especially after dealing with the Baker Family Incident and the Village Incident, where he had an encounter with the "Tall Vampire Lady" while saving a baby: Rose Winters.

After that, Philip left the organization, and later met Taeho Yeun, Irene Valentine, Creed Morrow, Olivia Ziegner, and Nick Wright, who became his friends. Later on he joined the SCP Foundation. During his time, he earned the ire of SCP-682 due to his personality, and especially his powers being an "annoyance" to him.

At some point during his time with SCP Foundation where they are attempting to replicate the CHALDEAS system, Philip summoned an Foreigner-class Servant, Tamamo Vitch Koyanskaya.

Koyanskaya / Tamamo Vitch "Tamamo with Guns"

(The Foreigner version of Koyanskaya is a mix of her Light and Dark self, along with bits of her Beast version.)

While she is capable of independently manifesting herself, she chose to become Philip's Servant after becoming interested in his powers.

As Philip spent time together, it became known that Koyanskaya began to show infatuation toward Philip, which Taeho joked because of his secret rizz he had toward women, though Philip said it might not be the case since back in his school days he really couldn't get girlfriends. Despite this, Philip showed feelings toward Koyanskaya as well. For some reason, he found her Beast form... rather adorable.

"They're so... fluffy..." Philip would say, snuggling her tails, much to her surprise.

And so, Philip finally got a girlfriend for himself... even though his girlfriend was a demonic beast who could wipe out humanity if she wanted.


Evohuman Physiology: Philip is a natural-born Evohuman, a human who developed superhuman powers through genetic mutations. Philip is classified as a Divine-Class Evohuman (Same level as Omega-Level Mutant), who are known for having most powerful genetic potential of their powers.

Nothingness Manipulation: Philip's main Evohuman power has him the powerful ability to manipulate nothingness, which symbolizes absence of entities or substance, allowing him to erase energy and matter from existence.

Existence Erasure: Philip's most powerful ability through his power over nothingness is that it allows him to destroy anything or anyone he touches or looks at from out of existence, leaving nothing behind. The way Philip uses this power is either through generating a force-field of some sort that vaporizes literally everything, including living and inorganic beings or even abilities.

Superhuman Strength: Much like other Evohumans, Philip possesses superhuman strength.

Superhuman Durability: Much like other Evohumans, Philip possesses superhuman durability, able to take much punishments.

Regenerative Healing Factor: Philip possesses regenerative healing factor.

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