Taeho Yeun (Earth-777)

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VA: Aleks Le (ENG), Akira Ishida (JAP)

Alias: Mayhem, The Korean Guy, Half-Breed Bastard, Teruo Yutani (false alias)

Species: Evohuman-Ascendant Hybrid

Nationality: Korean

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Eye color: Dark

Hair color: Black

Height: 5'9

Weight: 109 lb

Birthdate: 7/19

Relatives: Haneul Yeun (mother), Taejin Yeun (father)

Occupation: IRS Agent, Freelance Mercenary, Leader of the Neo-Chaosbringers

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral


Taeho is a sarcastic jackass and a rather unhinged psychopath who is a menace to society and generally everyone around him.

Taeho's greatest trait is his extreme desire for money, as an agent of IRS. He would often beat up some who were convicted of tax fraud or did not paid their bills. He is also prone to either brutally murdering or give fate worse than death toward those who seriously anger him.


Taeho was originally born on Earth-777. While the full detail regarding his origins are unknown, but it is known that his mother's name was Haneul Yeun, an Evohuman born on Earth.

Haneul Yeun "Badass Milf"

His father, Taejin Yeun, was an Ascendant.

Taejin Yeun "Badass Dilf"

Taejin was originally affiliated with Revelation, one of the most powerful and evil Ascendant who was one of the five founding members of the Chaosbringers, the most powerful supervillain team on the planet. Seeing Revelation's actions, Taejin began to question his decisions.

Sometime later, Taejin arrived in Korea where he met Haneul. Taejin, who was running away from heroes chasing him, was critically wounded, and was saved by Haneul. Haneul, even after learning about his powers, didn't cared about it, and soon, they became affectionate. Haneul gave him a name: Taejin.

Eventually, Taejin, decided to abandon his life of villainy and stayed with Haneul, and eventually they got married and even having a son: Taeho.

When he turned 9, he awakened his Evohuman powers which at the time at first was believed to be psychic powers, but in actuality it was only a fragment of his true potential to bend reality to his will. It was also at this point during the Great Horizon War, Taeho managed to use his powers to hide his existence from his grandfather and managed to teleport himself and his parents to parallel Earth, which was Earth-909.

Starting a new life on Earth-909, from that point on Taeho mostly had nothing but happy and normal childhood, although his mentality was slightly different due to inheriting some of his grandfather's traits, but thankfully he didn't turned out a complete nihilistic megalomaniac like him. He also showed a rather sharp mind and keen intellect, excelling in his classes despite his behavior.

Later he was invited by his father to join the Ascendants, but he declined, wishing that he wanted to "do his own thing". His status as a hybrid was disgusted by Revelation, a rogue Ascendant and a founding member of the Chaosbringers. The two fought and Taeho won, with mortally injuring Revelation and causing him to flee.

At some point he encountered the Vanguardians, the superhero team native of his original Earth. Taeho fought them and it ended with stalemate due to Bravestorm's Null Force. While he was surprised at being nearly beaten, at the same time he was excited, knowing there was finally someone who could entertain him.

After that, he decided to work as a bounty hunter and an IRS agent. It was at that point he discovered his obsession for money.


Evohuman-Ascendant Hybrid Physiology: Taeho is part-Evohuman, a human who developed superhuman powers through genetic mutations, and part-Ascendant, a race of humans from alternate future who evolved to gain God-like powers. In terms of Evohuman Power Classification, Taeho is classified as a Level X Evohuman, who are known for having most powerful genetic potential of their powers. Not to mention combined with his Ascendant heritage makes him the most powerful amongst his people despite being a half-breed.

Reality Warping: Taeho was born with the rather powerful ability to bend reality to his will which is part of his Ascendant heritage. Taeho's reality warping is far greater than his father and other Ascendants to the point he is almost omniscient and having powers beyond that of divine beings. With having absolute control over fabric of reality, he is able to freely interact and change reality with his imagination and thought to the point he can override any laws or concepts of the universe and even bend them to his whims. With his powers, Taeho has absolute power and can change anything to suit his thinking, which is basically an all-powerful God-like being. His reality warping additionally makes him immune to other forms of reality warping or even overpower those who have similar powers as he does.

Fundamental Forces Manipulation: Taeho is able to manipulate the four fundamental forces of the universe: The gravitational force, electromagnetism force, and forces of strong and weak interactions. 

Omnipresence: Taeho is able to exist in everywhere and anywhere within the Multiverse. This allows him to exist every reality and universe, is and can be everywhere at the same time to no limit. Additionally, this makes Taeho aware that he is a fictional character, and occasionally break the 4th wall.

Space-Time Manipulation: Taeho is able to manipulate space and time itself, where he is able to teleport and travel through dimensions and alternate realities, while also being able to fast forward, stop, or rewind time itself. While controlling the fabric of time and traveling through them, he can use his powers to prevent paradoxes for happening while causing changes in the timeline, jokingly calling it "retcon power".

Immortality: Thanks to his reality warping, Taeho is virtually immortal, and as a result he cannot be killed or die in any ways.

Telekinesis: Taeho is an immensely powerful telekinetic, where he is able to manipulate living beings and inanimate objects alike, which also including forms of energy. His telekinesis is so powerful that he can manipulate even planets and universes with his mind alone. In combat, Taeho usually uses this power in a form of blasting an invisible bullet through either snapping his fingers or making a finger gun that completely obliterates his enemies in a gruesome fashion. But aside from that, he can project telekinetic blasts in a form of concussive force, create psionic force fields, can move or fly at high speeds, and even deflect attacks, powers and physical attacks alike.

Telepathy: Taeho is a powerful telepath who can read minds of many people simultaneously, see through illusions, read thoughts across vast distances, scan billions of minds to find a specific person, communicate through people across the Multiverse, and block psychic waves, hypnosis, and mental controls, to the point he can cause severe injuries by rejecting them. Even those with powerful mental abilities has no effect.

Mind Control: Taeho additionally has the ability to psionically control people. He is capable of completely overriding a person's will and telepathically control their thoughts and actions. With this power, he can additionally persuade people, implant strong thoughts or feelings into someone, wipe or restore memories, and can even completely shut down their mind and render them brain dead.

Illusion Creation: With his psionic powers, Taeho is able to create powerful illusions that manipulate the five senses and cannot be discerned by anyone. He usually uses his illusion to shapeshift into different people or to trick/trap his enemies. It is stated that this power is even greater than of Aizen's.

Memory Manipulation: Taeho is able to psionically manipulate people's memories. He is able to read the memories of those around him, project himself into their memories, instantly erasing them and cause amnesia, implant fake memories, and even restore lost ones.

Psychometry: Taeho can can read residual thought imprints left on objects touched by people. By touching an object, Taeho is able to see past events that happened with the object and around it, days or even decades ago. Sometimes he did not even need to touch an object, only enter the room to see what happened there many years ago.

Astral Projection: Taeho is able to project his consciousness outside his body to enter astral plane.

Mental Shutdown: Taeho is able to shut down people's minds and render them braindead.

Resurrection: Using his powers, Taeho can bring people back to life by psionically recreating them.

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