Vincent McGrath / Dominion (Earth-777)

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VA: Crispin Freeman (ENG), Takuya Eguchi (JAP)

Alias: Dominion, Vinny, Vince, Golden Boy, The Sixth Vanguardian, The Forgotten Vanguardian, My Former Best Friend (Ethan)

Species: Evohuman

Nationality: American

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Height: 5'11

Weight: 174 lb

Eye Color: Pale blue

Hair Color: Blond

Relatives: Thomas McGrath (father, deceased), Susan McGrath (mother, deceased)

Occupation: Superhero/Anti-Hero, Investigative journalist

Affiliation: Vanguardians (formerly)

Alignment: Neutral Good/Lawful Evil


Originally, Vincent was a good-natured, kind, and proper young man who understood the importance of manners and carrying himself with dignity as a superhero. Ethan had far too rude of an attitude in his opinion, which clashed with him time to time, but they were still best friends and he did not care if Ethan was a villain's son. They encouraged each other to be the strongest and were confident they could accomplish anything as long as they had each other.

However, due to suffering from emotional abuse and neglect from his father, Vincent had signs of mental instability and caused him to have intense need to prove something, which led him to become a superhero in the first place using his powers.

To make matters worse, due to his own love for Naomi, which she did not return and chose Ethan, his jealousy and sadness strained his friendship with Ethan. Furthermore, some of the superheroes' code that prevented them from killing dangerous villains that ended up taking many lives, including some of the lives he cared for, made him disillusioned with the society.

After the death of both Naomi and Braveheart and during the early days of the war, Vincent's loss, pain, grief, and guilt caused him to become much more cynical, brutal, cruel, and hate-filled. From that day forward, Vincent became an extremist and near blind dogmatic who strongly believes that all villains are better if they are dead, as demonstrated by having brutally killed many villains in a blind rage. His extremist beliefs led him to go as far as having innocent people in danger, and is willing to even manipulate and betray his fellow heroes to do so.

At the end of his life, he does show some form of regret and remorse,


Vincent was born to Thomas and Susan McGrath, a son to wealthy manufacturing company that built airplanes and such.

His mother died from complications during his birth, which caused his father to become fold and unaffectionate toward him. Vincent excels in academics and sports in an attempt to earn his father's approval but does not succeed. In college, when his Evohuman powers awakened, he accidentally killed a bystander, much to his horror. Vincent wanted to get what he deserved, but his father did not let him to go to prison much to his dismay, as he knew he was only protecting him and his company's reputation.

Later on, after meeting Braveheart, who showed compassion for his powers, which caused him to idolize the hero. Inspired by him, Vincent decided to use his powers to become a superhero. Despite his heroics discovered by his father, his father still treated him with indifference.

At some point, Vincent met Ethan Kalder, also known as Bravestorm, Braveheart's sidekick and adoptive son. They quickly befriended each other, and when Ethan revealed to him being Atmocide's son, Vincent sympathized with him for also having trouble with his father.

At some point, after Ethan formed his own team, the Vanguardians, he invited Vincent as the co-leader of the team. Together they were unstoppable.

However, Vincent's downfall began with his love for Naomi. While Vincent has affections for her, it is shown that Ethan also has affections toward her, in which Naomi chooses Ethan over him. While he is happy for Ethan, he secretly harbors jealousy toward him. Furthermore, with Ethan's presence and having much more bond with Rachel, Henry, Alice, and Joshua, Vincent's role in the team and his co-leadership wanes as Ethan has shown to be a better leader.

After Caleb's betrayal and his murder of both Braveheart and Naomi, Vincent becomes more and more erratic, with him angrily blaming Ethan for unable to save them instead of helping him grieve. The Vanguardians angrily fight him before Joshua knocks him out. The Vanguardians also decide to kick Vincent out of the team as both member and leader.

After the fight, Vincent decides to go solo, with hostile relationship between him and the Vanguardians. Vincent, feeling slightly remorseful toward his actions against Ethan, reaches out to apologize to him, but Ethan becomes distant toward him.

During the war, Vincent and the Vanguardians goes on a mission involving hostage situation in which Vincent's father's company is under. While during the rescue, Vincent saves his father, but his indifference, his ungratefulness, and his emotional berating finally cause Vincent to snap, and he uses his powers to hurt him, before leaving him to die by a falling debris caused by a villain's battle with the Vanguardians, in which Vincent feels cathartic satisfaction toward his death. Later, Vincent claims that his father did not make it and feigns grief and sadness, however, it is revealed that Vincent actually captured him and held him somewhere. Now mentally unhinged, Vincent tortured him with his powers for all the sorrow and suffering he has inflicted onto him.

Throughout the war, Vincent becomes more and more cruel and apathetic toward villains, to the point he would actually allows some of the innocent people to die. Later, he is confronted by rest of the Paradigms, regarding his actions now declared as war crimes, along with Oculus discovering about Vincent torturing his father. He is forced to kill them by luring them far away from other heroes. He also lures Embera, a powerful alien villain, along with other formidable villains, into fighting him before killing her. After he is rescued, Vincent lies that Embera and other villains ambushed them and he is forced to kill them after they kill the Paradigms. Henry, sensing his negative emotion other than sadness, feel suspicious and keeps an eye on him, and he later confide to the team, who also suspect Vincent of playing a larger role in Paradigms' deaths.

Eventually, this causes confrontation between him and the Vanguardians. Vincent finally now snapped, admits that he did killed them, and declares that once all the villains are dead, he's going to form the new Paradigms in honor of Braveheart. Angered that he betrayed them and killed their mentors, Vanguardians fight Vincent. Vincent manages to overpower most of them except for Ethan. Ethan and Vincent engage in a brutal fight where Ethan is forced to kill him by impaling him in the stomach. Ethan then leaves Vincent's body, in sadness at the fact that he was forced to kill his friend.

Later, the Vanguardians learn that Vincent's body disappeared with a trail of blood leading away from where Ethan defeated him, meaning that he survived but his whereabouts unknown.


Evohuman Physiology: After receiving an enhanced version of the superhuman serum that gave Braveheart's powers that was mixed with dose of Boost, Vincent's powers. Though most of his powers and their limits are still unknown, Vincent has been said to be seemingly omnipotent, and he was potentially Braveheart's replacement.

Molecular Manipulation: Vincent has the ability to manipulate all forms of matter and energy to a molecular level, as he can transmute elements from one substance to another by rearranging their molecules. He can even affect the molecules of matter with mystical properties, vast cosmic power, and matter composed of impervious materials. It has been theorized that the vast majority of his powers are derived from his ability to alter matter and energy and that he could simulate almost any superpower with enough practice and control.

Superhuman Strength: Vincent possesses seemingly immeasurable superhuman physical strength. He is one of the physically strongest being across the Multiverse, as he is stated to be even able to bench press the Earth. He is capable of tearing people's body in half, impale them so hard that he explodes their body, and can manhandle many people all at once even if they are physically powerful than them.

Superhuman Speed: Vincent possesses the ability to think, move, run, and react at superhuman speeds. He has been observed catching bullets and has also been seen moving far in excess of supersonic speeds; his speed on earth is enough to be gauged as fast enough to move at orbital velocity. It should also be noted that the Sentry has numerously been depicted as able to fly to the sun in a matter of moments. Additionally, he possesses enhanced balance, agility, and body coordination that far exceeds that of other superhumans.

Hypersonic Flight: Vincent possesses the ability to float by defying gravity, using his superhuman speed to fly far above hypersonic speeds, in which approximately about Mach 12. He has demonstrated travelling to the Sun and back in a matter of moments which would require him to fly at speeds faster than light.

Invulnerability: Vincent is, for all intents and purposes, virtually indestructible, unless he wills himself to be killed, he has shown no direct weakness. He has been seen surviving extremely harsh atmospheric conditions, Survives multiple nuclear explosion at point blank range and including the vacuums of space. He is even capable of taking hits from magical attacks as well.

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