iv. Love Sucks.

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Chapter Four, Real Life & Messages.
Present Time / End of July

I miss you.

Bella what's wrong?

Pls talk to me.

Wow so you're just gonna ignore me?

Your such a bitch.
Delivered at 10:50 P.M.

    You used the wrong 'you're' idiot.

     Bella sighs.

    Arabella is good at anything but relationships. At this point she starting to think that she's the problem, this is her second relationship that has been a complete fail.

    Love sucks.

    The first relationship that she ever had was with a guy in high school but due to her always focusing on her studies and basketball career along with her being very rainbow...she had to end the relationship, and the current one was on and off relationship with Tina always playing with her feelings and using her for her benefit but Bella, since she always saw the best in people, she would usually ignore that part of Tina.

    But not anymore, she's not going to keep on doing this to herself. So, after a few weeks since she went to the bar and her stupid hangover, she decided she wasn't going to give in that bad energy anymore.

    Like Paige said, it wasn't healthy.

   Arabella couldn't sleep, her mind and thoughts not allowing her to do so. Now, here she was, with a basketball in her hand dribbling the ball on the polished floor.

    Bella is currently in one of the indoor basketball court in the athlete building. She has been shooting 3-pointers back to back for the past 30 minutes even though she was a little rusty at first; she still got it.

   As much as Bella loved being a actress even though she would never admit it...she missed basketball. She misses trash talking her opponents, talking back to the ref, the crowd screaming her name and she misses the feeling of satisfaction of the whooshing sound when she shoots the ball directly into the basketball net.

    She'll probably still be playing it right now if she didn't lose the passion that she had for it.

    Bella hears the sound of the basketball court double door open but she ignores it since most of the school janitors come around to clean out this hour.

     She moves backwards on the court making her shoes slightly squeak against it. She was going to attempt to make a half-court shot which she hasn't done one since high school and she highly doubts it that she's going to make it.

    Bella dribbles the ball on the floor before bending her knees and raises her arms up with the ball in her hand before throwing it across the court, the ball guides against the ram of the hoop before it disappointingly misses the basketball net and lands on the polished floor.

    Bella's heart nearly drops to her ass when she hears a very familiar voice speak up behind her echoing along the court walls.

    "Booo, you suck! Get off the court."

    Bella let's out a sigh trying to sustain her smile, "You think you real funny, Buckets? You almost gave me a heart attack." Turning around at the voice of the blonde and giving her punch on the her biceps making the taller girl whine.

    "One, I am. Two, you are so dramatic," Paige rolls her eyes giving her a stank face, rubbing her left bicep.

     "Says the girl that can't take a little punch on her little noodle arm," Bella says smiling trying to bruise the girls ego. Paige's arms nowhere near little arm skinny as they were in high school throughout her career as a basketball player in college Paige make sure to gain some muscle throughout her body. She wasn't too bulk or too skinny.

    She was perfect.

    Paige scoff, ignoring the little pain on her arm and placing her keychain in her basketball shorts pocket, "Alright, not too much now, you can't even make a half-court shot."

    Bella rests the basketball ball on her hip before giving her a playful look, "Like you can do any better buckets," The shorter girl raises her eyebrows challenging the blonde.

    Paige cheekily smiles, "Bet." walking over to Bella and swiftly steals the ball from her hips and dribbling the ball along the floor as she walked over to stand in the middle of the court before bending her knees and jumping up in the air shooting the ball across the court.

    Paige with a smug face keeps her blues eyes on Bella's dark brown holding the eye contact until she hears a satisfying whoosh of the ball entering the basketball hoop.

    The both of them ignore the feeling in their stomachs at that moment...as always.

    Paige glanced away from Bella and looks at the basketball hoop in shock before she runs around the gym celebrating as Bella crosses her arms over her chest and rolling her eyes, being a complete hater.

    Bella gives her thumbs down, "Booo, that literally doesn't count dude," Bella's accent slightly coming out as she sits down on the bleachers.

    Paige laughs slightly out of breath after stopping her little celebration, looking up and down at Bella, "Nahh, you just mad that I made it without looking." She walked over to get the ball that was rolling across the court.
    "Oh, please, the only reason that I didn't make it was because I haven't practiced or touched a ball since high school," Bella glances at her nail reminding herself that she needs to get them done again.

   Paige slightly smiles, dribbles the ball before shooting a 3-pointer, "Whatever you say princess," Bella rolled her eyes at the nickname that the blondie has been calling her since high school.

    "How was 4th of July?" Paige speaks up again changing the subject.

    Bella smiles at the thought of her family, "It was good, Isabeth wants you and Azzi to teacher her basketball since she said that I'm rusty." Bella chuckles along with Paige at 10-year-olds comment.

    "She ain't wrong though." Bella immediately stops laughing and gives her a glare.

   "I hate you,"

   "Pff you love me." Unfortunately.

    A few days before the 4th of July Bella flew to spend time with her family along with some of the girls on the team. Bella rarely gets to do that because of her very busy schedule but since she was taking a break from acting she has been taking advantage of it, because to her family is the most important thing in the world.

    As long as she can remember it has always been her mom and her. Her mom was from Haiti that was adopted from Puerto Ricans and Her dad was Puerto Rican party boy. Bella's dad abandoned her mom when he found out that she was pregnant, since he was too much of a pussy to accept the role of being a father.

    Even though it was a struggle at first being a single mother in medical school, but she pushed through. She got her medical degree in Puerto Rico and became a brain surgeon in Minnesota. After a few years she remarried an amazing man and then she eventually had Isabeth. Even though it was a 12 year age difference, Bella and her sister were extremely close since she was born and they were a lot alike personality wise.

    Bella waves off Paige's comment,"How was yours?" Paige grins at the question, she places the basketball back on the Black rack along with others.

    "It's was very good, the fam was asking about you, especially Drew."

    Paige grew up with divorced parents that eventually ended up remarrying and having more children but that doesn't mean that she didn't get along with her siblings she adored every single one of them.

    Honestly, Paige is probably even more family oriented than Arabella.

    The De La Cruz's and the Bueckers family were united as one when the two girls became friends. The two families would usually spend holidays together but due to Bella's family moved to New York last year due to her mom and step-dad getting a job offer over to the city.

    They have been really supportive and generous with each other since day. Paige  and Bella's mom's still talk till this day.

    Everyone was was close with one another.

    Especially their young siblings, since they're born around the the same time and close to age they were like each other's best friends.

    Paige's siblings adored Bella. They viewed her as a older sister that they could count on whatever they needed and also she spoils them a little too much along with her sister.

    "I miss the little guy, he's my favorite Bueckers after all." Bella smirks, getting up from the bleachers walking beside Paige their shoulders slightly brushing against each other.

   Paige runs her tongue between her lips, pointing her fingers at the mixed girl as she spoke "You know what, I'm just going to ignore that you said that bullshit," Paige open the door for her as the both of them walk out of the indoor basketball court.

    Throughout the whole night they continued thier playful bickering and random discussions that they could talk about for hours and hours.

    All of a sudden Tina was completely forgotten.

Author's note.   Thank you for 8k AHHBANSNNSNANABAB LOVE YALL!


Honestly guys is this a little too fast pacing or too slow. Because I don't want this to be a slow burn but I don't want them to fall in love immediately but have you guys ever met a lesbian let's be fr.

Also I have no idea how the story should end. should I continue it until 2024/present day or idk I like hearing you guys' opinions

Let me know how you guys think about this chapter and next chapter will be coming soon!!

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