A Closer Walk with Thee

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Victoria had learned through Klaus that Father Kieran had died because of the hex that witches put on him, so while everyone else stayed in the Bayou, she and Hayley went to pay their respects. She also wanted to ask him about the moonlight rings.

When the girls walked into Rousseau's, she saw Cami walk past her storming out of the kitchen, and saw Francesca exit the back room and approach the bar. She furrowed her brows suspicious of the woman before turning to Hayley, seeing she had the same face. They had found out that the suicide bomber that came to the Bayou owed her family money.

Victoria went over to the table Klaus and Elijah were at while Hayley went to get herself a drink and she sat opposite of the brothers.

"I will warn you, Victoria, Niklaus is in a spectacularly foul mood today," Elijah told her.

"Sod off," Klaus told his brother bitterly.

"What's the deal with these moonlight rings? Oliver's trying to set a revolution every five seconds, people are scared and angry, and frankly, I'm tired of stalling." Hayley said as she made her way to sit next to Victoria, talking to Klaus.

"It's a day of peace, Hayley. Try and enjoy it. And, in the meantime, with all manner of unknown enemies conspiring against our family, Victoria move back in with us. Unfortunately, that also includes you."

Victoria rolled her eyes, "Awesome!" She sarcastically said, "Then, we can do that thing where you lock me in the tower, I escape, there's drama, and then you three realize I'm very capable of looking after myself."

"The rings are in progress. I will live up to my word. We will find and punish whoever launched the attack on the bayou, and you will return to the compound for your own safety!" Klaus exclaimed frustratedly. Victoria sighed and Hayley rolled her eyes, "But, right now," the hybrid grabbed his bottle of scotch, "I'm gonna finish this bottle, and the next, in the hopes of drowning the demon who has chosen today to haunt me." He looked up to the ceiling, "Cheers, Mikael. Impeccable, Freudian timing." He chugged straight from the bottle.

Victoria, Hayley, and Elijah stared at the blonde in concern, "Elaborate. Have you dreamt of our father?" Elijah asked.

"Go ahead, have a good laugh."

"I can assure you there is no piece of this that I find even remotely amusing, Niklaus. Especially considering I've been dreaming of him, too."

Hayley looked at the girl next to her, "Are you confused too?"

Victoria nodded looking at her, "Oh yeah for sure. But I wanna see where this conversation goes."

They both turned their attention to the men's conversation, "What?" Klaus says.

"If you are also seeing him..." Elijah stopped mid-thought when he noticed Genevieve enter Rousseau's. She catches his eye and smiles. "Perhaps our elusive, unknown enemy is orchestrating a further attack?"

Klaus looked at the witch too, who smiled at him slyly. Victoria gagged at them.

"Well, then. What better way to punctuate a day of peace than by killing someone?" Klaus said as he put on a smile and waved at the redheaded bitch.

After Klaus and Elijah left to ask Genevieve about their dreams about Mikael, Hayley dragged Victoria to visit Francesca Correa. Something about wanting answers.

Hayley made Victora sit on the steps so she wouldn't complain about her feet later. Francesca stopped short when she noticed them both, groaning before she made her way over. "Ah. Hayley and Victoria, right? I'm guessing you're not here because you want to make a new friend?"

"I don't count terrorists as friends." Victoria said as she stood up to face her.

Francesca chuckled and turned to her bodyguard, "Wow. I've been accused of everything from grand larceny to blackmail, but "terrorist," that's new!"

"A human pulled up to our home in the bayou on a motorcycle and blew himself up," Hayley informed her.

"I heard." She grabbed her keys and walked to the front door, "Awful. Goodnight!"

Victoria groaned, feeling a hand on her shoulder grabbing her. Before she had a chance to do anything, Hayley kneed her bodyguard in the stomach before slamming his head into a birdbath and knocking him out. Francesca stared in shock for a moment before smiling fakely at them.

Hayley approached her with Victoria right behind, "Word on the street is, he owed a hundred grand to the Palace Royale casino! And then, after he died, the debt was erased. Just like magic."

"Jeff was a fixture at my roulette table," Francesca said. "Sometimes he was up, sometimes he was down. I absolved his family of the debt he owed out of the goodness of my heart."

Both wolves sent her skeptical glares and Correa shrugged. "Feel free to sniff around. My hands are clean! And, I'd advise you to mind your manners. It's lucky you're both still alive. You're the one the wolves all whisper about like royalty. If I was interested in hurting the wolves, you and baby momma behind you would be my target. And, when I go after someone? I don't miss."

Hayley rolled her eyes, grabbed Victoria's hand, and walked out of Francesca's front gate. As Victoria walked down the sidewalk, she felt a sudden chill. She looked around before covering up and making her way to the compound neither noticing Monique behind them with a puppet looking just like Victoria.

Today is Father Kieran's funeral and they were walking through the city towards the cemetery. The priest's coffin was carried in a horse-drawn carriage and a band  played as they walked through the streets

"You alright?" Elijah asked after another coughing fit came from Victoria. "You look–"

"–A hundred months pregnant and pissed off at the world?" Victoria suggested.

Elijah smiled at her, amused, "I was going to say you look lovely."

Victoria laughed, "Liar," her smile fell. "Do you think I was the target of those bombings?"

"Of course, you were the target!" Klaus answered without hesitation. "Were I to wage a war on the wolves, you and Hayley would be my first kill! I would string you up, for all your worshippers to see. All of their long-awaited hope gone." Victoria glared at him.

"I believe that was my brother's way of telling you he'd like you to return home with us. Perhaps try a different approach, Niklaus, with fewer references to murder?" Elijah interjected.

Victoria laughed, making the brothers and Hayley look at her weirdly. "I mean it's like asking a dog not to want a bone...And yes I know what I said Elijah so don't give me that look that I know you're giving me right now." She heard the older Mikaelson snicker and turn his face away.

Klaus smiled, "As much as I would hate to throw you over my shoulder and drag you kicking and screaming to the compound, we both know I will, for the sake of my child."

Victoria rolled her eyes and lowered her voice, "Admit it, hon. You wouldn't hate it one bit." Klaus smiled, looking her up and down, making eye contact with her before she spoke in a normal tone, "One bad dream, and suddenly, you want to be a responsible daddy!"

Klaus wrapped his arm around Victoria and pulled her close, leaving Elijah standing awkwardly with Hayley beside them.

Klaus whispered in her ear, "Let me put this into perspective: my father lived to torment me. It is not my intention to become him. This cycle of misery ends with my child."

Victoria's smile faded, "Mmm." She yanked his arm away from her with a fake smile. "You forgot one thing in your little attempt to plead your case– she's not your child. She's ours."

Victoria walked away from the brothers and started walking down the sidewalk. Hayley glared at the hybrid and followed after her.

Elijah sighed, "Very heartfelt, Niklaus."

"I bloody hate funerals," Klaus stated, watching her leave.

Hayley spotted Cami and Victoria walking together near the front of the procession and ran to catch up with her.

"Cami!" Hayley shouted.

"Hayley, hi."

"Hi, I know you don't know me, I just wanted to say that–" she was interrupted by Victoria's coughing and clearing her throat. "I'm sorry about your uncle. He was really...good to people like me during the storm, and I really appreciated that." She continued.

"Thank you. You want something, do you?"

Hayley smiled awkwardly, "I'm sorry about the timing...I was just wondering, if before he died, he said anything weird about Francesca Correa? I think that she may have been involved in an attack in the bayou. If you hear anything–"

Cami sighed, "Look, Hayley? I'm trying–mostly failing–to stay out of all this stuff, but...she's a real bitch, so, yeah, if I hear anything, I'll let you know." Victoria rubbed her arm, wanting to be a silent source of comfort for Cami.

Hayley nodded, "Thanks. And again, sorry about your uncle."

"Me, too."

"Well, I'm gonna let you guys walk up. I'm gonna find some water 'cause this cough is kicking my ass." and she walked away.

As Victoria walked away, she started to cough and looked woozy. She leaned against a light post as she began to cough up blood. Horrified, she continued to cough as she gasped for air, and Genevieve, who had just noticed Victoria's condition, shouted for Klaus to come help her. As Klaus, Elijah, and Hayley rush to help her, she collapses on the sidewalk."

Klaus, Elijah, Hayley and Genevieve return to the compound, Klaus carrying Victoria while Elijah cleared the table and Klaus laid the pregnant werewolf on top. She was unconscious and she wasn't breathing

"I can help–" Genevieve offered.

Hayley shoved her away from the table, "Don't you touch my sister!"

"Let it be, Hayley," Klaus told her. "She was a nurse."

Hayley looked at the hybrid then at the witch. She sighed and let go of the redhead and moved back near Victoria as she glared, "She better come out of this alive."

Genevieve nodded, "There's a spell I can do. Klaus, get chamomile from the pantry," she looked at Victoria. "She's trembling. Your jacket, Elijah."

Elijah took off his jacket, putting it over Victoria, "She's not breathing, I can hear the baby's heartbeat, but not hers."

Genevieve felt for Victoria's pulse as Elijah held the jacket in place hoping to keep her warm.

Victoria gasped as she awoke on the table, putting her hand on her stomach as she lifted herself to sit upright. She was in the compound but the room was empty, then she saw someone approach her and she backed away in fear.

"Who the ever living fuck are you?"

The man smirked, "I suppose I'm family." He said as he approached.

She had seen him before, she had remembered the life Elijah had shown her before. She finally realized who he was. It was Mikael.

Genevieve pressed a damp bundle of chamomile against Victoria's forehead and chanted a spell.

"Coeur la sais patri avec moin. Coeur la sais patri avec moin."

Klaus, paced back and forth before a thought came into his mind. He didn't want to only rely on magic and he hoped this would work. Klaus bit into his wrist, trying to feed it to Victoria hoping to heal her.

"Come on!" He pleaded as he looked at Elijah in fear. No matter how much blood he gave her, she wouldn't drink. She would move.

"She's still not breathing." Elijah told his brother, "It's not working!"

Angry and frustrated with the current situation, Elijah grabbed a table and threw it against the brick wall, shattering it into pieces.

The werewolf kept her distance from Mikael, knowing the kind of man he was. She felt scared and confused because not only did she not know where she was but she didn't know why she was here or where the fuck he came from.

"I assume my reputation precedes me."

"This is a nightmare. I'm dreaming. I gotta be cause aint no fucking way you're here bro."

"On the contrary, my darling– this is very real." He sped towards her, wrapping his arm around her and holding her in a tight chokehold. "Welcome to my hell, stuck in an eternity of watching over that hideous creature my children call brother!"

"You're dead! How can I be here?" Victoria spoke when she felt a chill engulf her body at a realization that she had to be dead, "Oh my god! NO! NO! The baby!" She screamed, terrified for her child.

"The baby?!" Mikael said as he tightened his grip, making Victoria scream again, "Those kids never had a chance! And as if your bloodline isn't filth enough, you poison it by merging it with Klaus'? The deathless vermin, fancying himself a daddy?" He laughed.

She didn't have the capacity to process his words at that moment. Victoria flashed her gold eyes as she let out a scream. She pushed herself out of his grip and grabbed his arm and twisted it until she heard his bones crack. Then she grabbed a coat rack and hit the Original as hard as she could, making him fly away from her.

"She's not dead! I'm not dead! If I was dead, you wouldn't be trying to kill me!"

Genevieve was still working her magic and it didn't seem to be doing anything. Elijah got fed up, pacing back and forth. "I'm taking her to a real doctor." He moved to pick her up.

"If you move her from here, my spell will break. There won't be enough time to get her to a hospital." the witch told him

Klaus became frantic, "Will the baby survive if delivered now? I'll rip it out of her myself!"

Hayley blocked Klaus from touching Victoria, "Tori will bleed to death!"

"I can't lose her." Klaus said conflicted.

Hayley glared at him, "Don't you think you'll lose her if you rip the baby out?"

Elijah stepped between them, "We won't lose either of them."

Klaus and Hayley looked at each other and then looked at Elijah and they both nodded in agreeance. Genevieve continued to chant but she stopped when she had a vision of Monique with a hex doll. "I know what to do. Get my bag, the gris-gris pouch! Now!"

"You're dead, Mikael. Your son already beat you!" The brunette told the Original.

"He is not my son!" He yelled as he walked towards her, making her walk back. "He's a scourge, a walking symbol of weakness!"

Victoria kicked at the banister to the staircase to break off a piece of wood to use as a stake. She walked backwards up the stairs in order to keep her eyes on man.

Mikael smiled, sinisterly as he stalked towards her, "There is no saving that atrocity festering in your womb. Klaus will destroy them, one way or another. Better they die now, and you along with it!"

Mikael jumped up onto the second-floor balcony, startling her. She made the quick decision to jump down, and as she expected, he jumped down with her. She spun around him, plunging the stake into his back, making him scream in pain.

"My daughter has an advantage Klaus never had– she will never, ever know you." She said into Mikael's ear.

Victoria awoke with a loud gasp on the table, Klaus' blood still covering her mouth and neck. Klaus helped her sit up, and Elijah rubs her shoulder affectionately as Hayley checked if she was physically fine.

"You're alright, love. You're alright." Klaus told her as she clutched his shirt tightly and he brought her closer.

"I saw him. He tried to kill me." Victoria turned to face Klaus who looked confused, "I saw Mikael."

The brothers and Hayley looked at her with worried expressions.

Victoria was sitting on her bed, trying to cope with the fact that she almost died...and the fact that Mikael keot saying "they" when talking about the baby. The bright side is that she survived an attack against an Original. She couldn't believe an Original wants her baby, or well, babies dead. Like what the hell my kids do to you? She heard a knock and she looked up seeing Klaus.

"You've proved quite resilient, little wolf," Klaus said as he approached her bed. "Fighters, both of you."

Victoria shrugged, "I guess we've had to be. Especially lately." She looked at Klaus, but he stayed silent. "I've decided that I'm going to move back in."

He smiled at her, "Well, I'm relieved to hear it."

Victoria pointed a finger at him, "But no mouth-breathing bodyguards, no telling me what to do, because I'm really gonna do the opposite of what you tell me anyways." she playfully looked away from him.

She heard Klaus' deep chuckle, "All I ask is that the both of you are kept safe."

"So what really happens after she's born? If you try to take her away from me, I–"

"–Come with me, hm?" He headed out the door, but stopped when he saw she wasn't following him. "Please. I want to show you something."

Victoria reluctantly got up and followed Klaus out the door. He took her hand and led her to another room in the compound, which he had already set up to be a nursery, complete with a crib, a bassinet, and a gorgeous mobile hanging from the ceiling, among other things. She stared in surprise as she took everything in. She felt like crying.

"Believe it or not, Victoria, I would actually like you to be here. Our daughter should be raised by her parents, in her family home."

Klaus looked at her to see tears in her eyes, "Do you not like it? I assure you we can do it over to where you find it absolutely breathtaking."

Victoria laughed as she wiped her tears, "No, no, no. I love it. Its amazing. I cant believe you did this for me." she wrapped her arms around his neck giving him a hug, forgetting about her belly, making her back away when she hears him grunt from her stomach making impact on his abdomen. They laugh as he kept her close.

"Well, this is more for our daughter than for you." He told her with a smile on his face.

"Well is there anyway we could double all of this?" She asked, seeing his face turn to confusion.

"What are you talking about?"

She took one of his hands and placed it on her belly, "I'm saying, theres two babies in there."

Klaus looked astonished, focusing his hearing onto her stomach hearing two heartbeats. His eyes  shone with fascination as he looked at her, "Boy or girl?"

Victoria shrugged, "I don't really know, but there's two babies. You got a magical penis I guess."

Klaus laughed and hugged her again. They stayed in that hug for a little before they broke away, still keeping the closeness. The air grew tense as they stared at each other. Victoria saw Klaus' eye drifts from hers and down to her lips and she felt compelled to do the same. She didn't know why she did this, it could've been the hormones from her pregnancy, but she leaned up and placed her lips on his.

It lasted for a few seconds before she pulled away and backed away from him. "Oh my God I am so sorry. I don't know what came over me. I thought you wanted to kiss me. I also thought you liked me, and I kind like you too. If you didn't want you I'm sorry, we cant totally frog–" she was cut off by Klaus grabbing her face and smashing his lips onto hers, making her forget whatever the hell she was gonna say and focus on kissing him back.

They kept going until they had to stop for air. Klaus smiled at her, "Don't worry, love. I quite liked it. And I do like you too." He chuckled at her stunned face. He waited her to come back to earth before he started a new topic.

Klaus began to chuckle nervously, "Uh, you said you saw my father."

Victoria furrowed her brows, "Why do you call him that? He's not your real dad. He's done nothing but chase you and try to kill you and make your life a neverending Hell."

"He's done damage only a father could do. What did he say to you?"

Victoria smiled warmly, "Nothing true. You're not truly the monster everyone fears, Klaus. You just don't like being alone, I can understand that."

Klaus seemed to think about this for a moment and then kissed her cheek and smiling at her before leaving the room. Victoria looks at the wall, where Klaus hung the painting he made of New Orleans, with a large full moon painted in the sky.

Word count: 3511

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