An Unblinking Death

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Victoria was in the shack with Hayley and Eve. The werewolf laid on her back on a blanket, following Eve's directions as she helped Victoria prepare to give birth.

"That's it. Inhale and release." Eve spoke as Victoria was doing breathing exercises.

"I guess this means no epidural, huh?" Hayley asked.

"You sure I can't do this thing in, say, a hospital? The place with the doctors and the drugs?" Victoria asked.

"Honey, the werewolves have been having babies out here since before you were born. Stop worrying." Eve reassured.

"Well allow me to be the first werewolf from here to be high as a kite giving birth. I need that epidural. Do you see this belly? It's like I'm having twins, this is a really big baby." Victoria spoke, looking at her huge stomach.

Eve shook her head, "You'll be fine."

"Okay" Victoria sat up, or at least tried to. Hayley helped her up noticing the struggle. "Then what, Eve? I don't even know what it's like to have a mother, let alone be one. Hayley is as close as a mother I'll ever have."

"Trust me, when the time comes, you'll know exactly what to do."

Victoria nodded, "I hope so. As fun as it is to imagine Klaus changing dirty diapers, I'm pretty sure that I'll be doing this alone."

Hayley chuckled, "I somehow doubt that. He's pretty much in love with you."

Before Victoria could disagree with the brunette, a voice interrupted, "Pardon the interruption." The girls looked up to spot Elijah at the doorway, "I wonder if I might have a quick word with the conspirators of a supposed uprising."

Hayley and Victoria looked at each other, knowing that they were in very big trouble, knowing that Elijah knew about everything.

Victoria and Hayley followed the older Mikealson outside the shack, grabbing Oliver and Jackson along the way. They entered the barn and Hayley spilled everything she knew about the deal that Jackson made with Klaus.

"You're making a grave mistake," Elijah said.

Oliver scoffed, "So, you're just worried about us. Is that it?"

Jackson sighed, "Look, Elijah. We know all about your brother's reputation, but if there is even a chance that these rings can help us take control of our curse–"

"--Our gift–" Oliver corrected.

"–Then, honestly, we don't care what he's really after. Won't have to." Jackson finished.

Elijah nodded, "I see. There are those in the Quarter who will consider this a great provocation."

"Apparently, most of them see us breathing the same way," Oliver spoke.

Elijah turned to the girls, "You signed a pledge, and you looked me in the eye as you did so."

Victoria sighed, "We don't want a fight, Elijah. We just want a better life."

Elijah looked disappointed, "Allegiance with my brother will guarantee you anything but that."

Before anybody could respond, they were interrupted by the sound of a motorbike approaching. They cut their argument short to go see who it is. "What the hell?" Jackson spoke, making the move to walk outside, making everyone else follow.

A man on a motorbike rode into the encampment and stopped as the group approached him. He looked at the group, "Which one of you is in charge?"

Jackson stepped forward, "Who's asking?"

The man smirked and Elijah sped over to him, tackling him. The motorbike exploded causing everyone to scream. Jackson tried to grab Victoria but was too late as the explosion had sent everyone flying back. Victoria felt herself hit the ground hard, knocking the wind out of her before her eyes fluttered shut and everything turned black.

Victoria felt herself being shaken gently. She slowly opened her eyes to the harsh sun and the ringing in her ears. She looked around at all the damage. "Hayley, are you ok?" Oliver asked, helping her sit up. It was hard to hear him though.

Victoria ignored him getting up quickly and ran over to where everyone else was. She sees a little girl standing next to a severely injured man and immediately runs over to help.

She picked up the child, "It's ok. Here. Come here. Oh, God." she looked around, seeing that so many people were hurt and she spotted her brother, "Jackson?" he quickly walked over to them. "Here. Get him away from here." she handed him the little girl.

Jackson took the child and walked away. "Come on."

Victoria walked around for a while, helping whoever needed it, before trying to find Hayley to see if she was alright. On her way, she ran into Elijah who was helping someone who had been burned. "Elijah, You're the fastest. Take him, or anyone else who can't walk on their own." Victoria saw that Elijah began to look at her with deep concern. She sighed, "It's ok, Elijah. I'm fine. They need your help. More than I do, I have a magical baby in me who can heal I will be alright."

Victoria found Hayley talking to Oliver who was helping treat Eve, who had been impaled with a tree branch.

"Just hang in there, ok?" Oliver said to Eve, preparing to pull it out.

"Oliver, no!" Hayley yelled, stopping Oliver from making the injury worse.

Eve writhed in pain, "Aah!"

"Oh, God," Hayley spoke and grabbed Eve's hands. "Press here," she spoke to Oliver "Give me your shirt." She used the shirt to make a tourniquet. "Now! It's okay."

Eve looked at the brunette impressed, "How'd you learn how to do that?"

Hayley shrugged, "You get a hell of an education when you leave home at 13. Also, Victoria is very clumsy. That should slow the bleeding, at least until the healing kicks in."

Oliver stood up and threw a nearby trashcan in anger. 'Oh! Rraagh! Vampires. They don't even have the guts to do their own dirty work themselves. I mean, why bother when you can just compel some poor son-of-a-bitch to do it for you? I say we hit them back! Hard."

Victoria pushes him against a shack, "Stay here, Oliver." she turns to Hayley, "I need you to look after everyone until I get back."

"Where the hell are you going?" Hayley asked.

"If this was vampires, I'm pretty sure that I can guess who gave the order. I'm gonna go find Marcel." Victoria told her.

"No, you're pregnant, I can't let you go by yourself." Hayley tried to reason.

"Nah I can do this by myself. Marcel's got one thing coming if he thinks that I'm gonna take this lying down, and not like I did when I got pregnant." She grabbed a tree branch from the ground and broke it into a stake before leaving.

Victoria drove across the river, where Marcel was currently living, and called Elijah to assure him she was okay.

"Victoria," Elijah answered.

"I have to take care of something. I'll be back as soon as I can." She told him.

"Where are you?" The Mikealson asked.

"Elijah, I'm fine. Just take care of the pack while I'm gone, please? Let Jackson know that I'm fine."

Victoria hung up on Elijah. Jackson approached him.

"Is she okay?" the Kenner wolf asked.

Elijah nodded, "Apparently, yes."

Jackson sighed, "It's a good thing that bomb went off where it did. Could've been a lot worse. We all could've got killed."

The two walk where the entirety of the Bayou wolves have congregated after the explosion, tending to the wounded and dead. Elijah considers Jackson's words for a minute, and his eyes grow wide in panic.

"Unless..." Elijah looked over and noticed a bomb planted under an RV nearby, "Get everyone out of here! Now!"

Eight different explosions go off from various points in the encampments, damaging numerous people. Just as Elijah begins tending to the newly injured, another explosion, this one much larger, goes off right behind him, so he dives over a man to protect him.

Victoria barged into the hideout where Diego and the other vampires had been hanging out. "You done got some nerve coming up in here, mama," Diego spoke.

Victoria lifts her foot, kicking him in his chest, knocking Diego flat on his back, and he jumps back up and growls at her. Victoria pushed him up against a wall and shoved a stake into his chest, just missing his heart. "Someone attacked my pack in the bayou this morning, and since I don't see any genius mastermind-types around here...Why don't you just tell me where Marcel is, and we can both get on with our day, huh?" Victoria got in his face.

Diego groaned and fought against her. Victoria raised an eyebrow, "You think I'm playing? There were families out there." She slowly pushed the stake further into his chest.

Diego looked guilty, "He used to keep a place. 1917 Patterson. If he's still around, he'll be there."

She rips the stake out of her chest and takes her leave.

Victoria went to the address that Diego gave her. She called Klaus as she walked over to where Marcel was staying. She needed to tell him what happened at Bayou and ask him for his help with Marcel.

"Klaus, where are you?"

"His wrath burns against you, demon." she hears from a different voice in the background.

"Now what in the exorcist fuck is going on over there?" Victoria asked.

"I'm in a bit of a situation here, love," Klaus answered.

"Somebody sent a suicide bomber out to the bayou this morning," Victoria told him

"What? Where are you?" Klaus shouted, the concern was clear

"I'm in the city now," Victoria said

"Are you ok? Is the baby ok?" He interrupted.

"I'm fine. She's ok. I figured an attack like that must have been Marcel. He's hated the wolves for years, and after that stunt, he pulled with the witches...So, I tracked him down. Thought you might like to help kick his ass for trying to blow us to kingdom come."

"Hey, listen. I assure you, once I am finished here, you will have my undivided attention. In the meantime, please stay out of trouble."

Victoria sighed. She was hoping he'd at least help her. She hadn't seen a lot of him lately considering his time was spent...elsewhere. She opened her mouth, knowing what she would say next would make him feel some type of way, "You don't have to worry. Elijah is with me."

She hung up, leaving the hybrid to stare at his phone upset before clenching his jaw and putting his phone away turning his attention to Cami and the situation at hand.

Victoria barged into Marcel's loft. Marcel was seated in an armchair, drinking. She held the stake closer to herself.

Marcel got up from his seat to pour himself another drink, "Come on in. Have a seat. I'd offer you a drink, but..." He gestured to her baby bump.

Victoria looked around cautiously, "Sweet pad."

"Oh, it's just temporary. A friend hooked me up. Believe it or not, I still got a few of those kicking around. I need friends to keep me informed, to warn me when someone is coming looking to blame me for things that I didn't do." He smiled at her.

He sat down again, "For the record, you didn't have to work Diego like that. You and I are long overdue for a chat."

Victoria scoffed, "You want to talk? talk."

Marcel rose an eyebrow, "Tough girl. You're a lot like your dad in that way." Hayley's a lot like her's too. Victoria stares at him. "Oh, yeah. I knew him and Hayley's parents. I knew her whole family and yours. In fact, if she knew them like I did, she'd know just how many enemies they have. Back in the nineties, it was the Crescent Wolves who took over the city. Or, tried to. They lived to throw down, and they were good at it, too. They didn't care who they killed as long as they got more power.

Victoria narrowed her eyes, "So the Crescent curse was your way of stopping them? How heroic." she smiled sardonically

"It was either that, or kill them all, and I'm not big on indiscriminate slaughter. See, I have this thing about kids."

"So I've heard."

Marcel smirked, "Oh, you did more than hear about it, Veronica Kenner. You and Andrea Labonair are living proof."

Victoria stepped forward, "How long have you known who I am?"

"I saw how interested you were in those Crescents. After your little family reunion out at the old plantation house, I started to put two and two together."

"Tell me something, Marcel. Did you kill my parents Did you kill Hayley's?"

"There was infighting among the wolves. Your and Hayley's folks were laying low. Somebody turned on them. I honestly don't know who. I got there afterwards, found Hayley in a crib. I found you hidden in a closet not far from the crib. I guess they had enough time to hide you and not Hayley."

Victoria rolled her eyes. "Give me one good reason why I should believe anything that you have to say."

Marcle shrugged, "Believe whatever you want, but you were the last Labonair. I mean, could've been a lot of leverage for our side, but instead, I took you to Father Kieran." Marcel pulled out a duffel bag and handed it to her.

Victoria didn't move to take it, "What's that?"

"Money mostly, stuff you and Hayley need to start over someplace safe. Whatever happened in the bayou, I'm not your guy. But, the way things are going? Eventually, I might have to be."

"So this is your grand plan? Get the girls out of town, and Klaus and Elijah follow closely behind?"

"I can't say that wouldn't be a positive side effect."

"So why don't you leave? Follow your own advice?"

"I was born here, Hayley."

Victoria looked at him like he was stupid, "No shit Sherlock, So was I." She got up and went to leave. Before she walked out the door, Marcel stopped her. "Guy on the bike? The bomber? Word is, he had a gambling problem. Owed money to the casinos--more importantly, to the humans who run them. And Victoria? When things get bad, remember, I tried to get you clear of it again."

Victoria returned to find Oliver giving a speech. He decided that it was now his job to rally the werewolves instead of the alpha who happened to be Jackson. She walked over to Elijah and Hayley who were standing by a tree. "What's going on? What in the everloving fuck is he doing?"

Hayley hugged her tightly, "Oh thank god you're ok."

Victoria patted her back, "Oh ok, Hales you're crushing the baby, I don't need her coming out with a flat head."

"He's making a move for power in the wake of tragedy. He's not alone. There was another attack after you left."

"What?!" Victoria shouted in shock.

Victoria rushed into the shack, where Jackson was sitting with Eve's dead body, devastated. She rushed to Eve's side, also comforting Jackson as they mourned the loss of one of their own. She knew, whoever did this was going to have to rue the day they were born.

Word count: 2552

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So...I'm back....again...anyways

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