chapter 3: We all go a little mad sometimes

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Victoria and Hayley were in the parlor of the Lockwood Mansion, drowning themselves in alcohol, paying their respects for their dead friend. The she-wolves as well as the hybrids had been going at it all night, talking about fun times with Dean.

The door slid open and Tyler walked in expecting to see them passed out, but was shocked to find them still drinking. "You're still going? I drank enough last night. And then I slept, which is what you guys should have done."

"We're just paying our respects to Dean." A hybrid named Chris replied.

Tyler nodded. "That's great, Chris, but would you pay them at a bar instead?"

Hayley arose from her seat. "Don't be mad." Victoria nodded

"Yeah, we're celebrating our fallen hybrid friend." Victoria said with a shrug. The girl walked towards her friend and poured a shot into Tyler's mouth, making a little spill. She wiped her thumb across his bottom lip before sticking it in her mouth, licking off the alcohol while keeping eye contact with the Lockwood wolf.

Klaus suddenly appeared behind them, thanks to his vampire abilities. He had a bottle of bourbon in his hands. "Well, don't let me interrupt."

Tyler hung his head and sighed. "I didn't know you were here."

"Clearly," The Original hybrid said as he looked at the Moore girl who stood very close to his sireling,before looking at Tyler, "Thought I'd just pop 'round to celebrate Dean's successful retrieval of the vampire hunter. Yet when I arrived, I learned that not only was Dean unsuccessful, but that Elena killed the hunter."

Victoria rolled her eyes when Klaus decided to take a seat next to her, "Well, maybe if you had let Dean use force on Connor instead of sending him in on a suicide mission..." 

Klaus tilted his head towards her and grabbed her arm, getting close to her face. "Maybe you should mind your business, wolf girl."

Victoria yanked her arm away from him and turned to face him. "Don't tell me what to do. I'm not your bitch."

"What do you care if Connor's dead, anyway?" Tyler asked his sire, taking Klaus' attention away from his friend and back onto him. Victoria folded her arms across her chest.

"I have my reasons... They have ceased to matter. Cheers." He took a swig of his alcohol.

"Well, it's really your fault that you lost a hybrid. You sent him there knowing he was going to die." Hayley told the Blonde with a look of disgust.

Tyler was about to speak before the doorbell rang. Tyler glanced back at everyone and went to open the door. Caroline let herself into the house with a box in her hands. "Brought your stuff. Old laptop, your Jersey, the charm bracelet."

"Car... This isn't a good time." The werewolf told her.

Caroline rolled her eyes and shoved the box into his hands. "Just take it."

Klaus put his bottle onto the table before going to meet the couple. "Caroline. By the break-up drama unfolding before me, I assume you've met Hayley and Victoria," gesturing towards the females with a devilish smirk. "All right, come on, let's go. Let's leave them alone. Your talents are needed elsewhere."

Tyler looked at him. "For what?"

Klaus turned around to face him. "I think you've got more important things to deal with, mate."

Klaus then left, his hybrids following after him. Victoria looked out the window, making sure they were all gone as a smile graced her face. Caroline looked at the girls and closed the door. "Do you think he bought it?"

Hayley nodded with a grin. "Hell, I bought it."

"Thanks for the head's up that he was here, guys."

Tyler nodded. "You girls are good liars." He kissed his girlfriend as Hayley looked at them with a saddened look on her face, causing Victoria to rub her friends back to comfort

Victoria was in the foyer with Hayley and Tyler as they were saying goodbye to Chris. He had decided to not follow Klaus' order but instead, he chose to leave and live his life with a broken sire bond to Klaus.

Tyler, Hayley and Victoria had previously helped the hybrid to break his sire bond to Klaus after they let the doppelganger, Elena Gilbert escape from the Mikealson's home after she had been kidnapped by his hybrids. Now Chrsi only had to become a ghost and his life was set. Which is the reason they were saying goodbye, as they probably would never see him again.

"You're doing a good thing, Chris." Tyler assured him.

Chris sighed when he let go of Hayley and began hugging Victoria. "Yeah, well, let's see how fast a good thing could get me out of town."

Hayley nodded, "Call me when you're safe, ok?"

"Yeah." He answered, letting go of the younger brunette.

Chris grabbed his duffle bag and opened the door only to find Klaus, standing on the porch. "Going somewhere?" Klaus grabbed Chris by his throat, pinning him against the closest wall, choking him. "When I said don't let her out of your sight, what did you think I meant?"

"It's not his fault! It's mine. I was distracting him. It's my fault she got away!" Tyler protested, not wanting his friend to die.

Klaus looked at the Lockwood. "And maybe you should be the one to die for it.

Victoria slowly started towards them, getting in between the hybrid and her friend. "No one has to die! Just let it go, Klaus."

Klaus let his anger get a hold of him as he grabbed the girl's shoulders and pinned her against the wall instead, his body dangerously close to hers. Her body was enclosed between his arms. "Did I not say to mind your business?!"

"Tyler's covering for me. I'm the one that let her as you can see, use your special vampire seeing abilities if you need to, that makes it my business." Victoria continued with a smirk.

Hayley began, "Tori..."

"You want someone dead, go ahead. kill me. I'd rather die anyway then end up as one of your sired little bitches." Victoria spat at the Hybrid, ignoring her friend.

Klaus chuckled as he looked towards Tyler. He looked down at the brunette with a smirk, then let her go. "Don't tempt me, little wolf." He told her, pointing a finger as he backed away. He looked at Chris. "Your existence is to serve me. To please me. Do you understand?"

Chris glanced at his friend, scared. "I'm sorry. I won't fail you again."

"No. You won't." Klaus stepped aside, out of the way of the hallway, "Get out of here."

Chris stopped and looked around in confusion. Was he about to let him go? Victoria knew that with Klaus' kind of reputation, he's not one to show mercy with those who have betrayed him. This was either going to go amazingly right, or horribly wrong. Klaus nodded and gestured for him to leave, allowing for Victoria to have a little hope. Chris headed for the door when it suddenly swung open to reveal Stefan Salvatore, another vampire who was sired to Klaus. The vampire stabbed the hybrid with a stake before anyone could react.

Haley screamed, "No!" Both girls ran over to their friend's side. Fortunately, the stake had only rendered him unconscious, until it was pulled out. Hayley gripped the wood before pulling it out, freeing him.

Jeremy Gilbert, a new vampire hunter and apparently Elena's little brother, entered behind Stefan with a cleaver in hand.

"Jeremy? What the hell, man?!" Tyler yelled, as he seemed to understand what was going on. Klaus smiled at the group of werewolves in front of him.

"I'm sorry." Stefan apologized.

"You're sorry?! You're going to kill him." Victoria yelled in anger. Stefan looked at the youngest Gilbert and gave him a nod. Jeremy swung the cleaver down, detaching Chris' head from his neck. Hayley screamed in horror while Victoria stared at the body, her eyes overflowing with tears as they began streaming down her face.

Finally finished with their mission, Jeremy had blood on his face, following after Klaus and the Salvatore vampire. They had left the werewolves to deal with Chris.

Victoria couldn't help but feel extremely guilty. She had encouraged him to break the bond. She helped him break it. She promised that nothing bad would happen to him if he left. She could see her friend's body lying on the floor, blood pooling from the wound on his neck, where his head should be. She was disappointed that she couldn't help him. She tried to make sure he was safe and he was dead.

Word count: 1458

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