Chapter 5: We'll always have Bourbon street

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Victoria, Hayley and Tyler stood in the barn with Kim as they tried to break the sire bond with another hybrid by the name of Adrian. Said hybrid was chained up by the others like the previous hybrids had been. Kim had been arguing with the girls, saying they shouldn't be there, because apparently to her, all they did was push them.

"Please, no more. I can't!" Adrian cried out.

"Yes, you can," Tyler told him to make sure he was calming down, "Block out the pain."

Adrian nodded and began to turn again for the upteenth time. He started screaming in agony as his bones broke over and over again until Kim made her way towards him to comfort him. "That's enough. This is torture."

"Kim, stop," Hayley warned the female hybrid, "He needs to finish."

Kim shook her head, "Not today, he doesn't."

Victoria stepped towards Kim, "Yes today. Nate, Dean, and Chris are all dead, which makes Adrian Klaus' right hand! We can't let Adrian anywhere near Klaus until his sire bond is completely broken." She raised her voice towards Kim to show the urgency to help Adrian and give more authority to what they were doing. If this didn't work, there would be no finding any type of family for her and Hayley. These hybrids just needed to do what they were told and everything would be fine.

Tyler stepped in after Kimberely growled at the girl and flashed her golden eyes, preparing for a fight causing Victoria to look at Hayley mouthing 'If she lunges, I'm going for the gold.' "Victoria is right. The bond isn't broken until he doesn't feel the pain of transformation anymore. If we want to get back at Klaus for everything he's done to us, Adrian has to keep turning."

"He doesn't have to do anything. Isn't that the point of breaking the sire bond... Free will?" Kim asked, "Let's go, Adrian." She helped him up and they left the barn with the hybrid leaning on her.

Victoria stepped back to Hayley's side. "Hales, you know what happens if we can't do this. We'd have to give up Tyler."

Hayley looked at her with a worried expression, "I know. This has to work. It won't come to using him." Making Victoria nod.

"Kimberley just needs to stop getting in the way of our plan and we'll be Gucci."

The two wolves had broken into Professor Shane's office, looking for any information. Hayley rummaged through drawers and anything she could find, while Victoria was put on look-out duty. Well, she was supposed to, but she had gotten distracted by whatever thoughts were clouding her mind at the moment.

Suddenly a voice rang out, "Trespassing, breaking and entering, all before noon?" Making both of the girls jump in shock.

Hayley turned to face Victoria, "You were supposed to be on watch!" glaring at her friend.

"I'm sorry! I got distracted!" Victoria shouted back.

"By what?! All you had to do was look to see if he was coming back."

"It was getting boring, next time I'll look." Hayley rolled her eyes before turning her attention back to the man who had walked in.

"Having trouble breaking Adrian. Don't worry about it." The Marshall girl told him.

Shane placed his bag on top of his desk and took a seat. "You already got the 12 hybrids I need."

Victoria crossed her arms, "We have 11. We told you, Tyler Lockwood isn't part of the deal."

Shane shrugged, "Well, now there's 11 hybrids. You deliver me 12 without loyalties to Klaus, or your friend Tyler becomes fair game."

Haley shook her head, "You haven't held up your end of the bargain."

Shane nodded, "Right," He pulled out a flash drive out of the pocket of his coat, "This is everything you always wanted to know about your biological parents, and it's encoded in case you're thinking of the smash and grab. Just bring me 12 unsired hybrids, and it's yours." Making the she-wolves look at each other.

The she-wolves had met up with Tyler at the Mystic Grill, watching the two hybrids who had left earlier as they were playing pool. They seemed as if they did not care in the world.

Hayley sighed, "They're gonna get us all killed, and we're just sitting here."

Tyler shook his head, "Kim is right. The point of breaking the sire bond is being free. They don't have to listen to me"

"Yes, they do, Ty," Victoria groaned, "You can make them. Hybrids are werewolves first. Wolves run in packs, and every pack needs an Alpha, or they end up challenging each other for dominance. Kim is challenging your position as Alpha. You need to put her in her place... now." She demanded.

Tyler sighed before he got up and walked to the pool table. Adrian had shot the cue ball at the black eight ball but Tyler grabbed it before it could go into the pocket. "Long day tomorrow, Adrian. You want it to go better than today, you need to get some rest."

"Who do you think you are?" Kim scoffed. The she-wolves started over to join Tyler by the pool table

"The guy telling you to call it a night," Tyler replied. Kim grabbed a cue stick and tried to attack him but he grabbed it. "This could get a lot uglier right now, but I'm not gonna let it. Challenge me again, this conversation will end differently. You understand?"

Kim let go of the stick and rolled her eyes, "Whatever you say."

Tyler tossed the stick aside. "Finish your drink and get Adrian back to the stables. We'll meet you there." Kim huffed and pulled Adrian to leave.

The she-wolves glared at Kimberely before they left the Grill. Victoria grabbed Hayley's arm and pulled her aside so Tyler couldn't hear them. "Hayley, you'd better hope that this plan that you made works, because if not, it's our heads." She let go and followed after Tyler leaving Hayley to follow.

The wolves had found out that Kim and the other hybrids had kidnapped Caroline and tortured her to spite both Tyler and Klaus. Tyler ended up having to make her submit and accept him as alpha by shoving his hand in her chest and wrapping it around her heart. Right now, they were sitting In Professor Shane's office waiting for him.

"I told you Hayley! We'll end up dead, because of this plan, look how they're acting already. It's going to get us killed!" She told her friend.

"No we won't! You'll see!" Hayley assured her friend, causing her to roll her eyes.

Shane opened the door, entering as he let out a sigh seeing the female wolves in his office, "You ever hear of a text message, maybe just give a guy a heads-up?"

"Adrian finished breaking the sire bond. You have your 12 hybrids." Hayley told him.

Victoria nodded, "Now, where the actual fuck are our parents?"

Shane said what they weren't expecting. "They're dead." Causing them both to freeze in shock.

Hayley was the first to speak. "You lied to us?"

Shane shook his head, "No. I didn't lie to you. I said I'd tell you where to find them. This is everything you ever wanted to know, including where they're buried."

Victoria started to get angry. "You're fucking sick. You just picked a fight with a werewolf. You know that, right?"

Shane raised his hands, "Easy, killer, all right? I'm not declaring war here. Just because they're dead doesn't mean you can't see them again."

"Right, because we can just go to the fucking other side and be like 'What's up mom and Dad, how you doing?' Cause that's normal."

Hayley looked confused, "What? What do you mean we can see them again?"

"Oh, this is far from over, Hayley. We are the beginning." Shane replied.

"Hayley, I told you that this bitch was weird."

Word count: 1333

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