Chapter 6: O, come all ye faithful

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Tyler, Hayley, Kim and Victoria were in the Lockwood cellar as they waited for Adrian to come back from Klaus' mansion. Victoria was playing games on her phone when she heard the hybrid walk in. "I'm sick of taking his crap. I should rip his throat off, see if he can boss us around without a larynx." Adrian complained.

Bold of you to assume you'd get that far with him. Victoria thought.

They all faced him, "You won't have to take it much longer." Tyler assured him.

Kim walked towards her now alpha, "You keep saying that, but here we are, hiding, plotting a revolution that's never gonna happen."

Hayley chuckled, "Never say never," making Victoria think of the Justin Bieber and Jaden Smith song, "And never say we don't pull through."

"What are you talking about?" Kim asked, confused.

Victoria spoke up, "We found the witch that's gonna save your lives."

Adrian looked at the girls in shock. "Are you serious?"

"No, we're joking," Hayley elbowed her side, "Yes, we're serious."

Tyler nodded as he wrapped arms around both girls. "We promised you guys we'd free you from Klaus. You did your part by breaking your sire bond. Now Hayley, Tori and I are going to do ours."

The girls looked at each other as everyone else cheered. This had gotten so much more complicated due to the previous night. They'd been convinced to help Shane with his plan so they could find out how to meet their parents again, but unfortunately they had to sacrifice everything.

Victoria was busy getting ready for the winter wonderland Charity event in front of a mirror at Tyler's house when Hayley walked in.

"Wow, you look hot." Victoria turned around to see her best friend checking her out.

"When do I not look hot Hales?" Victoria said, causing Hayley to roll her eyes playfully.

"Nice to know you can gracefully take a compliment." Making both girls chuckle.

"You look great, Hayley. Nice outfit." Victoria told her, making the girl smile proudly at her choice.

"Thanks, it's a charity, kind of have to look nice. But you look like you're trying to impress someone. Klaus, maybe?" Giving the Moore girl a smirk

"What do you mean by that, Hayley?"

Hayley shrugged, "I don't know, I mean, I could only guess that you two might have been feeling each other when y'all first met. Y'all were just staring at each other like there's no tomorrow."

That was true. There was also one point where Victoria had told Hayley that the hybrid was kind of attractive and that it would have been great if he wasn't evil. "That doesn't mean anything Hayley, why don't you focus on your crush on Tyler and my nonexistent liking of the Original hybrid that will never happen."

"Yeah like me and Tyler would ever happen, and knowing you, you'd probably jump his bones, given the chance. Make sure to have fun tonight with your future lover, hon" Hayley said teasingly, rolling her eyes and walking away. Victoria shrugged and went back to getting ready.

The brunette she-wolves had arrived at the event, both on each arm of the Lockwood teen as their date. As Tyler had gotten caught up in conversation, Victoria had convinced Hayley to walk around with her. They were passing by people when Victoria heard her name being called.

The brunette turned around to see Mystic Falls' enemy, "Oh my god, you...again." She turned to look at Hayley, only to find the wolf, quickly walking away, glancing back at her to give a wink, before disappearing into the crowd. "Fake bitch" Victoria muttered under her breath.

The blonde approached her with his hands behind his back. "Klaus..." Victoria greeted with a sigh, "How are you doing?"

"I'm doing well, love? And you?" He gave her a smile.

She smiled fakely at him, "Wishing I was anywhere else." He chuckled.

"I assume you've come here with Tyler."

She nodded, "Yeah we'll I mean, he's lived here his whole life. So, it's only going to make sense to come here with him, also seeing as he's like they only person Hayley and I know." She shrugged.

"Speaking of the Lockwood, where is he?" Klaus asked.

She shrugged, "I have no clue," She began looking around for her friends but saw nothing, "I was just with Hayley but she left and Tyler was talking to people, so, I'm all alone." She was going to have a talk with Hayley about leaving her alone with hot, scary dudes. Not very cash money of her.

She noticed a waiter passing by with glasses filled with champagne. She grabbed one and chugged it, trying not to make much conversation. Realizing she'd drunk it too fast, she placed that glass onto a nearby table before reaching out to grab another, stopping as Klaus had taken two, one for her. "Seems as if you needed it." He said.

"I really did, being sober here and getting through this conversation without drinking, just isn't doing it for me." Making the blue-eyed man laugh.

"Since you're alone, perhaps you'd prefer a man who knows the town's history like the back of his hand. As well as far better company?"

"Being as this is a town event, although you live here, why this event? You don't seem like the charitable type." She asked him, drinking some of the champagne.

"I was generous enough to donate a painting." He told her.

Her eyes widened and she turned her head, doing a mini spit take. She quickly covered her mouth and sent an apologetic look towards the other guests who saw. She muttered a quick 'sorry' and looked back at the hybrid who had an amused expression, about to laugh. "You're shocked." He said.

"I mean yeah, Captain Obvious. Who would ever expect a thousand-year-old, murderous, evil, psychopathic hybrid to like to do something as calming as art? So of course I'm shocked." Victoria spoke. "Well, the closest I could get to painting that good was my drawings. I'll have to take a look at your work sometime. You're going to have to get used to the fact that I make a lot of unsolicited comments." She said with a wink, making the man laugh.

"She knows when not to though." They heard a feminie voice say. Victoria tore her eyes off the hybrid and turned around to find Hayley standing behind her. "Sorry to interrupt you guys' flirting session, but I need her. Girl problems and all."

The Marshall took her friends hand and led her inside the Mystic Grill. They entered the restroom where Caroline and Tyler were waiting. The former had escaped the cellar and made her way back into town to find her boyfriend before he made his sacrifice.

Victoria was surprised to see the blonde girl. "How the hell did you even get out? What are you doing here?"

"I got out because even your idiot hybrids recognized the stupidity of your Alpha hybrid martyr plan." Caroline answered.

Tyler sighed, "I'm not going to fight with you anymore, Caroline."

"Oh, we're gonna do plenty of fighting, the second that you shove Klaus into someone else's body." Caroline told him.The two female brunettes were looking between the couple like a tennis match as they fought.

Tyler reminded her, "We've been through this. I don't have anyone else's body."

Caroline scoffed. "Yeah? Well, I do."

"What? Who?" Hayley asked.

"Klaus' sister Rebekah," The blonde vampire revealed, "She's got a dagger in her. Stefan's been hiding her coffin in the tunnels. We dump Klaus into her body and bury her. We just killed two original birds with one stone." Tyler smiled at his girlfriend, proud of her brilliant plan.

Victoria shook her head. "It's too late to change the plan."

Clearly they all shared different opinions on this plan but it seemed as if Tyler was going to go all in for it. "Call Bonnie. Make sure it'll work."

"Tyler!" Hayley yelled.

Tyler sighed, "It's a brilliant plan, Hayley."

Tyler glanced at his friend before looking at his girlfriend and kissed her. "You're a genius. I love you."

Caroline smiled, "Mmm. I love you, even when I hate you."

With the couple busy sucking each other's faces off, Hayley showed Victoria her message she was sending to Shane telling him the plan was failing.

"I got to go find my mom, let her know I might actually graduate." Tyler told them before running off to find his mother.

As Caroline was on the phone with her witch friend, Hayley had gotten a text from the Professor telling them to fix it. Victoria groaned and muttered under breath, "Fucking hell."

The girls looked up when Caroline said goodbye to her friend. She faced the werewolves with a smile, "She said it would work."

Hayley nodded, "I gathered. Congratulations." Victoria had been moving towards her like she was going in for a hug.

Caroline kept smiling while opening her arms to receive the hug, "Thank you." Before she got a chance, Victoria placed her hands on the sides of the blonde's face and snapped her neck, making her fall to the floor, temporarily killing her. The girls stared at her body.

Victoria sighed, "Our pleasure."

Hayley and Victoria were walking around to find Tyler. "Ok, now what do we do, Tori?"

Victoria began looking around and spotted the Original hybrid standing a good distance away to not hear the plan as he'd been occupied with drinking. "Ok, so what we are gonna do is tell Klaus what happened. He'll be too mad to focus on us and more so on his hybrids who are planning a coup. He'll go to kill said hybrids and we warn Tyler to not go to the cellar. You go tell him to run far away and never come back. Then we leave with our lives. Now move out, Hales." As both girls went on their separate missions.

Victoria had started on her way towards the hybrid, making it look like she was going to pass him. He noticed her, grabbing her arm and pulling her towards him. "Where are you going, Little wolf?"

The girl sighed, acting as if she wasn't going to say anything. "Klaus...I was going to go check out your work.

"I'm sure, you'll have time to," Keeping his hand around her arm, " What is it our friend Tyler is planning?"

The girl shrugged, "Nothing, what do you mean?" Acting clueless.

"You're a very good liar," Klaus noticed, "But the tiniest skip of your heart gave you away....You and your friends are plotting something."

"Well, thank you for saying I'm a good liar, Klaus," She sat down on a bench and crossed one leg over the other, "it's a really useful skill to have."

"I won't ask again, sweetheart. What is Tyler planning" He asked, getting closer, trying to intimidate her.

The Moore girl rolled her eyes, "I think you know what they're planning." Causing his face to become angry, "They're planning a coup. They have everything they need to put you down forever. They even have a plan to kill your sister by putting you in her body and ending your life subscription for good. All they're waiting for is a witch."

He looked at her, trying to decipher if she was telling the truth, and by the bored look on her face, she was. After that, he disappeared to go find his hybrids. Victoria quickly got up to go find Hayley and Tyler by the clocktower. "Ty." Victoria called out to him.

Tyler looked at her confused. "What are you doing here? You're supposed to be taking the witch to the cellar"

Hayley sighed, "There is no witch, Tyler."

Tyler looked shocked. "What?"

Hayley glanced at Victoria before she spoke, "We made it up."

"We never intended for you to put Klaus down. I needed him for the sacrifice." Victoria revealed to the Lockwood teen.

"What?" Tyler asked, still trying to wrap his head around their betrayal.

"We don't know how to explain it, but we made a deal with someone who can help us find our families." Hayley told him.

Tyler furrowed his eyebrows, "What are you talking about? What kind of deal?"

Hayely sighed, "There needed to be twelve for the sacrifice, Tyler."

"Twelve what?" Tyler asked.

Victoria sighed "We're sorry, Ty."

Tyler yelled, "Victoria, Hayley, what the hell did you guys do?!"

Hayley, trying to make it somewhat better, said, "If you run now, you might make it out alive."

Word count: 2105

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There is one more chapter after this before we get into the originals

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