From a Cradle to a Grave

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Flashback to two days ago: Victoria sat in a rocking chair in the nursery, writing on a piece of paper. She looked up when she heard his voice, "Writing a love letter to a suitor?"

Victoria rolled her eyes as a response, hiding her smile. Klaus entered the room further, "Don't tell me it's me?" They both laughed, "I thought I was out of the running ages ago!"

Victoria laughed, "And the award for "Biggest Ego" goes to..." she pointed at the hybrid, who continued to laugh. "Besides, I wouldn't write you a letter."

Klaus raised a brow, "And why not?"

She looked at him through her lashes, "I think we both know I'm bold enough to tell you how I feel to your face, Klaus."

He smirked at her, "Bold enough to tell me how you feel, are you? Well, Victoria, I'm all ears."

Victoria took a deep breath, looking him in the eyes, "Klaus, I...I like you. More than I should, and I never expected to, but I don't want to deny it anymore. And I know you like–Oh!" She gasped when she felt one of the babies kick.

Klaus walked towards Victoria with curious eyes, "How are our littlest wolves?"

"Do you want to...?" She rubbed her baby bump and watched as he stepped back nervously. She gave him a soft smile, "Come on!"

Klaus knelt in front of her and Victoria immediately reached out, grabbed his hand, and slowly placed it on her belly. She watched his reaction as one of the babies kicked again, making him gasp and Victoria laugh.

"You feel that?" They both laughed in amazement.

Klaus smiled up at the mother of his children. Victoria watched as his eyes softened and his smile faded as his eyes locked onto their hands intertwined on her stomach. He moved his hand from under Victoria's and stood up, looking, "Right! I'll leave you to your secret letter, then!"

Klaus rushed out of the room, Victoria keeping her eyes on him as he left. Once he was out of sight, she let a smile take over her face thinking about him and their children and that maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

Dear Zoe and Ziya...or Kiara and Kayla...or Alexandra and Althea,

To my little girls. Your dad just asked if this was a love letter. I guess it kind of is. I never got to know my mother. I have no idea what she must have thought when she carried me. So, I thought I'd write to you, so you can know how happy I am at this very moment. How much your father and I can't wait to meet you two. We can't wait to hold you and love you and be the best parents two girls could ever have.  And, I want to make you a promise, of three things that you will have that I never did: a safe home, someone to tell you that they love you every single day, and someone to fight for you, no matter what. In other words, a family. So, there you go, baby girl. The rest, we're going to have to figure out together. I love you,

Your mom.

Now: The witches had put Victoria on an altar. She screamed and fought as they held her down, "Let go of me, you bitch!"

Victoria continued to scream and fight as they tried to keep her down. There was no way she was going to make it easy for them to kill her children. They'd have to rip them from her cold, dead hands and even then, they'd have to go through Klaus to kill them.

Suddenly the doors opened, revealing Klaus limping into the church. Victoria tried to sit up but the redheaded witch held her down, and the babies began moving as if they knew who was there. Klaus lunged toward a witch guard and ripped his head off. The witches linked hands and telekinetically pinned Klaus to the wall.

Klaus fought against the spell pinning him to the wall, but he could not get free. Victoria fell back against the altar, feeling her hope of being saved dissipate and the feeling of despair return.

The soon-to-be parents watched fearfully as the redhead grabbed the athame that they used for the harvest. Victoria screamed in terror and agony. "You should know this brings me no joy. I promise I'll make it quick."

One of the witches covered Victoria's lower half with a sheet as she continued to scream in pain, "Let's begin, shall we?"

Victoria was still in labor, screaming in agony at the top of her lungs. "I will bring hell to your family!" Klaus yelled.

"One last push! Push! The baby's almost here!" Genevieve called out.

Victoria pushed and pushed, feeling one of the babies come out. She sighed and fell back against the altar, feeling exhausted, "Baby number two is coming, you have no time to rest. Time to push again." Genevieve spoke as she handed the first baby to one of the witches.

"Girl, fuck you!" Victoria screamed out.

"I will bathe in rivers of your blood!" Klaus continued his threats

"No! No!" Victoria cried out

"I can see the baby!" Monique said.

"Push! Gently! Gently!" Genevieve told her.

"What the fuck do you think I'm doing? Contacting the Avengers or something?!" Victoria yelled.

"You will die screaming!"

Victoria pushed for the last time and laid down, tired out and exhausted, "There!" Genevieve spoke as she held out the baby. The brunette sat up to look at them, they were so beautiful.

"You have two beautiful baby daughters."

The witches wrapped the babies in blankets, "We must start the sacrifice as soon as the moon sets with the morning sky–"

"Wait!" Victoria interrupted her, "Please. Please, can I hold them?" she begged.

Genevieve walked over and placed the babies in her arms. She was so amazed at the sight of her children that she decided to share it with their father. She looked up at Klaus and managed a small smile before kissing their daughters on the forehead. Suddenly, Victoria was pulled back by her hair, and she felt the cold metal of a blade slicing through her throat.


Victoria began to choke on her blood, feeling her vision and her breath leave her body as she fell back. In her last seconds of life, she realized that she would never see her babies grow up, never see them walk or talk for the first time, their first days of school and they wouldn't grow up with their mom.

"No!" Klaus yelled, the mother of his children bleeding out in front of him. He finally felt helpless as he couldn't do anything to stop Victoria's death and the witches from leaving with his little girls. As the witches left, Monique magically snapped his neck and he fell to the floor.

When he woke up, Klaus slowly crawled up to where Victoria lay and cradled her in his arms, tears forming in his eyes. He pulled her body closer to him as he thought back to the nursery, the kisses and moments they'd shared.

He leaned forward and kissed her cold lips, even though she wouldn't be able to respond, he did this anyway, "I'm so sorry. If only I had let you do what you needed to do to get away from me, you wouldn't be in this position. This is all my fault. I should have been there to protect you. When you told me how you were feeling the other day...I love you too. I was just too afraid to admit it, and now it's too late."

He let the tears run down his face, closing his eyes and placing a lingering kiss on her forehead. "I promise you, I will make this right. I will avenge you, and our children will know how much you loved them," he whispered.

"What the fuck did you do to her?" Klaus looked up to see Hayley approaching him tears in her eyes for the woman who became her little sister, lying lifelessly in his arms, "I..."

Hayley continued to stumble towards the two, hoping her eyes were deceiving her. Realizing it was true, she collapsed on her knees in front of them, "No!" She screamed through her sobs.

Elijah entered the church a few seconds later, having followed Hayley. He stopped dead in his tracks, panting and out of breath as a result of the werewolf bites. He struggled to focus on his vision. Eventually, he saw that Klaus was sitting at the sacristy with Victoria's head in his lap, Hayley stroking her head, looking out of it as she stared at the face of her best friend.

Elijah hung his head, tears falling from his eyes, "She's gone." Klaus told Hayley and Elijah.

"You've been bitten. Here." Klaus offered his wrist to his brother as he noticed his wounds and Elijah bit into it.

Elijah, now healed, laid Victoria down on the altar she died on. Hayley continued running her fingers through her best friend's hair, knowing she loved it whenever Hayley did that and it always made her feel better. Klaus remained on the steps they found him on when they got to the church.

"How?" Elijah asked.

"I was bested," Klaus answered.

"You were bested." Hayley scoffed, letting go of Victoria's hair. She rushed towards the hybrid when Elijah stopped her, wrapping an arm around her waist, stopping her from trying to hurt his brother, "You were bested!? You were supposed to protect her! You were supposed to take care of her, she wasn't supposed to die, Klaus! She loved you...I knew I shouldn't have left her with you that night and taken her with me. You let her die! My sister, she was all I had left in this world and now she's gone too!" Hayley broke down.

Klaus didn't even make a move to respond, everything Hayley was telling, he had already told himself. He stood up, "They took the babies. But, there's still time. We can save them."

"I swear, you better save my nieces, Klaus. If something happens to them, I don't care how invincible you are, I will find a way to kill you. Go."

"Hayley–" Elijah tried to speak.

"I said, Go!" she yelled at them.

The brothers left the church, Hayley getting on top of the altar to lay next to Victoria as a chance to be with her sister one last time.

Victoria let out a gasp as she woke up, her hand instantly going to her throat. She looked around, "I'm so sorry Jackson...she's gone. I have no clue what happened or where the babies are...we're at the church if you want to see her, I know she was your sister, so I think she'd want you to come here and see her," She heard the person on the phone get choked up in their response.

She sat up and saw Hayley, "Hales? What happened?"

She turned around and threw her arms around the brunette, "You're alive. I can't believe you're alive."

Then it hit her. The witches, the babies, Klaus...those god-forsaken witches killed her and took her children. She pushed Hayley's arms off of her, getting off the altar, causing the wolf to be confused, "Tori? Are you Ok?"

Victoria continued out of the church, making Hayley follow her. It wasn't long before they found the brothers at the cemetery in a tomb.

Elijah sighed, "We've passed through here twice already. We're running out of time." He punched through a wall in anger and frustration.

"Then we move faster," Klaus said as he marked the wall with a tally mark.

"Or smarter," Victoria called out, announcing her presence. They turned around shocked, "How are you here?" Elijah asked.

Victoria felt dazed, "I woke up in the church. I felt this hunger... I knew what I needed. I can feel her. They're here. I can feel my babies."

"You died with the baby's blood still in your system," He turned to Elijah, "She's in transition."

Elijah seemed horrified, "Which means she has to drink the blood of the children if she is to survive."

"To be reborn a hybrid." Klaus finished.

"I don't care about me. I'm gonna go find our daughters." Victoria told them before she walked away making everyone follow her frantically.

Klaus, Hayley, and Elijah followed Victoria as she walked through the city of the dead. She was following her heightened senses and she knew they were close when she heard crying from her babies and witch chanting. They turned a corner and saw Genevieve holding an athame above the girls.

"No!" Victoria shouted.

Elijah picked up an urn and threw it at the witches, making her drop the athame. They ran forward to stop the witches, but that bitch Monique and another irrelevant used magic to send them flying back.

"You fools! To come against us in our place of power, in our strongest hour. You don't face three, you face us all." Monique yelled.

Klaus and Victoria glanced at each other before running in opposite directions, while Elijah and Hayley continued to rush straight towards them, in hopes of overpowering them.

Victoria ran around a tomb. Heading straight for Genevieve. She picked up the knife, Victoria kicked her wrist which made her drop it again. Once she was upright, Victoria threw a hard right hook at Genevieve's face, making her bend down, allowing Victoria to uppercut her with her left hand.

"You came into my house," Victoria said as she slapped her across the face, "And you touched my children..." Victoria slapped her again, then kicked her hard in the stomach, making the redhead stumble back and fall. Victoria ran towards her babies, but she didn't get far, falling to her knees as she felt Genevieve use magic causing an aneurysm.

Klaus saw a wrought iron fence and broke it off one of the spikes. He threw it forcefully toward Abigail, impaling her in the stomach and killing her, breaking the connection that she and Monique had to the ancestors. Monique quickly ran to grab the athame to finish the sacrifice herself. Klaus and Elijah vamp–speed toward her, but she used her magic to block them using a wall of fire )

"No!" Victoria screamed as she tried to get up but Genevieve threw another spell at her.

Just as Monique was about to sacrifice the baby, she was hit with the Devil's Star, which embedded itself in her stomach. Her body became covered in cuts, and she coughed up blood before falling to the ground. Klaus and Elijah turn around to see that Marcel was the one who saved the babies. Before they can say anything, Marcel vamp-speeds to the babies, and then vamp-speeds away with it. Klaus followed after him.

Everyone was back at the compound. Klaus had gotten the babies back from Marcel and Victoria had been waiting there when Klaus got back home. Hayley and Elijah had finally ended that ginger's life, even though she was the one who wanted to do that. But at least they had useful information. Klaus' whorish mother wanted our children dead, and that is why the witches were trying to sacrifice them.

Hayley and Victoria sat in the nursery, each holding a baby, "Oh my God, they are so not identical. They look like you with their dad's eyes, hopefully, they don't act like him too." Hayley said playfully. Victoria rolled her eyes at the werewolf.

Klaus and Elijah sat down in Victoria's room, the girl watched them as the door was open. Victoria looked at Hayley before they listened in, "We should have felt our mother's hand in this. We should have known she would not be bound by anything as obvious as death. And now, she has control of the witches. They will never stop."

"No." Elijah agreed.

"Nor would I expect the Guerrera wolves to back down. Victoria and the children are wolf royalty, and as such, they are a threat to Francesca's claim to the leadership." Hayley and Victoria looked at each other, knowing what they meant.

"They will never be safe. What was it you said to me earlier? That I have made enemies every day of my miserable life? Well, the worst of them are within these borders, brother," Elijah sighed in frustration, "I have brought into the world two weapons they can use against me."

"Then we will arm ourselves! Brother, we have fought every adversary in this town, and we have won. And we'll fight them again, no matter who they are! We will make this home a fortress."

Klaus lowered his voice, "I will not have them live their life as prisoners."

"Then we leave here, together. All of us."

"Wherever we go, however far we run, those who seek power and revenge will hunt us! They will hunt them. They have inherited all of our enemies with none of our defenses."

"So, whether we stay, or we leave - we condemn them," Elijah said.

Victoria and Hayley got up to stand in the doorway looking at the two, "There's a third option. Hayley and I grew up in a warzone. Our parents thought they could protect us. But, in the end, they were slaughtered, and I spent my childhood alone and unloved."

She looks down at her daughters and smiles at them while trying to hold back tears, "I made a promise, to my children, and to myself, that they would not grow up like I did. That they would grow up safe and loved. And yet, here they are, on their first day in this world, with a grandmother who is bent on sacrificing them, and a–a mother, who has to drink the blood of her children to survive transitioning into a hybrid. And I'm the one who loves them the most."

Victoria took a breath to collect herself, "I think the only thing to do is... send the girls away, while we stay behind and clean up the mess that we've made."

"No! This is insane," Elijah turned to Hayley, "You heard Genevieve - so long as she lives, that baby will be hunted."

Klaus stood up to join Victoria, Hayley handing him one of the babies, "Not if no one knows they are alive."

"What are you going to do?" Hayley asked as she and Elijah watched Klaus with a curious look.

"Whatever it takes to save our family."

A plan was made. The babies' deaths were going to be faked and everyone was going to be led to believe they died with the vampires who were killed. Marcel had located two stillborns to pass as the corpses as it worked as nobody but the family had seen the babies and then Klaus compelled him to forget all about it.

Hayley had gone back to the bayou to tell Jackson everything as well as also make them think the babies were dead.

Victoria was in the nursery, packing up the baby's bags with the letter she had written to them.

Klaus walked into the room with a pin, picked up one of their daughters, and pricked her thumb. She cried and her sister followed. Victoria hesitated before kissing her bleeding thumb, completing the transition.

A while later, Klaus and Victoria had just placed the girls into their car seats. She sat down on her bed next to the car seats, "I never knew I could love something so much. It honestly feels awful. Like it much kill me."

"It nearly did." Klaus sat down next to her, "I'm sorry the beginning of their lives was violent."

"It's not your fault, Klaus. I know that you fought for us."

He nodded and held one of the babies' hands, "Nicole Rebekah Mikaelson."

"What?" Klaus turned to face Victoria.

"Her name. Nicole, after her daddy Niklaus, and Rebekah after her amazing auntie. I thought she should be named after the amazing man who helped give and saved her life." Victoria told him, looking up from the children, seeing the way Klaus' eyes softened and sparkled looking at her.

He cleared his throat, looking at the other baby in front of them, "Have you decided a name for her?"

"Zoe? Caitlin? Katherine?"

"God, no," Klaus chuckled. He looked away, "You know, when Elijah thought you were dead, he said we'd lost our family's only hope."

"Hope," Victoria repeated, "Hope Mikaelson"

"Hope Veronica Mikaelson," Klaus said smiling. Victoria shook her head, "No, I wanna name her something other than hope. That name seems like it will come out of Hayley's mouth, her basic self. I want something different," Klaus chuckled at the woman. "Ariadne."

"Ariadne?" Klaus asked.

"Yeah. Ariadne, it means most holy. In a family of warriors and strong people, we need something holy. So, Ariadne Veronica Mikaelson."

Klaus nodded, "Nicole and Ariadne. I like it."

Victoria shrugged, "Of course you like it. I came up with it."

Klaus looked at her, "I wanted to say thank you."

Victoria looked at him confused, "For what?"

"For carrying my children. For not using the wolfsbane that day."

She smiled at him, "After being choked out by you,' Klaus gave her a look, "I realized I did want to be a mom, even if i was a terrible one."

"You're not, " He told her, "You're an amazing mother." He leaned toward her.

"Despite what everyone else had been telling you this whole time, You've been a great father, Klaus," Victoria told him, also leaning in closer, "I wouldn't pick anyone else to make a baby with."

"Victoria, I've never imagined myself in this role,'ve made it all possible." his gaze locked onto hers, and for a moment, the world around them faded away. They both leaned in, their lips met in a tender heartfelt kiss.

Just as the kiss deepens, the sound of their twins crying fills the room. Klaus pulled back, a chuckle escaping his lips. He smiled down at them, his eyes twinkling with a mix of amusement and love, "It seems our littlest wolves have impeccable timing."

He gently brushes a thumb across her cheek, his voice filled with warmth, "Another time, maybe. Right now, our children need us."

A crowd of people gathered for a candlelight vigil for the deceased community members. Elijah and Victoria arrived to set a bouquet of flowers by Baby Mikaelsons' spot on the memorial wall. Francesca watched as Victoria approached the memorial. She broke down in tears and blew a kiss to the plaque that announced the baby's "death." Elijah held out a hand, and Victoria took it, allowing him to lead her back to the compound.

Another update. Yall have been fed. Now time to disappear for two extra months

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Word count: 3827

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