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Well, to be fair, there isn't a day in her life when she's not being a nervous-wreck but in that particular point in time, she felt like her heart was going to burst out of her chest. Although she wasn't exactly sure why considering she was the one who suggested the game in the first place.

Okay, for a recap. When Amaya arrived unexpectedly at the party, Adelaide had been trying her best to avoid her, and ignore the slight pang in her chest when Amaya would touch Drew. Shortly after her introduction, Austin arrived and to no surprise, there was no girlfriend.

A little while later, they got a noise complaint from the neighbor, and Jonathan told Madelyn 'I told you so'.

So, to eliminate the boredom out of their minds, Rudy suggested they'd play a game. A few suggestions later, and Adelaide suggested the game called Medusa wherein the group would form a circle and bow their heads. After the timer, they would all look up at someone, and if two persons had their gazes on each other, they'd be eliminated.

However, Amaya suggested that the persons eliminated would spend 10 minutes in the bathroom together, just to spice things up. That brings us to the now.

For the first round, no one had looked at each other. Adelaide wasn't gonna lie - the game was kind of boring at first, but that was until Jonathan and Carlacia were eliminated.

"Ehem!" Rudy fakes a cough when Jonathan stood up to follow Laci. He only rolled his eyes at Rudy's suggestive smirk.

A few moments later, the remaining players were now Rudy, Madison, Austin, Amaya, Drew, and Adelaide. This time, Austin and Amaya had locked gazes.

Oh, God.

"Ah, shit." Austin mutters.

Amaya instantly stood up with a small huff, "Fine. Let's get this over with."

"It's not like I want to be stuck in the bathroom with you, too, you know?" Austin holds his arms up.

Adelaide thought there was something fishy about the way they spoke to each other - like there was something going on between them. However, the thought subsided when Amaya leaned down to kiss Drew's cheek. The odd thing about the whole situation was that Drew didn't even bother to look at Amaya, and only kept a neutral expression. It was also kind of weird how Austin wasn't worried if Drew would be okay with him and Amaya being locked in a bathroom.

Ten minutes have gone by and Austin and Amaya emerged from the bathroom. They were both awfully quiet, which only increased Adelaide's curiousity.

"You're thinking too much." Madison nudged her, bringing her out of her thoughts. "You worried you're gonna be stuck with Drew?" She teases.

"No." Adelaide shook her head. "Amaya's here. Besides, I'm not worried, I'm just... suspicious."

"Oh, tell me about it later."

Now, it was only Rudy, Madison, Drew, and Adelaide left. Adelaide had figured the boys would look at each other, while Madison would probably look at her. So, she didn't really know who to look at. As soon as Madelyn gave the go signal, Adelaide's smile instantly drops when she met Drew's eyes.

What the fuck, Addie!

"Oh, shit!" Rudy covered his mouth using his arm. "Holy."

"I think you said it backwards." Mariah laughs.

"W-we don't have to do it!" Adelaide frantically says, while looking at Amaya who was too focused on taking selfies.

As much as she hated what Amaya did to her, she really didn't want to meddle with their relationship.

"You can't cheat the game, Addie."

Adelaide's blood boils when she heard Drew's voice. Without another word, he spun on his feet and went towards where Madelyn's bathroom was located.

"Rules are rules." Madison shrugged. "You'll be fine, Addie. It's only for ten minutes." She adds.

"I hate this rule." Adelaide grumbles, before standing up and reluctantly following Drew to the bathroom.

As soon as the door closed, Adelaide turned the toilet seat down and sat on it, playing with the rings on her fingers. As part of the rules, they weren't allowed to bring cellphones so now she was beginning to reflect on all her life decisions as she silently sat on the toilet seat.

After moments of complete and utter silence, Adelaide couldn't help but blurt out, "It's... pretty disrespectful of you to say that in front of Amaya."

Drew was quiet for a while before he replied, "Would you rather I said that behind her back?"

"I'm just saying it's not fair to her." She defends.

Adelaide didn't know why she was defending the girl who deliberately destroyed her relationship. But maybe she just didn't want the same thing to happen to Amaya.

"It's not fair to you, either, Addie."

Adelaide stayed silent, not wanting to keep their conversation going.

Eight more minutes, Addie. I'm pretty sure you can survive eight more minutes.

"Can we talk?" Drew's proposition caused Adelaide to widen her eyes.

"Aren't we already talking?" She blurts out. Then, sighing. "Do I have a choice?"

Drew lets out a shaky breath, "Of course, Addie."

Adelaide contemplated it for a while, before nodding her head in agreement. "Okay, talk."

Drew didn't really know where to start.

He had been waiting a long time for this moment to happen and now that it was finally here; that she was finally willing to talk, it seems as if he couldn't utter any word.

"I..." He starts. "I didn't invite her, Addie." He chose his words carefully as he faces towards the girl sitting comfortably on the toilet seat.

"I don't care if you did." She mumbles, avoiding eye contact.

"We're... we're not really together, you know?"

Adelaide looks up at him with a puzzled expression, "What?"

Drew glances at her before looking down, adjusting the ring on his finger. "Amaya and I... we're not together." He trails.

Adelaide was quiet for a moment before she snorts. "Yeah, okay. I totally believe that you and my best friend aren't together even though I literally just saw her kissing y-"

"It's all a stunt, Addie."


tysm for 28k reads!!! love u guys 🥺

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