so-called desperation

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A hiss escaped the blunette's mouth as he woke up and accidentally fell down from his bed. He sat, quietly wincing as he put his hand on his head. Aichi had a rough night, to be exact. But do not fret, he didn't get himself intoxicated by any alcohol or whatsoever. His mind was just boggling him up, with all of the things that happened and so on, he was having a hard time sleeping. But if he does fall asleep, he gets into a dreamscape in which he would find himself being pulled away from the woman he so dearly loved, but cannot be his anymore.

He considered such as a nightmare, and such a nightmare that unfortunately turned into a reality.

Aichi, with little effort, had brought himself back to his bed and grabbed an extra pillow to embrace. He just didn't want to do anything, and he actually can't believe that something like this is affecting him! Gosh, why can't he just put himself away from this situation and let them be?!

But no, he wanted to but he couldn't. No, he could, but he just wouldn't. That would only mean that he gave up on her. And he will not give up on her, not yet. Not when he knows that maybe there's still a chance.

His phone rang, and Aichi groaned before turning to take a look at his phone. He realized it was Kourin, and god knows how quick he sat back up and answered it.

"H-hello? Kourin-san?" Aichi spoke, his heart was beating fast already.

"Hey, good morning, Aichi! Have you been sleeping well? Why didn't you go to Card Capital yesterday for your match with Kai?" Kourin said and Aichi remembered what happened.


It was the weekend, and Aichi remembered that he agreed to hang out with everyone on Card Capital. He wanted to go, but for some reason his mind was telling him not to. At least not now, he was trying to get some time alone to really understand what he's been feeling the last few weeks. He's also getting annoyed and tired of feeling the same dread over and over again.

He wanted to break, he wanted to just punch his fist onto the wall and tell himself to stop feeling a certain way to Kourin already.

She couldn't be with him, she won't be with him. She already found someone else! He could see it from the way she talked about Ichiro, she looked as if she was so happy... She was already happy... To be with someone who will not give her unrequited love... Unlike him who does nothing but to constantly break her heart, he was the reason why she felt so blue. He was the reason why she'll never be his anymore. And it was his fault that Kourin fell in love with someone else.

But... But what if... What if that happiness she gave to him when she talked about Ichiro was just him overthinking?

A bunch of unread messages flooded his phone and Aichi just ignored it for the rest of the day.

End of Flashback

"Oh... Um..." Aichi had to make up an excuse as he clutched the pillow he was embracing. He wanted to say that there was an emergency, but obviously he can't use that excuse as Emi was in Capital yesterday as well. "There were... some things... I forgot to do..."

"Hm... Are you sure?"

"Y-yeah!" Aichi glanced around his room and saw his notes on his study table. "Remember that science homework that we need to pass by next week? Yeah, I overslept and woke up late so... A-anyways, how did you know what happened, Kourin-san?"

"I went there yesterday with Ichiro, since I wanted to show him what Card Capital looks like." Kourin said and let out a giggle. How attractive her voice was... "He was really shocked that a simple card shop was actually the home of Team Q4. Sadly, you weren't there, Aichi. I'd love to actually see you have an exhibition match."

"I-I see..." Aichi just sighed and wanted to bury himself in the pillow and never come back up. His mind that told him not to go to the place was right, he would just hurt himself if he saw them together.

"Are you alright, Aichi?" Kourin's gleeful tone changed, her sincere voice appeared instead and Aichi gulped down his own saliva. He really wanted to tell her what he truly felt, but he didn't want to just burst out and look desperate even though he really is desperate for her.

"I'm... I'm alright! Don't worry about me, Kourin-san! After all, I just woke up!" Aichi told her, trying to convince her. "A-Anyways, I have to... help out with the household chores, Kourin-san. I'll call you later."

"Alright, Aichi."

The phone call ended and Aichi let out a sigh, he slapped his own face with his palms the moment he felt like crying. He really doesn't want to see Kourin with someone else, and that just made him feel worse. Why is he being possessive now? She isn't even his, but here he is thinking all of these kinds of idiotic things.


School wasn't the best idea, he thought. When Aichi woke up and he was getting ready, he saw an image sent to his club's group chat. It was Kourin and Ichiro together. Aichi's hands pulled way too much on his necktie that he realized he was choking, thankfully he managed to untangle the necktie and he caught his breath.

School wasn't really the best idea, why? He could hear the voices of the students who were gossiping about Kourin, saying how cute she looked with Ichiro. They were all complimenting the two individuals and saying how they would look perfect as a couple.

Aichi disagrees, obviously. First, Kourin is an idol! Idols can't be in a relationship! Second, he just doesn't want to see something like that happen. But of course he kept his mouth shut, he would just sulk down as he continued to walk into the classroom like a zombie. The next few hours were dreadful, seeing Ichiro and Kourin together.

It was during club hours when Aichi was sitting down as he watched Kourin, Misaki, and Ichiro leave to go to the cafeteria. It was just Aichi, Shingo, and Naoki together.

"Yo, Aichi." Naoki was the first to greet him, but the redhead noticed that Aichi wasn't in the right mood. He saw the blue haired teen with a frown in his face, and of course Naoki was immediately worried. "What happened?" He asked.

"I... I'm fine, Naoki-kun! It's just that..."


The blunette looked around and saw that Kourin and Ichiro weren't there yet so he looked back at Naoki before whispering. "It's about Kourin-san."

"Oh? Finally you're telling us!" Naoki smiled, took a chair from an empty seat and sat there.

Shingo also saw this and he went to approach the two and asked what they could be talking about. Naoki told him the reason and Shingo couldn't help but want to engage in this conversation as well.

"Well... You know how they're really... Really close to each other lately." Aichi said and looked down as he sighed. "Honestly, I can't stand it. And also, Yanagi-san hates me."

"What? Why does he hate you?" Shingo asked in curiosity.

"It's because of Kourin-san, of course. I... I made her cry." Aichi replied, feeling the guilt eating him up once again. "I didn't know how impactful that rejection was, and I... I felt like I should've just accepted her back then. This wouldn't have happened if I did that instead."

"No, no." Naoki shook his head and spoke. "You did the right thing, Aichi. You shouldn't really get into a relationship if you don't like Kourin, you would be just giving her a false sense of love."

"I didn't know you're knowledgeable in this kind of thing, porcupine head." Shingo commented.

"Come on, it's not like I'm a knucklehead who just dunno stuff other than to play vanguard!" Naoki replied.

Shingo just nodded and looked at Aichi. "He's right, Sendou-kun. Even if it hurt her, it was better that you didn't. I mean, you don't even like her that way so-"

"That's the problem, Shingo-kun." Aichi interrupted. "Back then, I didn't like her that way. But now that I realized... I'm... I'm in love with her."

Of course this shocked the two individuals, they felt concerned when Aichi tried his best not to tear up as he continued to speak. "I realized it when... When I saw that Kourin-san was happy with Yanagi-san. At first I was just confused on why I was feeling so weird, but then I realized that I was jealous and I wanted Kourin-san to be happy with me. Then it turned out that I actually... I actually like her."

"What are you gonna do about it now, Aichi?" All of a sudden, Misaki's voice was heard and the boys looked at their upperclassman. Misaki was standing by the door with her arms crossed, looking back at them with a serious expression just like what Kai would usually do.

"M-Misaki-san..." Aichi looked back at her and bit his lower lip, unsure what to reply.

"I've heard it all, but don't worry. I'm not telling Kourin even if we're friends." Misaki approached the blunette. "But you should tell her how you feel, Aichi."

"But... I-I don't know..."

"Aichi, you're going to regret it if you don't tell her now!" Misaki said and she slammed her hands on the table. This caused everyone to be surprised.

"Misaki-san, what are you saying?" Aichi asked, looking back at her with surprise.

"I'm just saying... Are you certain with your feelings for her?"

"I-I am! I really love her!"

"Then say it before it's too late!"

This sudden outburst really was surprising, but Aichi understood it somewhat. He stood from his seat and spoke. "I will... But why the rush?"

"Yeah, why are you rushing him, senpai?" Naoki asked as well.

"Aichi, it seems like Kourin is starting to fall in love with Ichiro Yanagi."

Aichi couldn't believe what he just heard.



A/N: mama misaki ships aikou that's why she wants aichi to be with kourin-saaaannnnn ^q^

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