Chapter Eleven:Trouble

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  Aleu kept staring at her grandfather but then nuzzled him."I'm so happy to see you again!"she said. Roven smiled. "Look how beautiful you are"he said. Aleu smiled."Roven?!"said Takashi." died!"he said. Roven chuckled."My boy,I am very much alive. But what you see is my spirit...."he said. Takashi smiled."What brings you here,Papa?"Aleu asked. Roven smiled and motioned the two young wolves to follow him.

He took them to a little lake in the cave and stopped at the edge of the water."Look in the water" he simply said. Both wolves looked in the water."What do you see?"asked Roven."Ourselves" said Takashi."But something's missing....what is it?"Roven said."Our other half"Aleu said. Roven smiled."That's right.... without your other half, you are incomplete. But when you two are combined together....*Moves Aleu closer to Takashi*You are one matter what color your fur is..."Roven said. Aleu and Takashi stared at each other.

  "W-What exactly are you saying,Papa?"asked Aleu as she looked away from Takashi."You two must bring the two clans together again"he said."Bring them together? How?"she asked."You have to show them that we are all matter are fur color"he said."How we supposed to do that?! No one will listen to us?!"Aleu said. Takashi stared at her."Aleu....."said Takashi. Aleu turned to face him. Fear was in her beautiful eyes.

  "You're scared......why?"he asked."Takashi,no one will bother listening to a crippled wolf. I'm useless....."she said as her ears flattened. Takashi frowned."Aleu,look at me"he said. Aleu looked into Takashi's eyes."You're not useless. You're brave,sweet,kind.....and beautiful"he said. Aleu stared at him."If anyone thinks you're useless​ or anything like that......its because they're jealous that they aren't as caring and courageous as you"he said with a gentle smile.

  Hearing those words made Aleu's heart swelled with happiness. She smiled and nuzzled Takashi's chest. Takashi smiled and nuzzled her back. He lowered his head until he was next to her ear and whispered..... "I love you". Aleu's​ eyes widen and she jolted her head up."W-What did you say?!"she asked."I said..."I love you"...always have. i just.....couldn't find the right words at the time"he said. Aleu smiled and licked his cheek."I love you,too...."she said.

  Roven smiled at the two but then he's ears perked up."What's wrong?"asked Takashi. "Someone's coming!"he said. Before Aleu and Takashi could do anything,a white wolf came out of nowhere and tackled Takashi. "Loki,leave him alone!"Aleu shouted. Takashi growled and pushed Loki off him. Loki quickly got up and pounced. The two fought each other."Stop it!!" Aleu shouted. A black wolf soon appeared and growled at Aleu. "Anubis?!"Takashi said.

  Anubis kept growing at Aleu and pounced,pinning her down. "Get off her!!"someone shouted. All four wolves turned to see Koi come running in. He pounced and pinned Anubis."Koi! Loki! Stop it!"shouted Aleu as she got up. Koi bite Anubis's shoulder and Takashi clawed at Loki. The fight countuied until two leaders barraged into the scene. "ENOUGH!!!"shouted Savva. The males stop fighting and stepped away from each other."Takashi!" Aleu shouted as she ran toward him. Savva quickly blocked her path.

  Savva glared at Takashi."You"he snarled."Father,he didn't do anything wrong?"Aleu shouted. Savva shot her an angry glare. "You are to never see him again and you are forbidden to cross the border from now on!!"he said."The same goes for you!!" shouted Kerchak."What?! You can't do that!! We belong together!!"shouted Takashi."You belong together?! She's a WindClan wolf and you're a ShadowClan wolf!!! Have can you two possibly be together?!!"Loki shouted."At least she's better off with me than with you!!"Takashi shouted back.

  Loki growled and was about to attack when Savva got in between them. He looks at Aleu."You're not really in love with him,are you?!"he asked. Aleu walked around him and walked over to Takashi. She nuzzled him and looked at her father."Yes....I do love him!! Whether he is a black wolf or not,I don't care!! I love him!!" she shouted. Savva growled."That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard!! A WindClan wolf and a ShadowClan wolf can't be together!! It is forbidden!!" shouted Kerchak.

"If I recall correctly,you once told me that we used to be together as one pack!!"said Takashi."But that was five generations ago!! StarClan no longer exists!!" shouted Anubis."Then we will make it exists again!!!"Takashi shouted. Savva growled and pushed Aleu away from Takashi. "This is the last time you will see him!!"he shouted."No!! I won't let you keep me and Takashi apart!!" she shouted."And neither will I!!" shouted Takashi. Kerchak growls. "That's it!! None of this would of happened if your daughter hadn't given my son ideas about reuniting the packs!"Kerchak said.

  "This means war!! Meet us at the Great Valley at dawn!!"he shouted. Savva snarled."So be it! Til dawn,Kerchak!"he said and led Loki,Koi and Aleu out of the cave. Aleu looked back at Takashi before following her father. Takashi tried to run to her but Kerchak blocked him."You've made a big mistake,son..."he growled. Takashi eyes narrowed. "I don't think so,father"he said. Kerchak led his two sons out of the cave and back to ShadowClan. The war has just begun.....

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