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The world was in absolute shock and chaos news quickly spread of strange tan colored cloud being dropped on defenseless villages around the world this had also led to outrage as mass riots to remove those power came into play.

They also reported strange and terrifying creatures and things flying swimming and emerging from the ground from the sea and even seemingly from thin air

There were also reports of zbified monsters wondering the streets of small villages.

But the monsters were grabbing the attention almost as much as everything else was unmarked planes flying at unusually high planes over various places in the world that creature "Terra" roamung sround the deserts of Israel gaint sea creatures and humanoids wearing gets that had weapons that resemebeled both modern day and world war 2 ship guns and some beings that were being reported where even spiritual and were transparent in their body.

Terra's POV
What country am I in? He thought to himself as he trudged along the desert searching for the others he could feel them and feel the general area that they where in but along the way he decided to bring alone that human a gift of being a guardian was being able to sense their heart and brains logic and he could tell that this human although he had killed another human in a fit of rage was one with a good heart rather then those who flew those machines in the air that he shot down they were dark and condemned for eternity.

He bend over and sniffed the ground unsettling a pile of sand while doing so he picked up the trail of another guardian one he knew as "Earthtiger"
He let out a roar of greeting to Earthtiger and started to run forward to meet her

*20 years later*

The world was ashes of its former self just as the seer Akita had predicted global econamy ad collapsed overrun by infected monsters that craved human flesh and blood and the desire to infect others was present in every creatures mind.

Governments crippled
Military forces scattered
Cities destroyed
All that was left of 90 percent of the world was ashes and blood and gore
In just 20 years roughly 70 percent of the billions of humans and creatures on earth had been either killed or turned into an infected they say that just being outright mauled to death by monsters of you're biggest fears was a kinder fate then being infected as you knew exactly what was going on but you couldn't control it someone else did.

Or rather SOMETHING else did

Most of humanity now resides in gaint cities known as "superfortresses" and are designed to both support and protect those who haven't yet being infected.

"Yet" is worded so as to the fact that even in the cities there are still humans and animals being infected by the virus and not everyone has the luxury of getting inside one of thr superfortess forcing them to live as scavengers living off of whatever they can find and some have built small communities with defenses of their own but the X-Virus can only be held back for so long.

Before everything snaps.

*location New York city*
*time 6.45pm*
*weather:sunny with clouds*
*wind speed 30mph*
*date October 6th 2022*

The sun was now setting as vibrant red lines streaked along the sky if the world below it wasn't infested with monsters and demons you'd think it was peaceful.

This peacefulness was shattered by the movement of a figure running across the rooftops it was hoodies and you could tell by it's figure that it was a female in her hands she held a large sniper rifle as she sprinted across the rooftops she would've stopped to take a picture if the beautiful sunset but she wasn t that good at taking pictures and she didn't even have a phone to speak of she had awoken from her slumber inside of a chamber in a military base far far to the south of this nineteen years ago since she was one of the last of the guardians awakened.

Stopping on the edge of a rooftop she knelt down and scanned the ground below

"Jesus..thats a lot of freakbags"she mused to herself glancing diwn at the massive hoard of both walkers and crawlers and a few tanks mixed in the midst as well

Peering into her sniper rifle scope she looked down and saw a surprise a group of four floating Summoners and one Baron of hell where in the middle of the massive swarm the summoners conjouring imps and occasionally a Mancubus-she hated Mancubus fat ugly single eyed demons but they were only easier to hit even at a distance she was a nearly perfect shot either way no matter the distance if she could she it it was as good as dead

Her mental radio buzzed in it worked virtually identical to telepathy as another female voice spoke in a serious monotone like voice
"Artemis it's Tidal what do you see in times square?" Asked the Abyssal destroyer water demon known as Tidal she was respected for her determination a fighting ability but Artemis had to admit she could show some compassion from time to time again

"Fuck tons of them probably st least a hundred walkers and crawlers each I'm starting to notice some flyers and a out twenty tanks but that's not all four summoners and various types of demons mainly just imps and incubus's are also being led by one Baron of Hell who is commanding them"she replied

Tidal drew back a breath"that's a lot recon some more Artemis and please dont try to rustle this nest"she said blankly as she signed off

She muttered out load "I'm not THAT stupid"she said quietly she was referring to their last mission in which she caused a distraction which attracted a hive of cacodemons and other types of flying monsters to drive them off of an village that was under attack but turned out that all of them were already infected with the X-virus and she still feels guilty about it.

She peered down some more when she heard a sharp behind her she reacted quickly flicking out her handclaw weapons and stabbed a crawler that had made it's way up to her by surprise as it fell limp with a squeal hoping that some of the other creatures which where closer to her wouldn't hear her.

She was mostly successful as a walker began to turn around and she ended it's life by throwing a sharp knife at its forehead hitting it dead in and killing it

"Two for one" she mused as she got a little closer to the crowd and now she could hear the voices as the Baron of Hell she realized now that it was truly a leader of sorts as he reared his great head back and roared out"now my brethren prepare to raise orcus!"he said

Orcus God of unbroken vows and the like thought Artemis

Another voice spoke up in her head this one being reptilian and male
"Artemis I can sense you're location as of right now they are five minutes away from summoning the demon you must make you're move now Artemis then hold them off till we can get to you're current position"said a voice

"Right Alphagreymon I'll see what I can do"she said his shortened name of "Alpharisegreymon" a well respected and experienced cyborg warrior

Thinking quickly she shot her sniper upwards

"Gotta take out those summoners..but taking out their leadership will also be a good choice.. those walkers won't be hard to deal with"she muttered to herself

Taking the latter she aimed and fired a shot the shot echoing off the buildings surrounding her

The shot flew straight into the head of the Baron of Hell right into the eye of him and straight into his brain killing him instantly the eyes being the Barons of hell few true weak points this also creatures a clean hole in his head and the Baron of Hell fell over dead.

The rest of the creatures ranging from demons and the more intelligent infected stopped and began looking around making noises of surprise

"Well..lets have some fun"she mused and began to pick off the summoners but now the walkers were beginning to make their ways towards her position following the gunshot rounds but it was slow as the echo's confused them slightly.

In a few minutes two mancubus and and three of the four summoners were laying in bloody messes on the ground and the fourth one summoned another Baron of Hell before it to was shot by Artemis's rifle.

"Great.. another new friend"she fired a shot and hit it in the chest causing it to flinch but it kept on running at her position

"Shit..alpha how much longer!?"she asked in her telepathy but she was speaking it aloud this time

"Not long Nagato is offshore and has a fix on you're position she has her guns trained and is just waiting for you to get out of the danger close area"he replied

"Right about some Ariel exfil I won't make it in time!?"she said back rapidly turning around and killing two walkers before nearly getting hut by a crawler who leapt at her which she replied to with a swift kick to the chest sending it flying off the rooftops clattering onto a car below.

"Alpha here I am inbound eta thirty seconds said AlphaRiseGreymon who was flying low to the ground at a high rate of speed.

Artemis rolled out of the way as a Tank burst through the wall trying to ram into her to kill her as it missed and fell off the roof onto a car below crushing it's roof in the process

Afterwards she jumped off of the roof as a cacodemon appeared and fired at her singing the lower parts of her hair as she cursed the demon but the demon didn't last much longer as the demon was blown to pieces by a cyborg reptilian creature as Artemis landed on his back and tigether the two flew off and no more then five seconds later did Nagatos proton missile hit the massive gathering of walkers and other infected as well as the few demons that remained instantly wiping them all out in one single hit.

"Mission complete where headed home and Artemis..fix you're hair"he said jokenly

"Hey it's not my fault!"she retorted both jokenly and somewhat annoyed

They didn't realize that during this entire thing a Black haired male with a baseball bat had recorded nearly the entire thing and said "got ya" turned off the phone he had and ran back where he opened up a pot hole in the street and jumped down into it.

1. Artemis is a neko with a large busy tail and cat ears

2. Artemis's sniper rifle is a modified German built AS50

3. Alpharisegreymon is named so as he was the first "greymon" OC that I made

4. Greymon originates from Digimon

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