Into the Demon(pt.1)

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Chainhead's one of the strongest forms of infected out there a nearly perfect mixture of strength speed endurance and battle tactics. The three Chainhead's that had been deployed into a dark facility that was formerly a research facility they where on a mission to find some strange key that would require only the best to use it correctly it was known as the"Heavens key" it had been found in a mountain side in Mongolia roughly thirty years ago and ever since then it had been under care research and study and it seemed to power a strange ring shaped "Portal" as you could call it.

The lead Chain head approached a table and shoved the remains of books off of the table and smiled creepily in satisfaction as it began to glow marking it as the map of the facility that would eventually lead them to the key.

A glowing 3 foot tall figure appeared and said"Unauthorized access please identify you're name date of birth age and intentions" 

In return the Chainhead growled the A.I in return replied with"incorrect password" and was then smashed by the fist of the lead chainhead the other two merely watched as a P.A system began to say"Intruder alert!" as it then shortened out and went dark.

They gave a rumbling sort of laughter as suddenly the floor buckled underneath them causing them to stumble somewhat as the lead Chainhead aimed his cannon and yelled out "Show self!" as it was one of the few infected forms other then the biggest forms that could speak albeit broken speech at that.

No answer came to the three chainheads

The lead Infected human being fired a lowly charged fire ball as he pointed forward into the darkness and said"Go find it" and the three Chainhead's made their way forward coming to a dark and circular room as they looked around in confusion.

"What..made that?" asked the third one "Not know" replied the second one the leader sensed something was in front of it.

Right in front of it and the and the answer came in a large armored claw hand covered in black armor and you could see dark red skin underneath the armor as it grabbed the Chain head and lifted it clear off the ground roughly 8 feet high to be exact the other two snapped their guns to the new figure whom you could see a winged reptilian like figure behind the lead Chainhead.

The leader choked for a minute before being slammed into the ground the second Chainhead fired a ball of fire at the attack but to it's surprise the fire was absorbed into it's armor making it glow somewhat as the creature suddenly slammed a massive dual sided battleaxe into the ground creating a shockwave of it's own fiery energy sending the three into the air as it punched the second Chainhead sending it flying into a pile of metal crates the third Chainhead tried to charge the creature but was caught in between the two metal axe blades and flung over it's head and slammed into the ground behind it.

The Leader returned and tried to slash at it with it's claws but was knocked aside easily by a large tail the second Chainhead fired a few rounds of fiery orbs at the creature but again to no effect as it rammed the bottom of the axe handle into it's gut knocking it backwards yet again this time the third one grabbed onto it's arm and tried to stab it multiple times with it's claws.

The creature in return merely watched it as it began to put pressure on it's shoulder and after a few seconds crushed it causing the Chain head to roar in pain as the creature let go of it brought it's axe to the floor and lit it ablaze with hellish energy and the creature swung it and cut the top half of the Chainhead clean in two and sending it flying back.

The other two roared at the being as it finally revealed itself fully revealing a massive black armored Bipedal Dinosaur like creature with wing's that where like a mixture of dragon and demon it's head somewhat like that of a demonic wolf as it began to laugh letting out a deep growl and said"Run little ones"

They knew that they where beaten and they turned around for both to be killed as well as two glowing white blades cut one's head in two and a massive wrist mounted chainsaw slammed into the third Chainhead brutally cutting it in two.

"Well..that was fun" said the one that had the Chainsaws the three where Wreakerrizegreymon who was known for his love of exotic and explosive weapons Aneglrizegreymon and Demonrizegreymon two brothers who where at times polar opposites of one another.

Anyone who knew what a Chainhead could do would be astounded right now as they where some of the toughest contenders of the infected ranks and these three especially Demonrizegreymon wipe the floor with them in only about thirty seconds flat and killed all three of them there was a reason that Demonrizegreymon was respected for his fighting abilities even among other Guardians he was among the strongest fighters in the greymon family.

"Indeed brother" said the greymon with white angelic wing's whom was Demonrizegreymon's brother Angelirizegreymon "We need to head back now as much as I enjoy a good scrapping we need to go we've been out here two long"said the one in green armor Wreckerrizegreymon with calmness

"Fair enough let's go" said Demonrizegreymon as they left the facility and took flight into the air.

*Location sewer's*

*Half an hour later*

A Black haired male ran down a sewer he hated this filthy place but he supposed that even he agreed that it was better then up there the infected for some reason didn't go into the sewers very often.

There were three others inside the sewers down here and when he reached an opening that was their main"room" per say one was a girl with blonde hair and cooking some sort of weird looking egg on  pan over an open wood fire how she got that to work down here remains a mystery to this day her name was Sydney and another blackish haired person named Riichi whom was laying on an old mattress and was sometimes lazy as fuck and Hana a girl who you don't wanna flirt with at all.

"I Have Proof I may be an idiot but I have proof!!" he said proceeding to wave his hands around as he proceeded to keep yelling he has proof.

Sydney crossed her arms and looked up and said "there are other resistances then you guy's and I have the proof right here"she said grumpily

Riichi glanced up and said"Here's the fucking proof now get out of my face"

Hana however spoke up and said "You know Kade there are still human military forces on this planet it may very well of been a military airstrike against the city"she said ina soft kind and gentle tone

Kade's face turned red slightly"But I'm not making this up it wasn't an military strike it was something else entirely!!"he shouted again pulled out the phone that he had found on the ground five days ago and showed them.

Only to his surprise that it showed the strange colored explosion that radiated from nagato's missile strike and the roar of a jet engine's wings.

Riichi laughed and said"You call that "proof"?"he scowled 

Kade let out a growl and a long sigh of anger and frustration as he stomped off this wasn't his first time that he had tried to convince the other three that they weren't alone in this city but he had yet to fully come back with proof.

He heard a moan behind him as a walker somehow managed to sneak into the sewers he merely swung the bat he was holding into it's forehead killing it easily as he kept on hitting it onto it's head was bloody and smashed in making sure that it was dead.

*Location freedom city:Charlotte North Carolina*
*senate meeting*

The council of twelve some of the currently strongest men in the world had met for a special reason long range high altitude drone's picked up a strange gravitational pulse in Manhattan New York and snapped a picture of one of the strangest sights they had ever seen.

"So gentlemen I figure you all know what we have to discuss here"Said the President of Freedom city

Freedom city was one of fourteen "Super cities" left in the world two of them named "Rabbit city" and "Sky city" had been destroyed Rabbit city was infected and taken over by the infected ranks and Sky city was destroyed when an experimental nuke went off near a nuclear reactor causing a chain reaction that destroyed much of the city and destroyed the great walls that surrounded the city making it effortless for the infected ranks to invade the great city.

None are known to of survived it and each city could easily hold five million people and span over twenty five miles in total.

"Yes I'm afraid so Chairmen Hamilton" Said a man with a thick Russian accent he was Chairmen Vladimir Chernov a man respected for his intimidating presence and was the head of the super city known as "Moscev" built on the remains of Moscow itself.

"If you think it is us you are sadly mistaken I wouldn't risk my men's lives for that length of mission and what do I have to gain from it?" asked the head of Japan's city "Yakosotia" his name is Yomo Nakitavta a man who was a proven genus in the fields of logic common sense and science in general.

"No-one is pointing fingers Chairmen Nakitavta but it is indeed strange and mysterious" said Chairmen Dupuis the head of France's city"Paria" based off of the now destroyed Paris.

What they where talking about in general was the fact that one of Hamilton's drone's had returned with a picture of Manhattan and what appeared to be a massive world war two style ship that had glowing purple lines all over it a bit of smoke also appeared to show a freshly fire missile or other form of weapon and roughly two kilometers away a glowing pink purple orb was scene right where a massive cluster of demon's and infected had gathered for some unknown reason the drone only took a single picture and even then it was somewhat blurry thanks to the magnetic pulse that the orb had generated who what or why this was there was very much unknown and baffled all of them greatly.

Chairmen Hamilton spoke up "while there are small pockets of resistance fighters and communities left over all over the world that place is often referred to around here as the "Dead-zone" so much infected and unholy activity go on in that city that it's simply mad to even go near it"he said in a solemn tone

Chairmen Chernov added in "But yet we have this...ship in one of the rivers doing what appears to be a naval artillery strike on a group of infected" he said suspiciously 

"While that may be true similar reports have once shown up by terrified survivors of community attacks for a few months now strangely colored fighter jets flying in the air and shooting down infected air craft and other vehicles with a degree of skill I've never even seen before and I won't forget the night that one told one of my officers that a black transparent hooded figure with glowing red claws just mutilated a Chainhead single handedly..where not alone here in this fight against the infected"he said reluctantly 

"Oh really when you gonna tell us this?" said the Chairman of Australia Jackson Manuel a very suspicious man fitting that Australia and other islands had escaped initially strangely easily until the X-virus began to infect ship's and sea life as well as air borne beings and air craft.

"He's not alone here.."said Dupuis sighing "A few nights ago a forward recon team of mine radioed in saying a black armored samurai had just killed a pack of infected wolves by itself before running off"he said

"Hmm..appears we all have similar stories here..very well should we seek out"freedom fighters..?" I guess we could call them?" asked Hamilton. 

"And do what with them?" asked Chernov

"well get to to join our side of course"he said honestly

And no-one objected to it




2. This chapter's setting was originally supposed to be at the very start of this story but y'know how that worked out XD

3. Demon/Angel/Rizegreymon's introduction was heavily influenced by the Red team vs Atriox scene from Halo wars 2 (especially DemonRizegreymon's moment tbh)

4. Chainhead's can be considered the "Spartans" or the "Super soldiers" of the Infected ranks due to their(usual) sheer killing protental tbh

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