Into the Demon (pt.2)

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*Location North Atlantic Ocean:Artic circle*
*Time 11:45pm October 25th 2022*

It was a frigid negative thirty three degrees not counting the wind chill as a small block of ice was rammed out of the way by a colossal vessel this ship was even bigger then Arizona and Nagato a smooth Green Hull with Red stripes as it made its way through the outer edges of the Artic circle strangely the Artic hadn't been overly effected by the X-virus plauge as a tall slender figure in Green stood on the bridge of the ship as she jumped down onto the flat deck of the ship marking it as an aircraft carrier.

The girl fodder with the end of her hair as a group of eight feet tall figured dressed in Blue and Green armor and a few different looming creatures also joined the group totaling fifteen I'm total.

"Alright you guys know the objective right? Search the area for the landing site infiltrate the facility find the key and get out fast as possible alright?"she said in a rapid fashion like tone.

"Alright is everyone here first off?" Said one of the Green armored figured with a helmet like an old fashioned diving suit as he held two weapons in his back.

"I think so...wait..wheres Independence?"asked another wearing Red armor that had a helmet that was more narrow and more like and arrow

"Uhh hold on..shes coming she s still inside of me hold on"said the Tall girl

One of the figures in Red snickered at that but was smacked in the back of the head by another red figure whom was obviously the Leader of the Red team.

A few moments later a cute little neko like girl came running up the stairs if the flight deck panting"s-sorry I'm late!" She panted out

"What took you so long?"asked a Green armored Spartan

"...I had to go take a shit what else you expect?"she replied with clear attitude

This caused nearly all of the gathered figured to at least chuckle as the girl now known as "Independence" was pouting and muttered "can we just get on with it..?"she asked

The tall gurl smiled laughed and said "sure now I know everyone is here but roll call...Orbit!"she called out

A Red armored figure with a slightly circular shaped helmet raised his hand and said in a happy go lucky like way"here ma'am front and center!" He said

"Ocean?"she asked

The green figure from before with the helmet styled after a old fashioned diving suit nodded and said "aye ma'am"

After the roll call had finished the team's consisted of twelve Spartans and those being Ocean Orbit Pirate Aviator George Sharp shot John Scout Pathfinder Greyback Kate and Enforcer and four extra creatures accompanied them one was a massive creature with a slightly insect like posture two massive arms one ending in a curved energy like blade and the other a hand and two tiny arms hung close to the body as it looked up into the air keeping an eye out for any unwelcome visitors the other was a floating being with two glowing rings on it's left and right sides a massive eight foot tall creature with glowing spike like parts on his armor and strangely shaped legs his name was Spec one of the most skilled assassins and stealth fighters that virtually anyone will know of ever.

And of course Independence was there as well The plan was simple for some since the three Rizegreymons were unable to locate the Heaven's key back home they chose another remote location that it may of been hiding the middle of the arctic circle to be exact The Spartans were to infiltrate the facility alongside Spec Pyroblade the massive creature with the insect like posture and was a Promethean knight Lancer and Sik a Promethean knight watcher a small creature often seen assisting knights in battle while Independence was to remain on the water nearby and if necessary provide artillery support if they get attacked and thing's get to out of hand.

Their way of transportation was The girl's drones by that the giant aircraft carrier had drone's replicas of world war 2 planes such as Japanese Zero's and Val aircraft they'd board the planes and the planes would then drop them nearby to the facility and remain nearby to possibly provide close air support but frankly hardly any of them even knew what was waiting for what they knew it could've been a facility that was truly abandoned.

Everyone except for Independence boarded a plane as Independence could travel on water at a speed much faster then nearly anything other then some more advanced motor boats she was a Kanmusu after all the physical incarnation of a ship in her cause a modern day Literal combat ship.

The planes flew in formation as Pirate radioed in"Shinano where just about to the drop zone preparing to drop" she radioed in 

"Understood good luck"she replied to her as she went silent

Independence grumbled somewhat "It' so cold hereeee!" she said grumpily

"Oh come on independence it's not THAT bad"said Ocean jokenly 

Independence pouted her ears on top of her head flipping downwards in response and sticking out her tongue somewhat.

As they flew over the facility Greyback said"Alright let's try not to forget the fact that there may be survivors here"he said

Kate spoke up and said" if this facility is truly not functional then there's a very low chance anyone would survive this place it's nearly negative forty outside right now they need some good heaters to stay unfrozen in this weather" she said

"Fair enough I mean we've got our suits and what not"said Greyback in reply

"Alright let's drop!" said John as he opened the cockpit of his drone and jumped out his massive weapon a missile pod in his hands.

The Rest soon dropped beside him and just as they neared the ground they activated small boosters on their feet that slowed their decent enough so that when they landed they performed a somersault forward a few of them had their guns raised already as they made their way forward into the front of the facility.

"Shinano Independence here They've landed and headed inside the facility"reported the Kanmusu who was watching the event offshore

"Copy that Independence keep me informed" she replied

"will Nyah that Independence out" she said he face now going into a straight rock like self as she kept her eye's on the facility and sky but kept her sonar and ear's out for any unwelcome visitors.

Pirate walked up to the door and pushed it slightly"Locked..Pyroblade kick it open" she ordered

The knight in question replied and as the nine foot tall being flicked a leg forward and kicked it but it only dented the door as he struck his blade arm into the door and with some effort cut into the metal and cut off the metal locks before kicking it again sending it flying inwards and a squishing sound was heard as a squealing creature made itself known as it jumped at Pyroblade but he merely raised his blade as the creature jumped straight into the blade basically cutting itself in two as the others looked at the creature it was merely an infected rat but it had been infected by the X-Virus.

"Shit..Shinano we got infected here we just ran into an infected rat that...was feasting on a..corpse of a worker here it seems" Said Sharp Shot who was peering into the door way spotted a frostbitten gnawed on corpse that had been squished by the thick metal door without another word they made their way into the dark facility turning on flashlights as they did so.

"Temperature is now negative fifty.."said Kate as she scanned a nearby table and added"it's been deserted like this for nearly three months now"she said

"three months? Jesus someone got lucky and found this place when they did"said Greyback

"perhaps but then the Parasite found it's way inside of this facility" said Pyroblade as it pushed over another dead corpse and checked for vitals unsurprisingly the man was dead long gone but something strange went on in the mans face

and a silenced pistol round went off into the body's face as Aviator sighed"The Virus is using those bodies as hosts for their filth"he sighed

"A grim fate no matter who they where in life"said Spec who turned his head around as he heard heavy footsteps coming from down a dark hallway

The lights occasionally would flicker and when it did so it revealed a six foot tall figure it's skin grayed and dead with helmet and armor on it looked like a stereotypical zombie to an extent but it's right arm was instead just a very long and thick tentacle as it groaned and looked at the Shangheli assassin and let out a roar as it flung it's tentacle at Spec who side stepped and had it fly beside him easily as he jumped forward slamming a fist into it's gut and as it flinched forward from the force involved he activated a wrist mounted plasma blade and cut off it's left arm as it let out a roar as it suddenly jumped back and it's left arm began to grow back at a slow rate but within the next five minutes it would have a new arm as another figure revealed itself this one was holding a large multi barreled chaingun as it roared and began firing at Spec who jumped back narrowly evading the gunfire.

"what are those thing's new infected forms?"asked Kate as she fired a burst from her assault Rifle into the first figure as it recoiled and struggled to stand normally as Sharp-shot fired a shot from his sniper rifle into it's skull killing the first figure for good.

The second one slammed into Pirate who returned the favor by drawling a massive curved sword and slicing open it's stomach even though this only annoyed the being as it turned around it's chain gun heating up as Pirate fired a round from her Storm rifle into it's thigh the Plasma round burning the already dead skin causing it to flare up slightly.

It began to aim at her as Pyroblade Teleported behind the creature and swung upwards stabbing into it's spine and eventually it's skull and lifting it up into the air it fired a few machine gun rounds in desperation before it was sliced in half by Pyroblade's sword killing it as well.

"We gotta Catalog these beings take photo's" said John as Kate took pictures of them

"what should we name them?" asked Orbital who had been strangely silent during this ordeal

"Decayers...look at the metal around the door way"said Spec

He gestured to the doorway that they had come out of and the metal had rusted and was covered in Goo now

George shrugged"Suits me at least we got a name for those freak bags now"he mused

"Independence to Scout team come in" said Independence

"John here Independence what is it?"asked John

"We got a fleet of unmarked Helicopters inbound from the west I've already told Shinano and she's gone into cloak mode for the time being but these rotor-wing's aren't infected there human"she reported

"Copy that I fancy us not being caught into their affairs let's vanish"he said

"You're have to cloak as well not enough time for the drones to drop by the heli's are nearly right on top of you"said the Kanmusu

"Alright everyone hide now!"said Spec and if you listened closely you could hear the rotors  


1. most of the characters in this chapter originate from the Halo universe

2. These newest infected forms are based off of some forms of enemies I faced when playing DOOM 3 tbh

3. Shinano is also a fog warship

4. this chapter was originally meant to be shorter but you can see how that worked out XD

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