Profiles pt 2

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(lets continue lol)

IceRizegreymon male body is made out of ice has glowing red eyes has jet pack which shoots out a icy mist when in use and has two ice crossbows and can control the ice element also like his element he is ice cold.

RubyRizegreymon male has armour with numerous large Rubies on it has the same type of large revolver like cannon as AlphaRizegreymon but the end is narrow and like a sniper also can shoot razor sharp Ruby's and has wings made of Ruby's doesn't talk much

WreckerRizegreymon male covered in large greenish armour has two wrist mounted chainsaws two shoulder mounted missle pods and numerous machine gun like blasters a bit trigger happy and loves to blow stuff up

ColossusRizegreymon male the largest member appears to be made out of stone has chinks which emit orange light has a large orange arm cannon and can summon and shoot out rocks tends to be a blank and never show emotions

RotorRizegreymon male the "Rouge" member has a large helicopter like jetpack and two large helicopter like spinning blades mounted on his wrists also has for rapid fire blasters mounted underneath his wrist blades prefers to  do his own thing sometimes

cannonRizegreymon male a close friend of Rotor has eight large shotgun like cannons on his wrists and a large missile launcher on his back a very deadly fighter in close range 

ReaperRizegreymon male has glowing red eyes wears a large cloak which tends to hide his face and has a spiritual arm blaster which can desegregate people also uses a large scythe tends to be more of a neutral one

wolfRisegreymon male wears a wolf like Helmet and has massive claws which can glow gold and shoot energy he is the only one to have knight like armour and can talk to animals and has a cape tends to act like a knight somewhat he likes to say " the judgement is Death"to his enemies and has feathery wings

PunchRisegreymon male has large iron fists but can turn them into SMG like blasters has a jetpack and is similar in appearance to WolfRisegreymon the most competitive member 

DemonRisegreymon  male has black bone like armour and tends to have fire emit from him uses a massive black and orange Axe brother of AngelRizegreymon fierce and is not afraid to fight 

AngelRizegreymon male has white skin and blue stripes wears a hood and has angelic wings uses two swords with lethal skill alot more peace orientated then his brother  

MaceRisegreymon male uses a massive mace which can emit hell fire and has fiery bony wings very morbid and dark

FemaleRisegreymon female is light pink with two crossbows mounted on her hands a surprisingly good infiltrator (now I don't mean to be sexist or anything on her) also has a jetpack and her voice is higher then the others

DarkRisegreymon male has a shadowy vapory body glowing red eyes has two massive sickle like claws often used for infiltration missions as his close relations with evil also has ghostly

(Call of duty)

Hudson male wears a combat marine uniform but minus the helmet bald uses a knife RPG-7 and a M1911 pistol best friends with Remerz the gunner of there salvaged APC

Remerz male wears a dark green marine uniform also uses a 44 . Magnum and gernades the driver of there APC called the jackhammer easygoing and layed back but knows when to be serious

Desert fox male wears a sand coloured uniform and a helmet uses a HK 417 assault rifle and a survival shovel which has sharpened sides the leader of fireteam Foxtrot will go to great lengths to protect his friends and squadmates

Desert thunder male wears a sand coloured marine uniform also uses a RPG-7 and a desert eagle pistol a big fan of blowing up random stuff member of fireteam Foxtrot

Sandstorm male wears a cross between a sand marine uniform and  Arabian robes uses a M27 IAR with duel drum mags and bipod fluent in other languages member of fireteam Foxtrot

Rabbit male wears a hat and a sand coloured marine uniform uses a Barrett M82A1 50.caliber sniper rifle a P226 pistol a bit cocky but also joking and at times very serious member of fireteam Foxtrot

Croc male wears a military diver suit a Navy SEAL has a jets kind which is modified to be able to hover above ground and dive beneath water like a sub uses a supressed Vector K 10 SMG and a knife always seen with his helmet on

Stonewall male wears large green  juggernaut armour and a large riot shield and a Deagle.44 pistol a former SWAT member

Prophet male wears advanced black armour with green markings uses a advanced assault rifle called the HBRA 340 (not a real thing) and has a Exo suit

Fireball male wears a red and grey advanced armour suit with a advanced thermal scanner uses a experimental laser assault rifle called the Ise 3 and numerous combustion gernades and a red Exo suit

Siphon male wears a black and gold colored armour set with gold version of the Ise 3 weapon but also can scan through walls up to 3 meters thick also has a gold Exo suit brother of fireball

Atlas male former military police member uses a Atlas 45 pistol and a powerful handheld scanner and a blue Exo suit and wears a advanced military police armour.

(Now my demon OCS buy just to set things straight I call then rouge demons as they reject there purpose and instead help humanity)

Type shapeshifter demon
Powers/weapons healing Shapshifting has two energy blasters shaped like halo spikers and two swords are double edged and extend up his forearms in a energy sword like handle while the rest of the blade extends past his hand and power of the shadow element
Apperance black wolf like head black dragon like wings and a black and grey ware wolf like body and a reptilian tail
Personality..acts like a demon other then the evil bascally

Type ice demon
Powers/weapons control over the ice element a which she uses to make weapons which is mainly a large spear and a ice crossbow healing
Appearance of that of a highly atractive young female about her young twenties but has near entirely blue eyes and near white skin also has dark grey wings on her back and wears a dress s made of ice
Personality acts a bit like a princess and regal but also insane

Storm demon
Powers/weapons control over storms and weather but mainly uses the element of electricity and thunder also can create weapons also mainly uses a spear and a blaster like weapon healing also known to use a sword at times and a storm bow
Appearance gold armour has a human head but has wolf like teeth and wears bright gold armour and a red cape with gold stormy eyes
Personality loves to toy with his enemies before killing them straight also hyperactive and carefree

Type nature demon
Powers / weapons control over the element of nature healing has VERY strong senses uses a whip as his arm and a large crossbow
Appearance very broad green and brown armour that's knight like his left arm is instead usually his whip which is barbed and has a harpoon tip and quite large (I'd advise not getting hit by his whip largely lol)
Personality loves nature and the survival of nature and will tend ye get mad and flip out at anyone that attempts to hurt nature

Type nuckelavee
Powers/ weapons can fire beams of demonic energy his long arms cam stretch far can teleport and can breath under water and of course healing
Appearance a massive horse clad in heavy black armour with glowing orange lines same with his human part in its mid back but can move up to 40 km on land and can make horrifying screeching noise

Type unkown
Powers/weapons extreme level strength cam emit hell fire can shoot out spikes and can sense future events
Appearance gorilla shaped body massive fists which are also armored small spikes go along his long flat head
Personality many believe he us still evil as he doesn't appear to care about anyone or anything

Type swordsmen
Weapons/powers two black hilt blood red swords and power over the shadow element healing
Appearance human sized black helmet with whit lines and two bat wings out the side leathery black dragon like wings and clad in black knight armour and with some brown robes
Personality very loyal to his leaders but the most social member of my demon OCS even more then thunder who is second also a grandmaster level sword fighter

Type possessed
Weapons/powers large demonic black sword which can emit dark energy as waves a large black bow and two large Axes also has shadowy abilities
Appearance wears dark black armour  and white robes he has his face cover by a black armour mask and the armour has yellow lines but he has dark hazel eyes and brown hair
Personality prop ily the nicest one out of all my demon OCS but also ypu can say possessed by his grandfather's soul which has been turned evil and demonic and is now inside him along his soul

It former male so can be referred to as a he
Type wrath
Weapons/powers two massive clawed hands alot of control over dark energy can only be at least hit by energy weapons but is immune to fire but can pop his arms back on as if there where magnets
Appearance no legs appears to be mainly be made of robes no visual face and only body parts visible are his massive clawed hands a former pirate
Personality still retains a bit of his pirate side but other then that bascally a grim reaper

Shadow hunter
It but referred to as a he
Type unkown
Weapons/powers two armored clawed hands ALOT of control over dark energy can summon two massive spikes between his palms has no blood
Appearance a hooded cloak figure if you look closely you can see a faint outline of a mutated face s former assassin his claws cared crimson red
Personality mood shifts from time to time from dark and morbid to somewhat happy

Unkown type
Powers / weapons absorbs the powers and abilities and traits of people and creature she has killed healing very strong senses and very fast reflexes can also create energy orbs also has two large shotgun like revolvers which fire large energy rounds
Appearance long straight pitch black hair pitch black eyes wears a dark grey and black Gothic dress also has six large spider like tenticles which are nearly exactly like large spider legs except no hair also has a large reptilian tail
Personality slight insane crazy morbid loves to play with people

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