Profiles pt.6

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Powers/weapons expert in weapons and pilots a SU 47 Berkut fighter that has a top speed of 1,717 mph and can go over 3,000 miles and is armed with a 30MM cannon and up to 8 missiles as well as internal missiles

appearance (jet) has a purple and black Camo scene on it ("blackwing") ALWAYS wear's a mask which hide's her face but her pitch black hair is visible and which going down to her mid back and is often seen wearing a flight suit mixed in with armor which is also black

personality she has selective muteness and WILL NEVER talk unless she want's to when around people that are stranger's to her but she's fine with talking to the other OC's but is still somewhat silent but also a very ruthless fighter and will mostly NEVER show mercy.

Artemis Moon                                                                                                                     


abilities/ weapons use's a massive energy sniper rifle which is modeled after a AS50 sniper rifle and use's two handclaw's which are hidden in her hoodie sleeve's she also has very good reflexes as well as sight and hearing and can turn invisible and has a slight healing factor

appearance wear's a light grey hoodie has bright blue eye's and very light blue ears and a busy tail that she can hide along with her ear's she also wears a light blue skirt 

personalty prefer's instinct and emotion's over logic can be confident in situation's but that confidence can quickly crumble if too many odd's are against her but normally very sympathetic as well as empathetic 

(now these are just some random OC's I have made up LONG ago so please don't judge me..)



unknown monster

power's/weapon's has the ability to cause MASSIVE amount's of chaos and destruction has a spiny sail on his back which is virtually impenetrable claw's can shoot hellfire and can shoot large green beams of energy and a massive sword with green markings on it also can breath hellfire

appearance like a cross between a dragon and a Spinosaurs  with a crown shaped cluster of sharp horns also has a red back and his stomach and bottom of him is mustard yellow and has somewhat pale grey cloud markings on his sides with bright orange eye's 

personality calm collected but very stubborn and often fairly Regal as well.

SCP 5690.0

unknown but often refers to itself as a "HE" and is often said to be a "HE"

Spiritual entity

Power's/weapons virtually no physical weapons but can inhabit virtually any thing from inanimate objects to fully fledged living creatures and use it's powers also can mind control and telepathic powers

Appearance He often and is most currently inside of a rather large RC tank and often speaks from it which takes the appearance of a M1A1 Abrams Main battle tank

personality often corny and Jokingly but is serious AT TIMES WHICH IS VERY VERY VERY RARE 


Robotic Alien Crocodile 


power's/weapons able to shoot MANY Canisters which fire out gas rounds as well as MANY of different things from flash-bangs to fire bombs as well as toxic smoke and fire and can breath under water as well as being able to survive in space and can control an EMP like ability as well as he can adjust his size to up to 12 feet tall.

Appearance a massive bulky crocodile which numerous wires and whatnot showing it has glowing glass like red eyes.

The rest will be revealed in the story

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