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The noise of the helicopter's main rotors drowned out most other noises as it landed in the freezing arctic air as the rest of the helicopters either hovered or landed as well they also carried strange red markings like a spiked cross or rather a hilt of a sword on a red squared shaped background as it's side doors opened and a tall intimidating man with a Gas mask like object on his face and a massive trench coat stepped out escorted by three men with large backpacks that also sparkled with electricity as they glanced at the man in the coat.

"Identifying: UH-60 Black Hawks modified however they have stronger weapons and two of the rotor wing's are AH 64 Apache gunships and a single unidentified type of helicopter that's also equipped with jet engines that's patrolling the area at a high speed be advised some Hawks have guns and missile pods on wing's" radioed in Shinano who had scanned the aircraft from her cloaked aircraft carrier

"Roger that be advised we are cloaked and watching them" Said Pirate 

"Hold on their coming this way.."said Pathfinder 

Sure enough they were as the one whom they assumed easily was the leader made his way to the door and examined the doorway with curiosity humming before speaking in a deep voice muffled by his mask "Something big busted down that door.."he mused before stepping inside his guards following him he then examined the bodies of the two creatures from before"Test subjects 0125 and 0214 are down prep them for exfil"he said calmly as if he didn't even care about the lose of his now apparent "Test subjects"

the three men nodded and began dragging the remains of the first creature away as he examined the head of the second one"Hmm..sniper type round sharp penetration hole equal to most sniper rifle round types"he said talking as if he was explaining it to someone.

Who the hell is this? thought John as he kept an eye on them cloaked but also in a storage closest as well peeking through the peep holes in the doors he was also trying to keep the radio chatter from Shinano and independence down as they kept on talking to one another "Independence remain hidden but be ready to provide fire support if necessary"said Shinano

They loaded the second one onto the helicopters as he stood up and began to turn around as he suddenly spoke up"Sadly those who try to remain hidden are usually the ones first found in the light" he raised a hand slightly turning his head and pressing a button and suddenly sirens activated in the facility and suddenly fire spew from pipes in the base and caused small explosions to rupture the facility. 

The figures walked out as the Spartans exited their hiding spots as they remained cloaked but as they left the facility the man was there again and stood directly facing them the Two Apache gunships and the Jet/rotor mixture Helicopter as well as the Black hawks suddenly had their weapons trained towards the Spartans.

"Hello..Guardians"he said as if he was expecting them he then chuckled and pointed to his wrist and said "Motion sensors are pretty good aren't they..?"he asked musing half-wards to himself.

Sensing as their cloak was now useless they revealed themselves as the helicopter gunners and gunships and the now large amount of troops on the ground jumped slightly and began to aim their weapons at the group but The two Promethean's and Spec was nowhere to be seen.

The facility began to crumble and sent a section of ice off of the cliff into the water splashing Independence in the process as she shook herself off and said" Shinano we got a major issue here"she said explaining the situation as "Big Emo guy and some electricity company type people accompanying him" to which Shinano replied" doesn't make much sense but I got them on my scanner have you been spotted yet?"she asked

"Negative as far as I know they haven't...better not of just jinxed it"she mused as she hid along an iceberg still.

"Ah how nice of you to arrive here guardians even though I don't remember inviting any-one out here"he said in a careful monotone "also you killed some of my test subjects quite a painful transformation that they go through to become what they are meant to be.."he mused sighing and shaking his head before he added

"Now that wasn't to nice wasn't it?"he asked

The Spartan John turned his head and said"and who the hell are you?" he asked him

'My my thank you for reminding me where are my manners I am Headmaster Abelard head of the FNC"he said bowing in a mock bow.

"FNC?"asked Orbital

"Federation of New country"he said fondly it was an odd name for sure but he then said

"This here was one of our research facility's...but not matter we have so many more and we can always rebuild what we have lost"he said smiling eerily

"And what was the facility for even?" asked Kate "after all you had infected in there" she added 

"infected is such a barbaric term these days how about..evolved instead of "infected"?" he said with some slight disgust and disappointment as he began to turn around.

"but..I'll have some balls coming here how you got here to this island is a mystery to me but there's a thing that the FNC does to uninvited quests.."he said

"and what is that?" asked Enforcer

"making sure they don't come back"he said and snapped his fingers as a shoulder fired a rocket at them from behind the man now known as "Abelard" and headed straight towards the group and it wouldn't of hit them if Sik appeared out of nowhere and generated a hard light shield a shield made of hardened light particles deflected and destroyed the rocket as the Spartans took up arms and just as the mans troops began to fire at them they where met with heavy resistance as the group of Spartans counter charged into the group of soldiers there weapons not having much effect on the Spartans energy shield and Titanium armor mixture.

Abelard merely boarded a black hawk as he said"Farewell my friends"

The soldiers began to focus fire on Kate as Kate in return killed two soldiers with her assault rifle before snapping the neck of a third soldier with just her left arm.

One of the black hawk gunners began firing his Minigun at Enforcer who activated a wrist mounted hard light shield that deflected the machine gun rounds.

five of the soldiers began to line up preparing to fire rocket launchers as one of them suddenly flickered and shifted form.

Into Spec 

The Elite grabbed two of the very surprised soldiers snapping their necks in perfect unison as he kicked away one of the soldiers before ducking under the arm of another and slamming his palm upwards as he flipped him over his back both dislocating his shoulder breaking his jaw and when he hit the ground his neck before simply slicing the last soldiers head off with a plasma machete before he noticed the soldier he kicked from before unsteadily stand up and being met with a point blank shot with a Needle rifle as Spec took two of the marksmen rifles off of his back.

One of the soldiers readied a rocket launcher and fired but at the last second Orbit kicked him off the glacier and the rocket flew into the sky nearly hitting a black hawk in the process as he took out a SMG and fired killing a group of five soldiers with it's high rate of fire.

With only Ten soldiers remaining they began to fire machine guns as Pyroblade made his appearance killing two soldiers with his blade slicing their heads off as he fired a energy rifle point blank into another one and caused that soldier to turn to ash as Abelard cursed "Falcon 2-3 Falcon 2-4 rest of you engage bring down that entire glacier if you must!" he said as the rest of the soldiers were killed by the Spartans.

Independence who had watched this event looked at the Apache gunships and said "Guys eyes up those gunships are making a pass at you!"

"Independence engage those helicopters!" said George in reply as he evaded one of the black hawks machine guns firing his own detached machine gun turret in return at the black hawk.

Independence readied her arm mounted cannon but switched to her anti air missile as the pod came over her shoulder as her vision began to get the missiles to lock onto one of the black hawks.

"Hold on missile launch-but from where!?" said the Black hawks copilot as the Kanmusu fired and just as the helicopter fired flares the missile slammed into it's tail rotor causing an explosion.

"mayday mayday where going down!" said the pilot as it crashed into the side of the glacier exploding and killing all who where on that helicopter.

Abelard looked over and seen the Kanmusu standing on the water just as she downed another black hawk it too spiraling and crashing but the helicopters where also causing massive amounts of ice to fall into the deep sea as he say the Elite Spec evade fire from a Minigun and shot his own rounds at the gunner shooting in dead between the eyes before shooting the pilots causing it to land somewhat softly onto the ground next to him.

"Sprit 6-57 engage that figure on the water pursue and destroy Falcons destroy that glacier bring it down!" he said

The Jet/rotor hybrid turned off and flew straight at Independence who said "Oh shit" and turned around moving over the water at full speed which was about 44 knots on open calm sea as the vehicle chased after her firing two heavy cannons after her. 

The two Apache's in turn lowered them selves as one of the Spartans Pathfinder finish off a long survivor with two Katanas one being grey and the other was black as he said"get down!" he dived back as the Apaches fired a barrage of Hellfire missiles at the weak points of the Glacier.

After they had hit they also destroyed the long black hawk which had softly landed after having it's pilots shot by Spec as a deep rumbling sound was heard as tiny fissures began to appear in the ground as Orbit said"well..shit Shinano where are you!?"

"almost there hang on and be prepared to jump!" she said in reply

"Jump are you crazy!?" said Greyback

"just do it!" Said Shinano

"ya heard the lady Jump!" said Kate jumping off as the Glacier began to split apart

"yeee-haww!!" screamed Orbit as he too jumped off.

Meanwhile Independence weaved around a small iceberg as the Hybrid helicopter turned the corner and fired a small barrage of missiles as Independence's CIWS began to fire shooting the missiles out of the air as she got an idea and sped full speed straight at another small iceberg.

The helicopter jet fired another four missiles as Independence leaped at the iceberg and landed on it before flipping back wards performing a backflip that caused the helicopter to attempt to turn off before it's wing smashed into the iceberg smashing it off and causing the vehicle to swing widely from side to side as Independence fired a round from her cannon destroying it fully.

As the group jumped off the iceberg shapes in the air began to clear up as that Shinano's drone's appeared as they each made sure everyone had landed in their cockpits as they also fired a short burst of energy rounds at the helicopters destroying one more black hawk and leaving no copter without some form of damage as they flew by into the ocean airspace.

"Dammit..all remaining Helicopters fall back to base we have some new..friends that we gotta deal with"said Abelard as the remaining helicopters flew off.

back at freedom city a man reported "Sir we have activity in the north Atlantic ocean"

Chairman Hamilton sighed"What's with all this activity all of a sudden?" 

the man replied"no clue sure could be one of our special operation squads that we got out right now?"he asked

"maybe private...maybe".


1. I was originally gonna have some of my more ice type creatures appear in this chapter but then thing's probably would've been all over the place more or less

2. Abelard I think is German(I got it from a German birth name website)

3. The troops seen here are inspired by the enemy troops you face in Wolfestein

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