Revelations (pt.2)

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As the Spartans Pyroblade Sik and Independence returned to Shinano they all had questions questions about this strange new human threat one that appeared to be working with the X-virus itself. As the drones landed Shinano said "welcome back..wait I'm getting something new here"she said

As Pathfinder jumped out of his drone he said in a quiet tone "more FNC?" he asked they had filled her in on the events at the facility on the way back from the new ruined glacier.

"negative it's human but it's's a jet a big one too!"she said looking at a holographic screen that appeared in front of her her long black hair waving behind her as the rest joined her.

Shinano narrowed her eye's squinting and focusing on the plane. "Cargo plane C-17 Globemaster heading at roughly two hundred and seventy miles an hour and it's waving from side to side as if it's being chased..two infected fighter jets are chasing it and it's taking damage" she said

Sure enough the plane came into visual range as the cargo plane banked left again just narrowly evading a stream of machine gun fire as the infected CF-18 fighter jet turned along with it and began to attempt to lock onto the cargo jet.

"What should we do..?" Asked Sik who rarely spoke unless it found the scenario a dire enough situation.

"I can carry the current population of that aircraft"said Shinano

"What are you planning?"asked Pathfinder

"If that plane gets shot down we will have to rescue the crew and everyone else in onboard it"she said easily

"Are you sure about that-?"started Greyback

"Where the guardians it's our job to protect the remanants of humanity"said Pirate glancing at the rest if them

"I suppose you're right.."said George as he looked to Shinano

Shinano flicked her hand and a rocket launcher on the side of the ship suddenly rotated aimed upwards and fired a pair of energy missiles that tracked the two fighters.

Meanwhile the cargo planes forth engine took a hit as the pilots reported out to their whoever was commanding them "we just lost engine four it's on fire"said the copilot

"Were losing altitude control!"Said the main pilot as he fought to right the jet and keep it upright.

The missiles streaked upwards as the missiles slammed into the infected fighter jets both of them bursting into flames as they did so.

"What the-who shot that?"said the copilot as he glanced at the radar screen but he noticed one smaller object coming towards them at a very high speed.

"Missile-!"he just got out before the missile slammed into the aircrafts wing taking out two more engines on the right of the plane this also ruined the right wing as the plane began to tilt over and lost control.

"Hang on!"Said the pilot as he forced it upwards just enough so that it would land on a very large and flat glacier at a fairly well controlled gliding landing as the right wing also ripped itself off giving a bit of an extra bump as the plane landed close to the edge of the glacier.

"Well let's go and get more hiding in the shadows for us"said Shinano as the remains of the infected CF-18s flew down into the sea.

She watched the cargo plane land and said "where heading over to there to pick up any and all survivors"said Shinano

The crew of the C-17 Globemaster emerged from the ruined jet coughing and choking on the smoke from the fire as they started to hear cracking as they noticed that the out rim of the glacier was now starting to fall apart.

"Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit"said the crewmen as the passengers also began to pile out of the jet as well.

One of the radio operators was trying to reach a radio to call for help to the nearest city as it's transmissions reached Shinano "mayday mayday mayday this is Caretaker our plane has crashed in the edges of the Arctic ocean on a glacier anyone reading this our coordinates are as follows grid square north D35 followed by D45 hurry this glacier is breaking apart!" said the transmission as it repeated and she mused "no need I saw the plane go down" said Shinano and the ship lurched as it turned towards the glacier 

Meanwhile at the crash site a young girl was beside her mother they both had burn marks on their faces from the fire that had built up around the wrecked aircraft as the girl hugged her mother as footsteps began to make themselves heard.

Without thinking a man ran to the source yelling"help help!" but the man soon stopped gasped and began to utter fearfully as growling was now began to make itself known as the man turned around and began to run away but a sizzling bang was heard and a thump rang around the place as a shuffling chainlike sound was now heard as a figure made itself known.

And to the citizens horror as they glanced over and found that the figure now known as figures that was coming around a icy corner carrying the man from before but now with a huge flaming hole in his chest his body limp was a Chainhead flanked by two Cannonhounds and three more decayers one of which was holding a minigun a four infected narwhals appeared close in the waters surface along an infected squid.

The Chainhead roared in triumph as it reared it's head in a laughing manner as it rasped"kill them infect them after..all of them!" he ordered as the five other beings began to scuffle forward.

"guys we got a problem six infected have appeared scans indicate that they consist of three Decayers included on gun Decayer two Cannonhounds and one Chainhead" said Shinano

"There obviously going after the survivors no doubt to kill and infect them"said Kate

"Right we need to move now" said a new voice as another Kanmusu appeared this was UXV Combatant she was the other Kanmusu that was with Shinano at the moment.

"nice of you to join use use you're drones and distract them" she said in reply the Kanmusu nodded as she glanced towards Greyback Pathfinder Pirate and Kate "how about some good old fashioned hostage rescue?" asked Combatant  

The Spartans didn't argue with that offer.

As the citizens screamed as one of the crew members fired his pistol at the Chainhead the bullets merely bounced off it's metal armor plating as it growled and fired back killing the crewmen but burning his head off with it's cannon.

And it smiled creepily as it held a citizen by the neck into the air and the rest stopped firing as they came to realize that it was the little girl from early as she kicked her feet out and just as a Cannonhound began to make it's way over a citizen took a sharp piece of metal and stabbed it into it's thigh as it screeched and swung it's arm backwards hitting the guy straight in the face breaking his nose effortlessly and causing him to fly backwards as he landed on his back in the snow as the Cannonhound pulled it out and limped slightly over to the now unconscious man as it began to charge up it's cannon as it stopped and looked up as a dozen small curved shapes made there way through the air towards him at a very high speed.

The Chainhead snarled as it raised it's cannon and began to charge it up the kids mother screamed "No!" but another voice from a invisible figure said "buddy I really wouldn't do that if I were you" and an unseen figure grabbed it's cannon arm and redirected it's shot so it shot itself in the face searing off parts of it's metal armor on it's face as it roared in fury and surprise and promptly dropped the girl who was snatched up by her mother shortly afterwards.

The Chainhead rapidly swung it's cannon arm and head around as the others also looked on in confusion as a invisible fist smashed into it's face stunning it briefly as it's assailant made it's appearance as a green armored spartan with a narrow visor decloaked himself and stood straight in front of the Chainhead.

The citizens where mystified who was this stranger wearing green armor and had both a black and grey katana strapped to it's back as the Chainhead roar in fury as it swung it's claw arm to cut off it's head but in a blur of movement the figure ducked and jabbed him in the stomach making a small hole while he did so causing the Chain head to roar again as it swung with it's cannon but again the figure in a blur of movement ducked under it rolled between it's legs and as the Chainhead turned to face the Spartan was met with a knife to the throat as the spartan stabbed it it choked but managed to keep on fighting as it began to wildly swing it's arms in an attempt to hit it's assailant.

But like the rest of it's attempts to strike back it missed as the Spartan ducked and punched back at a blindingly fast rate and it's last attempt to strike saw the spartan jump over the Chainhead grab it's cannon arm and brutally tear it off as the Chainhead usually didn't feel pain whatsoever it roared in pain for once as two katana's now introduced themselves as they cut off it's head as Pathfinder expertly flung the infected blood off of his blades and twirled with around and then seethed them.

The two Cannon hounds where cut into pieces as a swarm of black drones fired their cannons killing the two Cannon hounds while the Decayers where engaged by the rest of the Spartans Pirate cutting one in half vertically. While Greyback knocked the Minigun holding Decayer into a sharp piece of ice before firing his hardlight machine gun causing it to crumble into bright ashes.

The final Decayer was kicked straight up into the air as a missile from a drone impacted against it destroying the entirety of the creatures body.

"is it clear?"Asked Greyback

"Negative we got those infected animals to contend with"said Kate

"Don't worry Spartans they will be dealt with" said a icy aquatic voice in their head

"Snowrake?" Asked Kate

"indeed" the creature replied

As the seaborne  creatures began to turn around in response to the disturbance behind them a air of tentacles appeared out of the water and sliced the Narwhals in half killing them instantly the Squid attempted to retaliate but was frozen solid by a beam of ice and then shattered into many tiny pieces.

Emerging from the water a Mosasaurus like headed with dozens of ice like spikes on top of it and a squid like body with pure white tentacles covered in razor sharp hooks as it said"I got the distress signal"he said glancing over at the now speechless and utterly terrified of these new beings in front of them and after killing off those infected so easily they where scared of what they could to do them.

But as a colossal ship emerged out from behind another iceberg the Green one the first one they saw the one with the swords turned around and said to them"Bring all supplies and surviving personal onto the ship don't we we don't bite..much" said Pathfinder as Combatant guided Shinano into a pickup position.

But of course that's when it went all wrong as the two victims from before started to rise as crawlers as the rest screamed and ran away from the now moving corpses but reacting calmly Kate and Pirate simply downed them with a few shots from their rifles. "leave those two bring the rest of the survivors" said Kate reloading her assault rifle in the process of saying that.

But it wasn't the end of the events as the Glacier began to break apart as well causing Greyback to slide down but he caught himself by activating his jetpack and jumping back up to ground level and said"Snowrake we need some help here!".

The creature merely placed over two tentacles and created a slide of ice that led directly into Shinano's cargo bay.

"Come on move!"said Pirate as she spotted four more infected fighter jets

"Combatant take care of them!"she said afterwards

Combatant launched a group of anti air missiles downing the four in rapid succession.

As the civilians began to slide down the ice slide apon the crumbling glacier the copilot said"Thank you..we owe you a great dept but..who are you?"he said to Pathfinder

Pathfinder turned and looked at him his already intimidating factor increasing as he towered over the copilot to a height of 8 feet tall as he mused"you owe us nothing..this is our job after all my name is Pathfinder..and we are the guardians" he said sliding down beside the copilot and unlike many over civilians he landed on his feet as he said"make room for everyone else!"

The Glacier began to completely crumble as the wreckage of the C-17 began to fall into the sea and landed in a splash.

"We got everything?"asked Pirate

"No we need that nuclear device we had it's still on the plane!!" said the main pilot

All of the current guardians deadpanned "Why were you carrying a god damn nuclear bomb on a C-17?" asked Shinano currently with a major "What the fuck is this day" kind of face.

"It's a..long story"said the Copilot

"We both got stories to tell" Said Kate in reply

Snowrake dismissed the ice slide as the last of the civilians and supplies made it onto the ship and then dived to retrieve the nuclear device.

"Alright listen up all will be explained in due time but for now..buckle up"said Shinano as Snowrake emerged with the abnormally large bomb and placed it in the corner of the cargo hold.

"Now..where were you heading while being chased by those infected jets?" asked John

"we where heading to a city the freedom city of Sweden known as Oblet"said a former plane crewmen

Shinano sniffed "Well..this trip just got more interesting.."she mused

And with they she turned and began headed past the arctic ice caps the now ruined glaciers in plain view for all to see.

"Alert the rest of the guardians let them know of this development" said Shinano to Kate greyback and the two Kanmusus as they where best with the radios as Shinano said"I'll do it as well" she said with a sheepish grin as she scratched the back of her head.

And with they they left into the open sea escorted by both Shinano's and Combatants drones flying in defensive rings around her and Snowrake swimming underneath the massive carrier.


1. The Cannonhounds and Chainheads cannons can and will infect you when on a direct hit to exposed flesh

2. next chapter will be more land based and Kade Riichi Hana and Sydney will be appearing again in the next chapter

3. Some more demons will be appearing next chapter

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