Shadows of the past(pt. 1)

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As surprising as it may be not all of the guardians have been freed from their prisons the most powerful ones the biggest ones are still hidden and trapped within their magical or earthen walls.

Karkis slumbered within his organic tomb deep within a hollow mountain hidden in the Amazon the Amazon tribes also knee of him and nicknamed him "The claw of Satan" some rebuked him viewed him as a unholy demon who would kill them all in a bloodlust fury whole others viewed him as an incarnation of the angel of death.

Or even death itself no one knew exactly what he is only Karkis knows.

He is not a demon an angel of death or death itself he is none of that but at the same time all of that.

The Amazon tribes warn all those who go near this hollow mountain not to disturb his slumber but they could never wake him only the summoning rock could wake him or an immensely powerful form of magic currently unknown to him which was impossible as he knew virtually all forms of magic there is.

Over time the FNC in secret had built a facility inside the mountain and around his tomb which resembled a slightly gooey organic like black rock with patches of magma on it researchers have only found information about him and his tomb from the very surface of the rock..and what he allows them to know.

It had been a year now since he had awoken while he still bascially slumbered within he was bidding his time he knew someone was coming someone of high importance to this "Federation of New Countries" he knew their goals and desires he could sense other beings thoughts feelings and desires after all and he'd gotten good at it over eons of his life so far.

A pair of FNC scientists walked towards a clear viewing panel each one using a tablet as they reviewed notes on the object in front of them.

"Still nothing then what we occasional new discovery here and there..its like it's toying with us.." mused the second scientist on the right

"You're being weird again Hank no way can it be watching us from inside that thing"said the first scientist

Hank sighed and huffed he then said "at least our legion of demons and Askor will be arriving shortly"he said
The first scientist merely nodded



Karkis knew that name one of the five demons who cursed him to his tomb and he was coming here.

He couldn't move any part of his body but it was clear that he was smiling and cackling on the inside this was exactly what he wanted so he could find his revenge.

He wasn't an enemy of humanity he was a guardian after all but even he admitted sometimes they needed to learn a few lessons from time to time and they where young and ha such to learn sometimes he wondered even why he and the rest of the guardians have been chosen to protect humanity till either they die out or for eternity.

Askor is a Baron of Hell known for his slyness wittyness and his deceiving  scornful tounge made him a very valid threat to anyone not allied with him.

But then again he hardly has even allies.

"Their due to arrive in five minutes"said Hank

Five minutes..excellent thought Karkis

He heard a helicopter flew overhead as the doors began to open to the chamber.

Excellent he thought

Shortly afterwards a red and black glowing portal opened up in the bay and escorted by six hell knights and four more Baron of Hells was a unusually spiked and armored Baron of Hell his shoulder and back spikes

"So..this is alpha Zero" said the Baron of Hell

Askor walked forward glaring down at the commander of the research facility now known as "Alpha Zero"
"So what makes you feel as if you could call me to you're puny world as if you own me"

The field commander gulped fearfully an action which Askor chuckled too.

"W-well we figured you may know what..IT is"he said pointing to the tomb behind him

Askor glanced up "huh....and why would I know?"he asked him

"Because you're the resident demon lord here so if anyone would know it would be you"he said

"Hmm..I see" he said walked to the tomb and placing a claw on it"semi organic self repairing alloys..feels like rock.."he said running a claw along it

"I'm afraid I do not know what it is"he mused and began to walk away summoning his guards while doing so.

And he would've left if the rock handn't turned black

Sirens blared as suddenly the rock lost all it's color except for the original black as it began to waver and shift

"Collect data collect data!" Numerous scientists screamed out

Askor glanced up he suddenly began to sense a faint aura one he recognized as he began to growl

"'s you"he said

The tombs reply was the tomb rapidly exploding spreading dark shadows all over the area making it nearly as dark as night in the facility.

The field commander fell onto his knees and looked up only to see a black clawed foot step down in front of him slowly looking upwards he seen a slender creature but very physically fit covered in sloping and smooth armored plates and some aliens here and there led to it's six eyes in slits glowing red massive claws wrapped in shadows with spikes on his shoulders in full spectrum.

Karkis let out a low growl as he kicked the field commander backwards easily breaking his neck and killing him instantly as he growled"you have all forfeited your lives"he growled

Askor growled and bared his fangs"Karkis..its been a while"he hissed

All around him security guards began to fire at Karkis but the bullets were merely absorbed into him as eight tenticle like objects sprouted from his back and whipped around easily knocked off and killing the guards that fired on him.

"Indeed it has..Askor"he growled back
The Hell knights chucked balls of hellish energy from their hands toward Karkis and in respond he merely teleport and reappeared above the Hell knights flat out stomping two of them into bloody pulps as he swung a claw cutting one into bloody pieces and stabbed the other knight through the chest and he chucked it off the to s the side as a Baron of Hell charged him slamming into him.

Karkis dug his claws into it's shoulders and lifted him up stabbing his stomach with a clawed foot and a beam of black energy blasted the Baron of Hell in half vaporizing it's upper body as he teleported behind another Baron and slashed him with his claws slicing his head off.

Askor roared in challenge as the rest of his minions charged him but Karkis merely summoned a shockwave comprised of energy beams that sliced through the Hell knights before vanishing twice in puffs of black smoke and two spikes smashed the Barons into the ground killing them both.

Askor then charged Karkis who sidestepped and slammed his leg into the Baron of Hells feet causing him to fall but as he began to stand up he kicked his face with a clawed foot as Askor stood up again he slammed a fist into Karkis's gut causing him to stagger "you've grown rusty Askor!" Roared Karkis as he jumped over Askor grabbed his head and swung it back trying to rip off his horns.

Askor roared and using all his might managed to rip his head free of Karkis's grip as he swung around a fist only for Karkis to duck underneath it and he slashed at his armor causing blood to sprout everywhere as Askor roared in fury and said "you cannot win this!"

Karkis chuckled and in a blue of movement slashed Askor five times in the chest before stabbing his claws into his chest as black smoke began to spread within Askors body "you've seen to forgotten Askor.."he said bringing his face close to Askors as he snarled "my claws are poisoned"

He sheathed his claws as Askor tried to speak and stumbled but only gave a unintelligent grumble as he fell on his knees and Karkis said slowly"you betrayed me..cursed me to this form..and now..venegnce is served"he then stabbed a tenticle through Askors skull killing Askor finally after a millennia of life.

One of the few scientists alive Hank scrambled to escape but Karkis sensed him and took control of Hank's brain and force him to unlock all the doors and bared in the facility he then let him go on his way he didn't care what that human did he knew he couldn't hurt him as he mused

"Time for the demons here to get what they deserve"and he vanished in a puff of smoke.

1.Karkis looks like a mixture of these two

2. Karkis's current form isn't his original he was also originally a cyberdemon (but ironically when I first made Karkis this was the form I made him up in)

3. This chapter was located in the Amazon

4. Karkis's attacks and claws contain the most deadly poison in existence being able to harm even gods

5. Karkis is immortal

6. Karkis is more of a Anti-hero then anything else

7. Karkis can shapeshift

8. The facilities walls where made of a demonic metal that kept his powers from working at their best that is why he made Hank open the doors and Gates so he could use his full power spectrum

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