The beginning (pt.1)

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In the beginning of the X-Virus plague it was peaceful..well as peaceful as you can imagine humankind can be..

A thunderous roar was heard overhead as jets flew by clearly on a mission to god knows were as below them a convoy of United States Army armored personal carries drove along a long bumpy gravel road it's location was Israel.

"C'mon man how much further? we've been on the road for nearly eight hours now"said a marine in the passenger seat

"You heard the General this man has news on a so called "demonic portal" as they put it and now they are refusing to let our supply convoys get through and he's asked us the 7th battalion marines to check it out..but I do wonder..I never recalled sir saying that we'd have air support for this mission just us as it was mainly a peacekeeping mission"he mused that last part clearly a bit confused on the matter

"Aww man don't be a downe-"he was cut off as one of the jet pilots in an A-10 warthog spoke up "commander Charlie this is renegade flight leader you are roughly 1 click north from the village be advised we have been tasked with a hunter killer mission in you're area possible danger close is advised"said the lead pilot

"Copy that flight leader I'll be honest here though didn't exactly expect you here today"said the Commander now known as "Charlie" who was also driving the lead armored personal carrier

"It was a last minute call sir there was no time to call it in to all channels no one except you guys know were our here to begin with"replied the pilot

"I see..thats for the info Charlie out"he then turned off his radio as he glanced over at the man beside him "Dunn..doesn't that seem a but shady to you?"he asked his second in command

"Oorah..."replied Dunn in a low tone

Roughly 1 minute later the convoy of four humvee's and two armored MRAP trucks arrived at the village the villages total population was 26 and was slowly starting to decline but they worshipped an ancient relativity lesser known god known as "The fourth one" and their religion demanded that they kept the gods true name a secret for fear of apparent "safety concerns" as they departed from the trucks Dunn said quietly" I gotta take a shit"

"Quiet were's that man.."mused Charlie before a child ran up to him saying in a heavy eastern accent "sir sir sir come quick man has started again!" He said quickly in broken English

"The man has started again..?"he mused before he heard the man yelling and screaming

"DEMONS MONSTERS I TELL YOU MONSTERSSS!!!" Screamed the old man tgat looked about 75ish as he pointed to a cave roughly a mile away

" that's what the kid means.."he mused as he began to walk forward sloping his rifle downwards to show them that he wasn't a threat to them but he was by all means ready to decent himself from any hostle actions made against him

Turning on his helmet camera he walked to the man and spotted him and with a quickly surprised look started saying to him " cannot won't win against the plague..the plague...the plague is coming global life will collapse as we no it hell itself will come to our world..we..we need THEM..!" He said in a truly hopeless and desperate tone as he pointed to an old carving on a rock on the side of a building.

The rock was hugs easily 20 feet tall and 15 feet wide and easily weighed probably over 60 tons but the side was by what interested Charlie it was the carvings on them that interested him the most he used to wanted to be a geologist and study rocks and other shit but that was when he was little.

All along all over the visible side of the rock was carvings of creatures so strange and wierd looking he wondered if someone has made them up off of the top of their head one had three heads a silver body and one of the heads was also a bright dim silver while the other was what appeared to be a reptilian dragon but with strange looking maybe even robotic wings and a long strange gunlike tube on its left arm and some even appeared to be using human mad78e jets and old world war 2 boats but the boats has brightly colored mines on them and honestly just appeared to be alien ships that very much resembled old second world war vessels such as battleships carriers and cruisers and submarines even

"Sir if I may ask..who are they?"he asked him

"They are the guardians of the earth..they've layed their for eons slumbering waiting for the time to rise when humanity's need is greatest...and that man one of our village elders is convinced that the time of humanity's greatest needs will soon arise that hell itself will arise to the surface and that something..SOMETHING he says will rise and destroy global order as we know it"he said in a grave tone

"And how long has he been doing this?"he asked in reply

"After he had some dream he is said to be a seer after all"he explained

"When was that?"he asked

"Three weeks ago on the night of the full moon"he replied he then continued

"But anyway they are beings having such great power and range so greatly in apperance and capabilities that it's said that it's nearly impossible to fully counter all of them great beings that are of dragon mixed with machines humans fully interfaces with great warships cats and other animals that posses supernatural and elemental power human warriors that posses skill and weapons far greater then our own"he said in a serious no nonsense tone that made it clearly sound like he knew what he was talking about.

He was about to ask when the six A-10s from before flew other head heading in the direction of the large cave in the distance

The man suddenly reared his head and clutched it and started screaming "I-IT'S THEM T-THE DEMONS...T-THEY ARE COMING...!!!"he said yelling in untold terror in the directionn pointing just for measure

Walking forward Charlie put on his binoculars and scanned the cave and he was shocked to see what appeared to be..nothing

It was empty there was no demon no monster no nothing.

But that didn't stop the man as he suddenly hopped on a nearby motorcycle and sped off towards the cave

"What the-the fuck is wrong with this guy!?"cursed a marine who nesrly got ran over by the elder on the bike

"Alright listen up Me Dunn Morgon Conron Durrant Lewis and Xu will come with me the rest of you stay here and..dont shoot the natives"he said getting into an MRAP and the others into a Humvee and sped off towards the cave.

"Shit should've asked the man his name!" Cursed Charlie

"No need sir I asked a kid they say his name is Akita"said Morgon who was manning the machine gun on the roof

"Alright good thinking Morgon"he said in return as they neared the cave the man was running inside the cave

"What is with that guy...?"mused Charlie before he commanded the test of the team.

"Team stay here but Dunn Morgon come with me weapons at the ready"he said walking into the cave with their rifles pointed upwards in front of them now

Thats when a lumbering sound was heard and a figure stepped into sight it's arms and legs where painfully thin bring so bony that Charlie honestly found it painful to look at it had a shiny bald head with a hole in its face and it appeared the it's body itself was   so bony that it's nomadic clothes that it wore where merely rags hanging off its body

"Its the unwilling!" Said Akita who had appeared again

The noise attracted the attention of the zombified like creature as two more began to make their way towards the two

The first one of the three jumped and lunged forward and tried to bite him in reply he jumped back nearly getting his hand bitten in the process the guns barrel was in the creatures mouth as he fired a shot into the creatures mouth causing it to stumble majorly as he fired another shot causing its head to explode.

Dunn and Morgon killed the other two unwilling before the radio cracked up "Commander Charlie this us Renegrade flight leader..we've been  ordered to drop a ADGB on a target one click South of you're current position eta 5 minutes"said the pilot

He felt his heart drop target one click South.. if it was exactly South..the only thing he can figure as even a remotely possible target here was that..village

"Shit..shitshitshit..Dunn Morgon stay here I'll be right back!!" Said Charlie

"Why what's going on!?"said Dunn

"There bombing the village!"said Charlie and before they could reply he took off running like hell towards the Humvee getting in it and taking off kicking up massive amounts of dust in the process

Dunn's POV

And just like that commander Charlie was gone he looked to Morgon and said "well...shit now what do we Do?" He asked Morgon

"Dunno man..I don't know"he replied before a hissing sound was heard from behind the both of them

Turning around they were confronted with a small creature it was hunched over have very thin arms ending in claws glowing orange eyes and fangs and as three more appeared behind the first time making four in total as they let out a screech and in their right claw began to conjour up a glowing orange orb that they began to throw their arms back and began to throw the orbs at the two soldiers

Reacting quickly they side rolled out of the way and they brung their rifles up to bear as they fired their rifles in return

The bullets hit two of the demons killing them right away but one quickly threw another ball and hit Dunn in the soldier

Searing pain was sent up his side as he collapsed his vision was blurry now as he saw Morgon take down his assailant with a well place shot to the face but the fourth one suddenly appeared behind Morgon and slashed at him hitting him in the back with its claws spraying blood across the wall and killing him instantly

"Morgon!!" He cried out in dismay as Morgons dead body collapsed to the ground

Using the last of his strength he pulled out his pistol as he fired a nearly point blank shot to the chest of the imp like creature killing it instantly

Dazed very much injured but alive as he pulled himself from agasint the wall and fell out of consciousness

Charlie's POV

When he reached the 400 feet to the village point he heard the A 10s fly over head and he recognized the shape of a small green bomb being dropped onto the village reacting fast enough he slammed into the breaks pulling him into a suddenly stop as he watched in horror as the bomb exploded in the air above the village spreading a green smoke that slowly turned to a tan color he easily could see the figures staring up at the smoke and he urged silently then verbally

"RUN RUNN RIGHT NOW!"he cried out

The rest of the marines began to run a few of them where quick enough to escape the smoke as it poured over the village catching virtually all of the inhabitants off guard as they began to vomit bend over coughing retching you name it the works as he saw their bodies fall onto the ground and syart shaking violently

"What...the..fuck"he said silently as the bodies to his absolute horror began to get back up their bodies had now changed their once normal human hands had become claws lined with blisters and a brown nearly black tint their faces once human had become white eyed veiny and taxes and their skin took on a dead type of color.

The color of the undeathed

Speechless the figures began to turn onto the soldiers who had survived the initial gas bombing as they tore into them easily biting into their exposed areas and pinning them Down and to his horror they began to eat them.

Without thinking he fired a burst from his rifle killing one of the..zombies as the only creature that he could describe them as as the creature fell limp for good this time but this instead drew back the attention of the other creatures as they started to make their way towards him

He turned around dashe dint his vehicle and tore off back towards the cave one kilometer away

He snatched up his radio still shock at what he had just witnessed and said "RENEGADE FLIGHT LESDER THIS IS COMMANDER CHARLIE I REAUEST AN IMMEDIATE SITREP OF WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST DO?!?!?!"he bascially screamed into his radio

There was no response except for a quiet

"Hell has risen..and we shall deliver it's message the X-virus is now fully operational commander Charlie you may of thought of it as a tool for healing..but it'll be the vessel for hell itself" said the flight leader as he say the planes fly over head and fly off in different circles

He left the radio on but said nothing except " where you'll be at the end of this mission" then turned off the radio

Getting back to the cave he yelled out"Dunn. Morgon!"

No response

Rushing in he saw their lifeless bodies of both Dunn and Morgon and strange reddish orange colored imp like creatures he knew what had happened here they were attacked.

He heard chanting from down a long cavern and ran to it prepared to meet some insane hell chanting cultist person but what he was saw was Akita on his knees praying

"Oh great fourth one of the Gods send me a message of what must be done to prevent this uprising"he said

He said this over and over again lime a machine stuck on repeat as he said "Akita..forgive me..I've failed you're village is gone"he said in shame

And Akitas reply was a mere

"I know"

He then turned around and said
"I know all of this Commander Charlie I am a seer after all..I've seen the future this..X-virus of you're so bring hell to the lands of this earth demons..monsters they all will rise up to exact their thirst and hunger in us"he said in a void of emotion tone

"Then what can we do to stop It?"he asked

"We cannot..Not alone at least" he turned around and pulled a cover off of a rock that to his astonishment it was an exact copy of the one in the village that was now crawling with zombified villagers no doubt feasting on corpses

"The..gaurdians"he stammered

"Yes now doubt the village chieftain told you about them they exist everywhere slumbering under rocks in you're very cities and they can he summoned..but only with a sacrifice of those truly devoted to protecting such as myself as I have done for years in secret..farewell charlie i wish you the best of luck" he said and without another word took out a dagger jumped onto the rock and stabbed himself in the stomach pouring his blood over the stone and causing the patterns and figures to glow all the colors in existence and some he didn't even know of before this happened

"I'll make it happen"he said solemly before turning around and running back to the entrance of the cave a brand new mission on his mind he grabbed the dog tags of both Dunn and Morgon took their pictures and pictures of the demonic beings in the ground as well.

But as he reached the entrance of the cave he saw the A 10s from before Renegade flight bearing down on him.

With a killing intent.

1. This chapter as originally supposed to be very majorly different and set in the middle of new York and set after the events of the war with my OCs being a resistance afterwards
2. The X-virus was very much originally a healing bacteria but it grew an intelligence of its own and became corrupt and evil
3. Dunn and Morgon are actually the names of Call of duty modern warfare 2 characters

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