The beginning(pt.2)

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The X-Virus

Created by man and used as a tool for healing originally found in a bacteria only known in fruit flies that was recently discovered on an currently uninhabitable island with a strange facility underneath the ground there located in the artic ocean inside of a Glacier locates under 12 kilometers of ice.

Originally it was seen as a medical revolution it could bascially naturally speed up the human bodies natural healing process by nearly seven hundred percent making people able to heal fractured and broken bones in just a singular week rather then about a month and things where looking well for humanity.

Until it wasn't

The so called "Gift of God" was being rather the "Gift of the devil" as it had appeared to start taking on a life of its own the healing process slowed down any sort of injuries that it was injected into to heal only made it worse people began to become hopeless induced animated lumbering.

But it then got even worse for two reasons

The first being people began to grow deformities such as bug like eyes and extended claw like nails the second..corrupt people in power say the combat usage most of the lesser known company's and military units swore never to use it on a civilian population but this win power saw no reason in their oaths and removed those who had voted agasint that plan and replaced them with those who followed the ideal of using this new biochemical agent as a weapon of mass destruction and due to its such lethal potential chemical suits and gas masks are useless against it except for this lined in a strange metal that peopel refuse to name.

And it became known as the X-virus a virus like disease so deadly no one knew how to counter it and soon it grew with an intelligence of its own.

So what went from the ultimate peacekeeping healing formula to the ultimate killing parasite

That's what went through commander Charlie's head as he watched the A 10's dive towards them but he wasn t one to simply accept his death as he jumped backwards into the cave and just as the A 10's fired their autocannons in his direction but thanks to his quick timing he manage to survive the initial starting run but his Humvee waa destroyed exploding in a burst of flame that sent shrapnel everywhere one pierced into his right arm sending pain up his right side.

He landed on the ground with a grunt of pain as he scrambled as best as he could to his feet clutching his right arm by the shoulder as the planes flew by and began to fly in circles around the cave clearly waiting for him to appear outside again.

The sun was now beginning to set as an hour and a half passed his arm was still bleeding as he got his craziest most suicidal idea he's ever had picking up his rifle in his left hand slowly reloading it and walking out again but he noticed something strange with the ground and most importantly the shadows it appeared..different and the air was carrying a solemn yet powerful feel to it.

Five minutes later he heard the Jets fly back around and he recognized the detail on the back of the wings on the center A-10 marking it as a flight leader and more importantly to Charlie Renegade flight leader

"This mission will be a blast!"he had said before this very mission started

Oh yes he thought

It was a "blast" All right

This thought angered him to the extreme and with some strain he raised his rifle in his left arm and fired a single shot

A single shot that in a display of the highest amount of luck possible hit the cockpit of the lead A 10 but to his frustration didn't go

Right..the A 10's cockpit glass is bullet proof now he rememberd but this was enough to cause the flight leader to jump even letting out a yelp in the process as he fired a missile that was originally aimed at him flew upwards just enough do thst while it knocked him down he survived as he caught a glimpse of the Hellfire missile that they just fired fly into the cave and into a part of the cave that he had yet to explore and the flight leader turned off and began to circle back around again.

"Nice shot I'll admit commander Charlie..but you know the drill..

No witnesses"he said in a deep smooth tone that was full of malice

As they circled around again be tried to move but now half his face was burned and he coudlnt see very well out of one eye so with the tiniest amount of energy he had left in his body before he would've left consciousness he gave then a simple American greeting known as the middle finger.

" die!" He said firing the button to fire another hellfire missile and it streaked towards him

Charlie's entire life flashed before his eyes and he closed his eyes and accepted his demise he knew it must of been close bow as a rocky rumbling sound was heard.

Wait..hellfires don't make that noise and A-10's sure as hell don't make that noise

Without warning one of the A-10s to the left of the flight leader was ingulphed in a blazing beam of red fire causing the engines and missiles to explode resulting in a massive explosion that echoed off the walls hurting Charlie's ear drums

"What the fuck!?" Said one of the A-10 pilots known as Renegade 3

"Renegade 4 is down..but who shot him down!?" Said Renegade 5

"There's nothing on radar.."mused renegade 2

But their answer was delivered in a pair of jaws that clamber down on Renegade 3 and his scream was cut short as his A 10 was bitten in two by the largest land creature all of them had ever seen.

Large thick spikes ran down its back which lined a brown back that resembles a carapace small green eyes that were full of intelligence.

Finally revealing the rest of its body it's shook it's self free of its earthen prison sending rocks the size of boulders flying everywhere and letting out a roar of challenge to the pilots as he emerged fully grown.

It was the largest land creature all of them had ever seen in their entire lives it was fifty feet tall seventy feet long and covered in thick horns and covered in spikes it's massive tail sweeping around itself

Charlie himself was speechless nothing on earth was this big or terrifying what the fuck was this thing!? He thought to himself

Renegade's flight leader's POV
He hadn't told anyone about this but he knew of what this meant he knew that the fuck that thing was it wasn t good not for income for money at least these so called "guardians" he didn't care that it was a fifty foot tall seventy feet long and just shot two of his wingman out of the sky and literally bit one of his wingmens out of the air with his jaws and now he and the rest of his flight to focus fire on that creature and prepared to fire everything they had at that creature.

Charlie's POV
That thing literally bit an A 10 out of the sky blasted a further two more outside of the sky what was that thing? Some sort of bipedal T rex dragon Hydrid?

The remaining four A-10s each fired two Hellfire missiles at the monster they hit it with a large amount of force but to his amazement the missiles had hardly any effect on him the fire merely being absorbed into its body and the shockwaves and impacts from the missiles where also seemingly absorbed into the creatures body as he opened his jaw yet again and fired a beam cutting the tails off of two more A-10s at once.

That left three more A-10s including the flight leader as they flew by him and the jet on the left of the flight leader was slashed out of the air by a claw by the creature and the right most jet flew into one of his spikes sending flaming shrapnel everywhere behind him.

The flight leader was astounded tbis thing had just absorbed and survived 10 direct impacts from Hellfire missiles-missiles that can one shit tanks he readjusted his flight pattern and began to make one last strafing run against the creature in a fit of vengeance firing his auto cannon and firing as many missiles as he could at the creature.

But just as he fired at the creature the creature rapidly opened its mouth and fired another beam of fire at him pulling to the left on his stick he pulled a sharp left bank that was far to sharp for his plane to handle and the beam of fire shot out his engines and ignoring his beeping coming from his cockpit he ejected out of his jet as the plane slammed into the side of the clif.

He landed fithteen feet away from Charlie's current position taking out his knife as the flight leader furiously tried to undo his parachute straps

"So..MARCUS"he said loudly as the flight leader now known as "Marcus" turned to face him

"!"he said seething with anger and Charlie's only reply was a knife to the throat and as Marcus fell to the ground choking on the knife he felt the ground rumble behind him.

Turning around and gaking upwards he was staring face to face with the colossal creature

"Wha..what are You..?"he stammered and to his utter surprise it spoke a correct reply

" a guardian"he said in a reptilian monotone looming down at Charlie

"W-whats you're Name..and guardian of what now??"he asked

"I am guardian of the earth and rock"he said and began to turn around

"But.. what's you're name and what species of creature are You?"he asked

He took a deep breath and said "I am a Terrasque....and my



1.The Terrasque is from DND and is said to be one of te strongest creatures in all of DND

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